13 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-FalknerSMST #gender- Gender Gap in Academia: Perceptions of Female Computer Science Academics (KEF, CS, DM, AS, ST), pp. 111–116.
CSCW-2015-Pierson- Outnumbered but Well-Spoken: Female Commenters in the New York Times (EP), pp. 1201–1213.
DUXU-UI-2015-HsiehC #case study- A Study on Shopping Websites Payeasy for Female Consumers in Taiwan (HCLH, NCC), pp. 206–213.
ITiCSE-2014-PatitsasCE #social- A historical examination of the social factors affecting female participation in computing (EP, MC, SME), pp. 111–116.
DHM-HB-2013-LiL- Grip Force and CR-10 Ratings for Youth Females (KWL, YCL), pp. 353–358.
ITiCSE-2011-BackCMM #case study #modelling #student #using- A study in engaging female students in computer science using role models (JB, PC, CM, PWM), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2011-PauHGW #case study #exclamation #experience #programming #student- Female students’ experiences of programming: it’s not all bad! (RP, WH, MG, JW), pp. 323–327.
ICPC-2011-Burnett #programming #question #tool support- Males and Females Developing Software: Are Programming Tools Getting in the Way? (MB), p. xvii.
DHM-2011-SixiangCIL #3d #analysis #modelling #parametricity- 3D Parametric Body Model Based on Chinese Female Anhtropometric Analysis (PS, CKC, WHI, AL), pp. 22–29.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-Moghadampour #algorithm #search-based- Male and Female Chromosomes in Genetic Algorithms (GM), pp. 220–225.
CHI-2008-SubrahmaniyanBGBWNBDF #debugging #testing #what- Testing vs. code inspection vs. what else?: male and female end users’ debugging strategies (NS, LB, VG, MMB, SW, VN, KB, RD, XZF), pp. 617–626.
ITiCSE-2002-SchepM #case study #experience #programming #using- Experiences with using robots in an all-female programming class (MS, NM), p. 241.
HCI-ACS-1993-HajnalC #case study #interactive- A Study of Additive and Interactive Effects of Work and Extra-Organizational Factors on Female VDT Workers (CH, PC), pp. 925–930.