13 papers:
CHI-2015-MenkingE #gender #online #wiki- The Heart Work of Wikipedia: Gendered, Emotional Labor in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopedia (AM, IE), pp. 207–210.
DUXU-UI-2015-GuimaraesS #simulation- Humanizing Labor Resource in a Discrete Event Manufacturing Simulation Software (LBdMG, CSS), pp. 14–22.
KDD-2014-Cao0J #elicitation #online- From labor to trader: opinion elicitation via online crowds as a market (CCC, LC, HVJ), pp. 1067–1076.
CHI-2013-MusthagG #mobile- Labor dynamics in a mobile micro-task market (MM, DG), pp. 641–650.
DUXU-WM-2013-FernandesPS #case study #interactive- Evaluating Interaction with Websites: Case Study of a Government Website of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment (FRF, LCP, JCPdS), pp. 265–273.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-SuzukiKUIISS #collaboration #detection #multi- Detection of Division of Labor in Multiparty Collaboration (NS, TK, IU, SI, SI, MS, KS), pp. 362–371.
CASE-2012-SugiyamaNITU #approach #composition #problem- A bilevel decomposition approach to railway crew rostering problems for fair labor condition (TS, TN, MI, ST, KU), pp. 383–389.
CHI-2012-DombrowskiVHM #case study- The labor practices of service mediation: a study of the work practices of food assistance outreach (LD, AV, GRH, MM), pp. 1977–1986.
CSCW-2012-SuzukiKUII #collaboration #multi- Analyzing the structure of the emergent division of labor in multiparty collaboration (NS, TK, IU, SI, SI), pp. 1233–1236.
ICEIS-J-2009-Fugini #framework #integration- A Service Integration Platform for the Labor Market (MF), pp. 445–455.
CSCW-1996-Greenbaum #case study #process- Back to Labor: Returning to Labor Process Discussions in the Study of Work (JG), pp. 229–237.
CSCW-1996-MarkHS #collaboration #hypermedia- Hypermedia Structures and the Division of Labor in Meeting Room Collaboration (GM, JMH, NAS), pp. 170–179.
ML-1989-Woodfill- Labor Saving New Distinctions (JW), pp. 430–433.