Tag #pseudo
208 papers:
CGO-2020-LeonardC #compilation #generative- Introducing the pseudorandom value generator selection in the compilation toolchain (ML, SC), pp. 256–267.
ICST-2019-ZhangZHWZ #correlation #effectiveness #question #testing- Do Pseudo Test Suites Lead to Inflated Correlation in Measuring Test Effectiveness? (JMZ, LZ, DH, MW, LZ), pp. 252–263.
ICML-2018-MeyersonM #learning #multi- Pseudo-task Augmentation: From Deep Multitask Learning to Intratask Sharing-and Back (EM, RM), pp. 3508–3517.
KDD-2018-RiondatoV #mining #named- MiSoSouP: Mining Interesting Subgroups with Sampling and Pseudodimension (MR, FV), pp. 2130–2139.
ASE-2018-Vera-PerezMB #detection #named #tool support- Descartes: a PITest engine to detect pseudo-tested methods: tool demonstration (OLVP, MM, BB), pp. 908–911.
ECIR-2017-AriannezhadMZS #documentation #estimation #feedback- Iterative Estimation of Document Relevance Score for Pseudo-Relevance Feedback (MA, AM, HZ, AS), pp. 676–683.
ECIR-2017-DadashkarimiSTF #documentation #query- Dimension Projection Among Languages Based on Pseudo-Relevant Documents for Query Translation (JD, MSS, AT, HF, AS), pp. 493–499.
ICSME-2016-MedeleanuM #design pattern #named #null #refactoring- NullTerminator: Pseudo-Automatic Refactoring to Null Object Design Pattern (SM, PFM), pp. 601–603.
CIKM-2016-ZamaniDSC #feedback #matrix- Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Based on Matrix Factorization (HZ, JD, AS, WBC), pp. 1483–1492.
ECIR-2016-AlmasriBC #comparison #feedback #learning #query- A Comparison of Deep Learning Based Query Expansion with Pseudo-Relevance Feedback and Mutual Information (MA, CB, JPC), pp. 709–715.
ECIR-2016-Diaz - Pseudo-Query Reformulation (FD0), pp. 521–532.
ECIR-2016-ValcarcePB #collaboration #feedback #performance #recommendation- Efficient Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Methods for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation (DV, JP, AB), pp. 602–613.
KDD-2016-ZuoWZLWXX #modelling #perspective #topic- Topic Modeling of Short Texts: A Pseudo-Document View (YZ, JW, HZ0, HL, FW, KX0, HX), pp. 2105–2114.
ICALP-v1-2015-CohenH #multi- Multilinear Pseudorandom Functions (AC, JH), pp. 331–342.
ICALP-v2-2015-JurdzinskiLS #energy #game studies- Fixed-Dimensional Energy Games are in Pseudo-Polynomial Time (MJ, RL, SS), pp. 260–272.
ICML-2015-PachecoS #approach- Proteins, Particles, and Pseudo-Max-Marginals: A Submodular Approach (JP, EBS), pp. 2200–2208.
ASE-2015-FudabaOANHSTN #automation #named #source code- Pseudogen: A Tool to Automatically Generate Pseudo-Code from Source Code (HF, YO, KA, GN, HH, SS, TT, SN), pp. 824–829.
ASE-2015-OdaFNHSTN #learning #source code #statistics #using- Learning to Generate Pseudo-Code from Source Code Using Statistical Machine Translation (T) (YO, HF, GN, HH, SS, TT, SN), pp. 574–584.
SAC-2015-HuangSZSXD #privacy- A source-location privacy protection strategy via pseudo normal distribution-based phantom routing in WSNs (JH, MS, SZ, YS, CCX, QD), pp. 688–694.
DAC-2015-SeyedzadehMJM #encoding #memory management #named #reduction- PRES: pseudo-random encoding scheme to increase the bit flip reduction in the memory (SMS, RM, AKJ, RGM), p. 6.
DATE-2015-ChenZWWWZ #multi #named #simulation- MRP: mix real cores and pseudo cores for FPGA-based chip-multiprocessor simulation (XC, GZ, HW, RW, PW, LZ), pp. 211–216.
STOC-2015-KothariM #generative- Almost Optimal Pseudorandom Generators for Spherical Caps: Extended Abstract (PKK, RM), pp. 247–256.
SAT-2015-PhilippS #constraints #encoding #library #named- PBLib — A Library for Encoding Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (TP, PS), pp. 9–16.
ITiCSE-2014-MornarGM #algorithm #automation #generative #visualisation- System for automatic generation of algorithm visualizations based on pseudocode interpretation (JM, AG, SM), pp. 27–32.
ICALP-v1-2014-MekaRRR #independence #performance- Fast Pseudorandomness for Independence and Load Balancing — (RM, OR, GNR, RDR), pp. 859–870.
ICALP-v1-2014-ReingoldRW #data type #graph- Pseudorandom Graphs in Data Structures (OR, RDR, UW), pp. 943–954.
HIMI-DE-2014-SakuraiKNTH #using- Evoking Emotions in a Story Using Tactile Sensations as Pseudo-body Responses with Contextual Cues (SS, TK, TN, TT, MH), pp. 241–250.
CIKM-2014-LiuYGS #feedback #graph #ranking #recommendation- Meta-Path-Based Ranking with Pseudo Relevance Feedback on Heterogeneous Graph for Citation Recommendation (XL, YY, CG, YS), pp. 121–130.
ECIR-2014-GrausTBR #concept #generative #predict #social- Generating Pseudo-ground Truth for Predicting New Concepts in Social Streams (DG, MT, LB, MdR), pp. 286–298.
ECIR-2014-LeeC #feedback- Cross-Language Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Techniques for Informal Text (CJL, WBC), pp. 260–272.
ICPR-2014-Filippone #classification #process- Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Process Classifiers with Annealing and Pseudo-Marginal MCMC (MF), pp. 614–619.
ICPR-2014-OHarneyMRCSCBF #kernel #learning #multi- Pseudo-Marginal Bayesian Multiple-Class Multiple-Kernel Learning for Neuroimaging Data (ADO, AM, KR, KC, ABS, AC, CB, MF), pp. 3185–3190.
SIGIR-2014-YeH #effectiveness #feedback- A simple term frequency transformation model for effective pseudo relevance feedback (ZY, JXH), pp. 323–332.
OOPSLA-2014-SteeleLF #generative #performance- Fast splittable pseudorandom number generators (GLSJ, DL, CHF), pp. 453–472.
STOC-2014-ArtemenkoS #generative- Pseudorandom generators with optimal seed length for non-boolean poly-size circuits (SA, RS), pp. 99–108.
SAT-2014-FeketeC #constraints- Simplifying Pseudo-Boolean Constraints in Residual Number Systems (YF, MC), pp. 351–366.
ICDAR-2013-HuC #classification #using #verification- Offline Signature Verification Using Real Adaboost Classifier Combination of Pseudo-dynamic Features (JH, YC), pp. 1345–1349.
ICDAR-2013-TuarobBMG #automation #detection #documentation #machine learning #using- Automatic Detection of Pseudocodes in Scholarly Documents Using Machine Learning (ST, SB, PM, CLG), pp. 738–742.
DLT-J-2012-MasseDGH13 #multi #word- Multipseudoperiodic Words (ABM, SD, SG, SH), pp. 1153–1166.
ICALP-v1-2013-BorosEGM #algorithm #game studies #probability #random- A Pseudo-Polynomial Algorithm for Mean Payoff Stochastic Games with Perfect Information and a Few Random Positions (EB, KME, VG, KM), pp. 220–231.
ICALP-v1-2013-IshaiKLOPSZ #generative #robust- Robust Pseudorandom Generators (YI, EK, XL, RO, MP, AS, DZ), pp. 576–588.
ICALP-v2-2013-BachrachP #big data #performance #recommendation #sketching #using- Sketching for Big Data Recommender Systems Using Fast Pseudo-random Fingerprints (YB, EP), pp. 459–471.
Haskell-2013-ClaessenP #encryption #generative #using- Splittable pseudorandom number generators using cryptographic hashing (KC, MHP), pp. 47–58.
CIKM-2013-MiyanishiSU #feedback #twitter- Improving pseudo-relevance feedback via tweet selection (TM, KS, KU), pp. 439–448.
SIGIR-2013-BerendsenTWR #microblog- Pseudo test collections for training and tuning microblog rankers (RB, MT, WW, MdR), pp. 53–62.
SIGIR-2013-WuF #approach #feedback #incremental #performance- An incremental approach to efficient pseudo-relevance feedback (HW, HF), pp. 553–562.
STOC-2013-LiS #approximate- Approximating k-median via pseudo-approximation (SL, OS), pp. 901–910.
SAT-2013-LonsingEG #learning #performance #quantifier- Efficient Clause Learning for Quantified Boolean Formulas via QBF Pseudo Unit Propagation (FL, UE, AVG), pp. 100–115.
DRR-2012-RashwanRAAK #2d #robust #using- A robust omnifont open-vocabulary arabic OCR system using pseudo-2D-HMM (AMR, MR, AAH, SA, AHK).
ITiCSE-2012-GinatA #composition- Pseudo abstract composition: the case of language concatenation (DG, RA), pp. 28–33.
ITiCSE-2012-Patitsas #education #generative- Teaching labs on pseudorandom number generation (EAP), p. 376.
DLT-2012-MasseGH #word- Pseudoperiodic Words (ABM, SG, SH), pp. 308–319.
ECIR-2012-WhitingKJ #feedback #microblog #retrieval- Temporal Pseudo-relevance Feedback in Microblog Retrieval (SW, IAK, JMJ), pp. 522–526.
ICML-2012-LiuI #distributed #estimation #parametricity- Distributed Parameter Estimation via Pseudo-likelihood (QL, ATI), p. 182.
ICPR-2012-GaoES #ranking- A ranking model for face alignment with Pseudo Census Transform (HG, HKE, RS), pp. 1116–1119.
ICPR-2012-KananA #order #recognition #using- Recognition of facial expressions using locally weighted and adjusted order Pseudo Zernike Moments (HRK, MA), pp. 3419–3422.
SIGIR-2012-MiaoHY - Proximity-based rocchio’s model for pseudo relevance (JM, JXH, ZY), pp. 535–544.
SAC-2012-IkemotoDO #reliability- Estimating software reliability via pseudo maximum likelihood method (SI, TD, HO), pp. 1171–1176.
DATE-2012-HsuCCLC #effectiveness #on the- On effective flip-chip routing via pseudo single redistribution layer (HWH, MLC, HMC, HCL, SHC), pp. 1597–1602.
STOC-2012-Applebaum #generative #locality #random- Pseudorandom generators with long stretch and low locality from random local one-way functions (BA), pp. 805–816.
STOC-2012-VadhanZ #generative- Characterizing pseudoentropy and simplifying pseudorandom generator constructions (SPV, CJZ), pp. 817–836.
DLT-J-2009-KariMS11 #word- Properties of Pseudo-Primitive Words and their Applications (LK, BM, SS), pp. 447–471.
HIMI-v2-2011-IshiiOMM #3d #communication #named #video- MoPaCo: Pseudo 3D Video Communication System (RI, SO, TM, NM), pp. 131–140.
CIKM-2011-GangulyLMJ #feedback #query #reduction #using- Patent query reduction using pseudo relevance feedback (DG, JL, WM, GJFJ), pp. 1953–1956.
CIKM-2011-KeikhaSCC #documentation #effectiveness #feedback #predict- Predicting document effectiveness in pseudo relevance feedback (MK, JS, WBC, FC), pp. 2061–2064.
SIGIR-2011-AsadiMEL #learning #ranking #web- Pseudo test collections for learning web search ranking functions (NA, DM, TE, JJL), pp. 1073–1082.
SIGIR-2011-LvZC #approach #feedback- A boosting approach to improving pseudo-relevance feedback (YL, CZ, WC), pp. 165–174.
SIGIR-2011-WhitingMJ #feedback- Exploring term temporality for pseudo-relevance feedback (SW, YM, JMJ), pp. 1245–1246.
DATE-2011-EggersglusD #fault #generative #optimisation #testing #using- As-Robust-As-Possible test generation in the presence of small delay defects using pseudo-Boolean optimization (SE, RD), pp. 1291–1296.
DATE-2011-NigamTZBM #nondeterminism #representation- Pseudo circuit model for representing uncertainty in waveforms (AN, QT, AZ, MB, NvdM), pp. 1521–1524.
STOC-2011-GopalanMRZ #combinator #generative- Pseudorandom generators for combinatorial shapes (PG, RM, OR, DZ), pp. 253–262.
STOC-2011-KouckyNP #generative- Pseudorandom generators for group products: extended abstract (MK, PN, PP), pp. 263–272.
TACAS-2011-CodishFFS #constraints #encoding- Optimal Base Encodings for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints (MC, YF, CF, PSK), pp. 189–204.
SAT-2011-Aavani #constraints- Translating Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (AA), pp. 357–359.
SAT-2011-AbioNOR #constraints #revisited- BDDs for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints — Revisited (IA, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 61–75.
DRR-2010-ChenL #on the #security #usability- On the usability and security of pseudo-signatures (JC, DPL), pp. 1–10.
DLT-2010-ChiniforooshanKX - Pseudo-power Avoidance (EC, LK, ZX), pp. 432–433.
CIKM-2010-BenderskyCS #feedback #query #using- Structural annotation of search queries using pseudo-relevance feedback (MB, WBC, DAS), pp. 1537–1540.
CIKM-2010-DillonC #algorithm #feedback #framework #optimisation #robust- A unified optimization framework for robust pseudo-relevance feedback algorithms (JVD, KCT), pp. 1069–1078.
ECIR-2010-RamanUBB #documentation #feedback #on the #using- On Improving Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Using Pseudo-Irrelevant Documents (KR, RU, PB, AB), pp. 573–576.
KDD-2010-TaiYC #mining #outsourcing #taxonomy- k-Support anonymity based on pseudo taxonomy for outsourcing of frequent itemset mining (CHT, PSY, MSC), pp. 473–482.
SIGIR-2010-LvZ #feedback- Positional relevance model for pseudo-relevance feedback (YL, CZ), pp. 579–586.
SIGIR-2010-UdupaB #feedback- Investigating the suboptimality and instability of pseudo-relevance feedback (RU, AB), pp. 813–814.
ASE-2010-TrezentosLO #dependence #named #optimisation #problem #using- Apt-pbo: solving the software dependency problem using pseudo-boolean optimization (PT, IL, ALO), pp. 427–436.
DATE-2010-HuangFLYSSC #design #flexibility #named #novel- Pseudo-CMOS: A novel design style for flexible electronics (TCH, KF, CML, YHY, TS, TS, KTC), pp. 154–159.
DATE-2010-LiuZYX #power management #testing- Layout-aware pseudo-functional testing for critical paths considering power supply noise effects (XL, YZ, FY, QX), pp. 1432–1437.
STOC-2010-HaitnerRV #generative #performance- Efficiency improvements in constructing pseudorandom generators from one-way functions (IH, OR, SPV), pp. 437–446.
STOC-2010-MekaZ #generative #polynomial- Pseudorandom generators for polynomial threshold functions (RM, DZ), pp. 427–436.
DRR-2009-BergmannK - Pseudo-color enhanced X-ray fluorescence imaging of the Archimedes Palimpsest (UB, KTK), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-BonillaFGH #verification- Offline Signature Verification Based on Pseudo-Cepstral Coefficients (JFVB, MAFB, CMTG, JBAH), pp. 126–130.
ICDAR-2009-ChenLM #towards- Toward Resisting Forgery Attacks via Pseudo-Signatures (JC, DPL, FM), pp. 51–55.
DLT-2009-CzeizlerCKS #word- An Extension of the Lyndon Schützenberger Result to Pseudoperiodic Words (EC, EC, LK, SS), pp. 183–194.
CIKM-2009-BashirR #clustering #documentation #feedback- Improving retrievability of patents with cluster-based pseudo-relevance feedback documents selection (SB, AR), pp. 1863–1866.
CIKM-2009-KimC #retrieval #using- Retrieval experiments using pseudo-desktop collections (JK, WBC), pp. 1297–1306.
CIKM-2009-LvZ09a #case study #comparative #feedback #modelling #query- A comparative study of methods for estimating query language models with pseudo feedback (YL, CZ), pp. 1895–1898.
CIKM-2009-PuH #clustering #feedback #semantics #using- Pseudo relevance feedback using semantic clustering in relevance language model (QP, DH), pp. 1931–1934.
KDD-2009-FrenoTG #estimation #hybrid #random #scalability- Scalable pseudo-likelihood estimation in hybrid random fields (AF, ET, MG), pp. 319–328.
MLDM-2009-OkuboH #concept- Finding Top-N Pseudo Formal Concepts with Core Intents (YO, MH), pp. 479–493.
SIGIR-2009-XuJW #feedback #query #wiki- Query dependent pseudo-relevance feedback based on wikipedia (YX, GJFJ, BW), pp. 59–66.
DAC-2009-YuanX #identification #on the #testing- On systematic illegal state identification for pseudo-functional testing (FY, QX), pp. 702–707.
SAT-2009-BailleuxBR #constraints #encoding- New Encodings of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (OB, YB, OR), pp. 181–194.
SAT-2009-BertholdHP #optimisation #question- Nonlinear Pseudo-Boolean Optimization: Relaxation or Propagation? (TB, SH, MEP), pp. 441–446.
ICALP-C-2008-PietrzakS - Weak Pseudorandom Functions in Minicrypt (KP, JS), pp. 423–436.
ECIR-2008-HuangSR #documentation #feedback #query #robust- Robust Query-Specific Pseudo Feedback Document Selection for Query Expansion (QH, DS, SMR), pp. 547–554.
ICML-2008-LiangJ #analysis #generative- An asymptotic analysis of generative, discriminative, and pseudolikelihood estimators (PL, MIJ), pp. 584–591.
ICPR-2008-Trujillo-RomeroD #using- Registration by using a pseudo color attribute (FTR, MD), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-CaoNGR #feedback- Selecting good expansion terms for pseudo-relevance feedback (GC, JYN, JG, SR), pp. 243–250.
SIGIR-2008-LeeCA #clustering #feedback- A cluster-based resampling method for pseudo-relevance feedback (KSL, WBC, JA), pp. 235–242.
QAPL-2008-ZhangZ #behaviour- A Behavioural Pseudometric based on λ-Bisimilarity (JZ, ZZ), pp. 115–127.
SAC-2008-LevadaMTS #estimation #higher-order #parametricity- Spatially non-homogeneous potts model parameter estimation on higher-order neighborhood systems by maximum pseudo-likelihood (ALML, NDAM, AT, DHPS), pp. 1733–1737.
STOC-2008-Lovett #generative- Unconditional pseudorandom generators for low degree polynomials (SL), pp. 557–562.
ICDAR-2007-ChenLJ #learning #recognition- Learning Handwritten Digit Recognition by the Max-Min Posterior Pseudo-Probabilities Method (XC, XL, YJ), pp. 342–346.
ICDAR-2007-TerasawaT #documentation #image #locality- Locality Sensitive Pseudo-Code for Document Images (KT, YT), pp. 73–77.
SIGMOD-2007-TangCLMYZ #effectiveness- Effective variation management for pseudo periodical streams (LaT, BC, HL, GM, DY, XZ), pp. 257–268.
ITiCSE-2007-Albin-Clark #implementation #multi #named- MaBL: a tool for mapping pseudocode to multiple implementation languages (AAC), p. 315.
ICML-2007-SuttonM #performance #random- Piecewise pseudolikelihood for efficient training of conditional random fields (CAS, AM), pp. 863–870.
SIGIR-2007-Collins-ThompsonC #estimation #feedback #nondeterminism #using- Estimation and use of uncertainty in pseudo-relevance feedback (KCT, JC), pp. 303–310.
SIGIR-2007-KoAS #effectiveness #feedback #generative #using- An effective snippet generation method using the pseudo relevance feedback technique (YK, HA, JS), pp. 711–712.
SIGIR-2007-WhiteCC #query #refinement- Comparing query logs and pseudo-relevance feedbackfor web-search query refinement (RWW, CLAC, SC), pp. 831–832.
DATE-2007-MangassarianVSNA #estimation #process #satisfiability #using- Maximum circuit activity estimation using pseudo-boolean satisfiability (HM, AGV, SS, FNN, MSA), pp. 1538–1543.
FoSSaCS-2007-BreugelSW #approximate #behaviour #probability- Approximating a Behavioural Pseudometric Without Discount for Probabilistic Systems (FvB, BS, JW), pp. 123–137.
SAT-2007-LukasiewyczGHT #multi #problem- Solving Multi-objective Pseudo-Boolean Problems (ML, MG, CH, JT), pp. 56–69.
PODS-2006-MishraS #privacy #sketching- Privacy via pseudorandom sketches (NM, MS), pp. 143–152.
ICALP-v2-2006-HaitnerHR #generative #performance- Efficient Pseudorandom Generators from Exponentially Hard One-Way Functions (IH, DH, OR), pp. 228–239.
CIKM-2006-ShiXZNW - Pseudo-anchor text extraction for searching vertical objects (SS, FX, MZ, ZN, JRW), pp. 858–859.
ICPR-v2-2006-NedzvedAU #using- Gray-scale thinning by using a pseudo-distance map (AN, SA, SU), pp. 239–242.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangXC #2d #automation #classification #using #video- Automatic Sports Video Genre Classification using Pseudo-2D-HMM (JW, CX, EC), pp. 778–781.
SIGIR-2006-BoydellS #personalisation #web- Community-based snippet-indexes for pseudo-anonymous personalization in web search (OB, BS), pp. 617–618.
SIGIR-2006-KumaranA #feedback- Simple questions to improve pseudo-relevance feedback results (GK, JA), pp. 661–662.
SIGIR-2006-TaoZ #estimation #feedback #modelling #robust- Regularized estimation of mixture models for robust pseudo-relevance feedback (TT, CZ), pp. 162–169.
SAC-2006-GraillatL #set- Pseudozero set of interval polynomials (SG, PL), pp. 1655–1659.
DATE-2006-DhayniMRB #functional #linear- Pseudorandom functional BIST for linear and nonlinear MEMS (AD, SM, LR, AB), pp. 664–669.
STOC-2006-ReingoldTV #graph #problem- Pseudorandom walks on regular digraphs and the RL vs. L problem (OR, LT, SPV), pp. 457–466.
CIAA-2005-DaciukMS #automaton #incremental- Incremental and Semi-incremental Construction of Pseudo-Minimal Automata (JD, DM, AS), pp. 341–342.
ICALP-2005-BreugelHMW #approach #behaviour- An Accessible Approach to Behavioural Pseudometrics (FvB, CH, MM, JW), pp. 1018–1030.
ICALP-2005-Zimand #encryption #generative- Simple Extractors via Constructions of Cryptographic Pseudo-random Generators (MZ), pp. 115–127.
SIGIR-2005-KurlandLD #clustering #modelling #using- Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models (OK, LL, CD), pp. 19–26.
DATE-2005-ManquinhoM #bound #effectiveness #optimisation- Effective Lower Bounding Techniques for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 660–665.
DATE-2005-SheiniS #named #satisfiability- Pueblo: A Modern Pseudo-Boolean SAT Solver (HMS, KAS), pp. 684–685.
DATE-2005-ZhangCHC #analysis #statistics- Statistical Timing Analysis with Extended Pseudo-Canonical Timing Model (LZ, WC, YH, CCPC), pp. 952–957.
STOC-2005-Bogdanov #generative- Pseudorandom generators for low degree polynomials (AB), pp. 21–30.
SAT-2005-ManquinhoM #algorithm #on the #optimisation- On Applying Cutting Planes in DLL-Based Algorithms for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 451–458.
ICALP-2004-Lyngso #complexity #modelling #predict- Complexity of Pseudoknot Prediction in Simple Models (RBL), pp. 919–931.
CHI-2004-LecuyerBE #interface- Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures (AL, JMB, LE), pp. 239–246.
ICML-2004-Shalev-ShwartzSN #learning #online- Online and batch learning of pseudo-metrics (SSS, YS, AYN).
SIGIR-2004-CloughS #feedback- Measuring pseudo relevance feedback & CLIR (PDC, MS), pp. 484–485.
SIGIR-2004-TaoZ #feedback- A two-stage mixture model for pseudo feedback (TT, CZ), pp. 486–487.
DAC-2004-ChopraV #algorithm- Implicit pseudo boolean enumeration algorithms for input vector control (KC, SBKV), pp. 767–772.
DATE-v1-2004-CorsiMMBD #sequence- Pseudo-Random Sequence Based Tuning System for Continuous-Time Filters (FC, CM, GM, AB, SD), pp. 94–101.
SAT-2004-ManquinhoM #bound #optimisation #satisfiability #using- Using Lower-Bound Estimates in SAT-Based Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 120–126.
ICDAR-2003-KiseYM #2d #documentation #feedback #image #retrieval- Document Image Retrieval Based on 2D Density Distributions of Terms with Pseudo Relevance Feedback (KK, WY, KM), pp. 488–492.
DAC-2003-ChaiK #constraints #performance #theorem proving- A fast pseudo-boolean constraint solver (DC, AK), pp. 830–835.
DATE-2003-CorsiMM #approach #classification #random testing #testing- An Approach to the Classification of Mixed-Signal Circuits in a Pseudorandom Testing Scheme (FC, CM, GM), pp. 11178–11179.
DATE-2003-PolianBR #markov #optimisation #random- Evolutionary Optimization of Markov Sources for Pseudo Random Scan BIST (IP, BB, SMR), pp. 11184–11185.
ICPR-v2-2002-MullerWHR #3d #markov #modelling #recognition #using- Facial Expression Recognition Using Pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Models (SM, FW, FH, GR), pp. 32–35.
DAC-2002-BartleyGB #comparison #random testing #testing #verification- A comparison of three verification techniques: directed testing, pseudo-random testing and property checking (MB, DG, TB), pp. 819–823.
DATE-2002-FavalliD #approach #design #generative #random testing- An Evolutionary Approach to the Design of On-Chip Pseudorandom Test Pattern Generators (MF, MD), p. 1122.
STOC-2002-Umans #generative- Pseudo-random generators for all hardnesses (CU), pp. 627–634.
ICDAR-2001-ShiOWK #clustering #distance #recognition- Clustering with Projection Distance and Pseudo Bayes Discriminant Function for Handwritten Numeral Recognition (MS, WO, TW, FK), pp. 1007–1011.
SIGIR-2001-SakaiR #feedback #flexibility #optimisation #using- Flexible Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Using Optimization Tables (TS, SER), pp. 396–397.
DATE-2001-GarnicaLH #power management- A pseudo delay-insensitive timing model to synthesizing low-power asynchronous circuits (OG, JL, RH), p. 810.
IJCAR-2001-HaarslevMT #logic #modelling #reasoning- Exploiting Pseudo Models for TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics (VH, RM, AYT), pp. 61–75.
ICALP-2000-Goldreich - Pseudorandomness (OG), pp. 687–704.
WLC-2000-AlmeidaE #finite- Semidirect Products With the Pseudovariety of All Finite Groups (JA, APE), pp. 1–21.
WLC-2000-Auinger - Join Decompositions of Pseudovarieties of the Form DH ECom (KA), pp. 40–50.
ICML-2000-KephartT - Pseudo-convergent Q-Learning by Competitive Pricebots (JOK, GT), pp. 463–470.
ICPR-v3-2000-HuangCH00a #2d #analysis- Local Spectra Features Extraction Based-On 2D Pseudo-Wigner Distribution for Texture Analysis (ZH, KLC, YH), pp. 3925–3928.
SIGIR-2000-Ogawa #documentation #n-gram #performance #ranking #retrieval- Pseudo-frequency method: an efficient document ranking retrieval method for n-gram indexing (YO), pp. 321–323.
STOC-2000-ImpagliazzoSW #generative- Extractors and pseudo-random generators with optimal seed length (RI, RS, AW), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2000-NaorRR - Pseudo-random functions and factoring (MN, OR, AR), pp. 11–20.
ICALP-1999-AndreevBCR #bound #branch #set #source code- Small Pseudo-Random Sets Yield Hard Functions: New Tight Explict Lower Bounds for Branching Programs (AEA, JLB, AEFC, JDPR), pp. 179–189.
STOC-1999-SudanTV #generative- Pseudorandom Generators Without the XOR Lemma (MS, LT, SPV), pp. 537–546.
STOC-1999-Trevisan #generative #using- Construction of Extractors Using Pseudo-Random Generators (LT), pp. 141–148.
ICALP-1998-Lu #combinator #generative- Improved Pseudorandom Generators for Combinatorial Rectangles (CJL), pp. 223–234.
SAC-1998-HallamY #fuzzy #product line #strict- Families of fuzzy implication operators within measure M1 and their pseudo-strict (NH, KMY), pp. 262–266.
ICDAR-1997-Bippus #2d #recognition- 1-Dimensional and Pseudo 2-Dimensional HMMs for the Recognition of German Literal Amounts (RDB), pp. 487–490.
WIA-1997-MaurelC #transducer- Pseudo-minimal Transducers: A Transducer with Proper Elements (DM, LC), pp. 122–132.
EDTC-1997-DufazaZ #generative #on the #sequence #testing- On the generation of pseudo-deterministic two-patterns test sequence with LFSRs (CD, YZ), pp. 69–76.
STOC-1997-AuerLS #approximate #learning #set- Approximating Hyper-Rectangles: Learning and Pseudo-Random Sets (PA, PML, AS), pp. 314–323.
STOC-1997-NaorR #on the #permutation #revisited- On the Construction of Pseudo-Random Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited (MN, OR), pp. 189–199.
TACAS-1997-ParashkevovY #analysis #performance #reachability #using- Space Efficient Reachability Analysis Through Use of Pseudo-Root States (ANP, JY), pp. 50–64.
DAC-1996-GoodbyO - Pseudorandom-Pattern Test Resistance in High-Performance DSP Datapaths (LG, AO), pp. 813–818.
DAC-1996-LiouLC #performance #pipes and filters #testing- Area Efficient Pipelined Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing with Retiming (HYL, TTYL, CKC), pp. 274–279.
STOC-1996-Beaver #complexity #correlation- Correlated Pseudorandomness and the Complexity of Private Computations (DB), pp. 479–488.
CADE-1996-Weidenbach #decidability #unification- Unification in Pseudo-Linear Sort Theories is Decidable (CW), pp. 343–357.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GarciaDPC #analysis #detection #fault #recognition #using- Error detection in character recognition using pseudosyllable analysis (RGG, YAD, FMP, JLC), pp. 446–449.
EDAC-1994-WatanabeB #automaton #nondeterminism- State Minimization of Pseudo Non-Deterministic FSM’s (YW, RKB), pp. 184–191.
STOC-1994-ImpagliazzoNW #algorithm #network- Pseudorandomness for network algorithms (RI, NN, AW), pp. 356–364.
STOC-1994-Sitharam #algorithm #generative #learning- Pseudorandom generators and learning algorithms for AC (MS), pp. 478–486.
ICDAR-1993-AgazziK #2d #documentation #image #markov #modelling #normalisation #recognition #using- Joint normalization and recognition of degraded document images using pseudo-2D hidden Markov models (OEA, SsK), pp. 155–158.
DAC-1993-GanapathyA - Selective Pseudo Scan: Combinational ATPG with Reduced Scan in a Full Custom RISC Microprocessor (GG, JAA), pp. 550–555.
DAC-1993-SrinivasanGB #clustering #performance #testing- An Efficient Partitioning Strategy for Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing (RS, SKG, MAB), pp. 242–248.
ICLP-1993-BenhamouM #constraints #equation #logic programming- Boolean Pseudo-equations in Constraint Logic Programming (FB, JLM), pp. 517–531.
VLDB-1992-Antoshenkov #random- Random Sampling from Pseudo-Ranked B+ Trees (GA), pp. 375–382.
DAC-1991-Krasniewski #logic #performance #synthesis #testing- Logic Synthesis for Efficient Pseudoexhaustive Testability (AK), pp. 66–72.
ICALP-1990-BookLT #query #random- Additional Queries to Random and Pseudorandom Oracles (RVB, JHL, ST), pp. 283–293.
STOC-1990-Hastad #generative- Pseudo-Random Generators under Uniform Assumptions (JH), pp. 395–404.
DAC-1989-JoneP #approach #clustering #coordination #generative #testing- A Coordinated Approach to Partitioning and Test Pattern Generation for Pseudoexhaustive Testing (WBJ, CAP), pp. 525–534.
STOC-1989-BabaiNS #multi #protocol #sequence- Multiparty Protocols and Logspace-hard Pseudorandom Sequences (LB, NN, MS), pp. 1–11.
STOC-1989-ImpagliazzoLL #generative- Pseudo-random Generation from one-way functions (RI, LAL, ML), pp. 12–24.
STOC-1988-KarloffR #algorithm #random- Randomized Algorithms and Pseudorandom Numbers (HJK, PR), pp. 310–321.
STOC-1987-Allender #generative- Some Consequences of the Existence of Pseudorandom Generators (EA), pp. 151–159.
STOC-1986-LubyR #composition #encryption #generative #permutation- Pseudo-random Permutation Generators and Cryptographic Composition (ML, CR), pp. 356–363.
STOC-1985-Levin #generative- One-Way Functions and Pseudorandom Generators (LAL), pp. 363–365.
ICALP-1982-GoralcikovaGK #bound #morphism- A Boundary of Isomorphism Completeness in the Lattice of Semigroup Pseudovarieties (AG, PG, VK), pp. 292–299.
ICALP-1981-Shamir #encryption #generative #on the #sequence- On the Generation of Cryptographically Strong Pseudo-Random Sequences (AS), pp. 544–550.
ICALP-1980-Ainhirn #how- How to Get Rid of Pseudoterminals (WA), pp. 1–11.
DAC-1978-LekkosP #how #logic #refinement #using- How to develop module logic using pseudo-code and stepwise refinement (AAL, CMP), pp. 366–370.