13 papers:
ICPR-2014-MajtnerSS #image #named #performance- RSURF — The Efficient Texture-Based Descriptor for Fluorescence Microscopy Images of HEP-2 Cells (TM, RS, DS), pp. 1194–1199.
ICPR-2012-SnellCK #identification- Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis (VS, WJC, JK), pp. 3750–3753.
ICPR-2010-LeskoKNGTVV #graph #segmentation- Live Cell Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy via Graph Cut (ML, ZK, AN, IG, ZT, LVJ, LV), pp. 1485–1488.
ICPR-2010-LuLLY #automation #classification #image- Automated Cell Phase Classification for Zebrafish Fluorescence Microscope Images (YL, JL, TL, JY), pp. 2584–2587.
ICPR-2010-QuelhasMC #3d #quantifier #using- 3D Cell Nuclei Fluorescence Quantification Using Sliding Band Filter (PQ, AMM, ACC), pp. 2508–2511.
ICPR-2010-WuS #approach #identification #testing- A Hypothesis Testing Approach for Fluorescent Blob Identification (LSW, SLS), pp. 2476–2479.
DRR-2009-BergmannK #pseudo- Pseudo-color enhanced X-ray fluorescence imaging of the Archimedes Palimpsest (UB, KTK), pp. 1–10.
HCI-AUII-2009-UangLC #anti- The Effects of an Anti-glare Sleeve Installed on Fluorescent Tube Lamps on Glare and Reading Comfort (STU, CLL, MC), pp. 544–553.
CASE-2007-McVittieSMMLHM #automation #classification #using- Automated Classification of Macrophage Membrane Integrity using a Fluorescent Live/Dead Stain (PM, CSS, TWM, SM, MEL, MH, DRM), pp. 554–559.
DRR-2007-HansenER #image #multi #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Multispectral pattern recognition applied to x-ray fluorescence images of the Archimedes Palimpsest (DMH, RLEJ, RR).
ICPR-v3-2002-IpFC #3d #image #re-engineering- Three-Dimensional Enhancement of Confocal Scanning Laser Fluorescence Microscope Images for Vascular Reconstruction (HHSI, JJF, SHC), pp. 863–866.
ICPR-1998-Perner #analysis #classification #image- Image analysis and classification of HEp-2 cells in fluorescent images (PP), pp. 1677–1679.
ICPR-1996-BoddekeSGY- Fluorescence lifetime determination for application in microscopy (FRB, VMES, LKvG, ITY), pp. 854–858.