39 papers:
DATE-2015-MacherSBAK #analysis #named- SAHARA: a security-aware hazard and risk analysis method (GM, HS, RB, EA, CK), pp. 621–624.
MSR-2015-CoelhoAGD #android #debugging #exception #git- Unveiling Exception Handling Bug Hazards in Android Based on GitHub and Google Code Issues (RC, LA, GG, AvD), pp. 134–145.
DUXU-UI-2015-AyanogluBTD #artificial reality #case study #using- Effects of Packages’ Color as a Cue for Hazard-Related Perceptions: A Study Using Virtual Reality (HA, RB, JT, ED), pp. 3–13.
REFSQ-2015-TenbergenWP #validation- Supporting the Validation of Adequacy in Requirements-Based Hazard Mitigations (BT, TW, KP), pp. 17–32.
CASE-2014-ParkLK #implementation #visualisation- Implementation of spatial visualization for a tele-operated robot in a complex and hazardous environment (SP, YCL, GWK), pp. 285–289.
CASE-2014-RahmanCBM #approach #assessment #safety- Ex-ante assessment of struck-by safety hazards in construction projects: A motion-planning approach (MMR, TC, LB, AM), pp. 277–282.
KDD-2014-KapoorSSY #approach #predict- A hazard based approach to user return time prediction (KK, MS, JS, TY), pp. 1719–1728.
SIGIR-2014-KumarJF #detection #twitter #using- Where not to go?: detecting road hazards using twitter (AK, MJ, YF), pp. 1223–1226.
DUXU-NTE-2013-AyanogluRDNT #artificial reality #design #using- Using Virtual Reality to Examine Hazard Perception in Package Design (HA, FR, ED, PN, LT), pp. 30–39.
DATE-2012-SinghNL #generative #smt #testing- Hazard driven test generation for SMT processors (PS, VN, DLL), pp. 256–259.
CASE-2011-PampuriSLN #maintenance #predict- Proportional hazard model with ℓ1 Penalization applied to Predictive Maintenance in semiconductor manufacturing (SP, AS, CDL, GDN), pp. 250–255.
ICEIS-v2-2011-ZhuXM #assessment #network #risk management #using- Operational Hazard Risk Assessment using Bayesian Networks (ZJZ, YX, EM), pp. 135–139.
SEKE-2011-FronzaSSV #predict #using- Failure Prediction based on Log Files Using the Cox Proportional Hazard Model (IF, AS, GS, JV), pp. 456–461.
CHI-2010-ViewegHSP #microblog #twitter #what- Microblogging during two natural hazards events: what twitter may contribute to situational awareness (SV, ALH, KS, LP), pp. 1079–1088.
CSCW-2010-StarbirdPHV #microblog #social #what- Chatter on the red: what hazards threat reveals about the social life of microblogged information (KS, LP, ALH, SV), pp. 241–250.
ICSM-2008-Chan #maintenance #programming- Impact of programming and application-specific knowledge on maintenance effort: A hazard rate model (TC), pp. 47–56.
MoDELS-2008-StalhaneS #case study #comparison #diagrams #identification #safety- Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams (TS, GS), pp. 721–735.
MoDELS-2008-StalhaneS #case study #comparison #diagrams #identification #safety- Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams (TS, GS), pp. 721–735.
CASE-2007-YangC- A Compact Separation Column For Hazardous Chemicals (YY, JC), pp. 853–856.
DAC-2006-MajumdarCG #analysis #validation- Hold time validation on silicon and the relevance of hazards in timing analysis (AM, WYC, JG), pp. 326–331.
SAC-2005-ZhangGZL #algorithm- A tabu search algorithm for the safe transportation of hazardous materials (LZ, SG, YZ, AL), pp. 940–946.
DAC-2004-JeongN #detection #performance- Fast hazard detection in combinational circuits (CJ, SMN), pp. 592–595.
DATE-1998-NordholzGTONAW #testing- Core Interconnect Testing Hazards (PN, HG, DT, JO, DN, UA, TWW), pp. 953–954.
DATE-1998-RuttenBEK #algorithm #divide and conquer #logic #performance- An Efficient Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Exact Hazard Free Logic Minimization (JWJMR, MRCMB, CAJvE, MAJK), pp. 749–754.
DAC-1996-KudvaGJN #multi #network #synthesis- Synthesis for Hazard-free Customized CMOS Complex-Gate Networks Under Multiple-Input Changes (PK, GG, HMJ, SMN), pp. 77–82.
DAC-1996-TheobaldNW #heuristic #logic #named- Espresso-HF: A Heuristic Hazard-Free Minimizer for Two-Level Logic (MT, SMN, TW), pp. 71–76.
DAC-1995-SawasakiYL #implementation- Externally Hazard-Free Implementations of Asynchronous Circuits (MHS, CYC, BL), pp. 718–724.
PLDI-1995-AltmanGG #pipes and filters #scheduling- Scheduling and Mapping: Software Pipelining in the Presence of Structural Hazards (ERA, RG, GRG), pp. 139–150.
EDAC-1994-LinKL #approach #synthesis- Direct Synthesis of Hazard-Free Asynchronous Circuits from STGs Based on Lock Relation and BG-Decomposition Approach (KJL, JWK, CSL), pp. 178–183.
POPL-1994-ProebstingF #detection #pipes and filters- Detecting Pipeline Structural Hazards Quickly (TAP, CWF), pp. 280–286.
DAC-1993-MoonB- Elimination of Dynamic hazards by Factoring (CWM, RKB), pp. 7–13.
HCI-ACS-1993-StuartSHFL- Remote Operations in the Hazardous Environments of Space (MAS, CES, RCH, TFF, AJL), pp. 295–300.
DAC-1992-YuS #approach #design- A Path-Oriented Approach for Reducing Hazards in Asynchronous Designs (MLY, PAS), pp. 239–244.
DAC-1991-LavagnoKS #algorithm #synthesis- Algorithms for Synthesis of Hazard-Free Asynchronous Circuits (LL, KK, ALSV), pp. 302–308.
HCI-SES-1987-Knave #health #question- VDT Work: An Occupational Health Hazard? (BK), pp. 83–86.
HCI-SES-1987-Rahav- Computerization of Psychiatric Case Registers: Public Peril vs. Hazards to Confidentiality (MR), pp. 25–30.
DAC-1979-KjelkerudT #deduction #fault #generative #logic #simulation #testing #using- Generation of hazard free tests using the D-algorithm in a timing accurate system for logic and deductive fault simulation (EK, OT), pp. 180–184.
DAC-1977-BoseS #detection #logic- Detection of static and dynamic hazards in logic nets (AKB, SAS), pp. 220–224.
DAC-1972-Lewis #bound #detection #logic #simulation- Hazard detection by a quinary simulation of logic devices with bounded propagation delays (DWL), pp. 157–164.