8 papers:
DATE-2013-BakshiH #reduction #smt #using- LFSR seed computation and reduction using SMT-based fault-chaining (DB, MSH), pp. 1071–1076.
DATE-2009-KoutsoupiaKKN #self #testing- LFSR-based test-data compression with self-stoppable seeds (MK, EK, XK, DN), pp. 1482–1487.
DATE-2009-YilmazC #detection #fault- Seed selection in LFSR-reseeding-based test compression for the detection of small-delay defects (MY, KC), pp. 1488–1493.
DATE-2008-MucciVMGDGKSCC #adaptation #array #configuration management #implementation #parallel #pipes and filters- Implementation of Parallel LFSR-based Applications on an Adaptive DSP featuring a Pipelined Configurable Gate Array (CM, LV, IM, DG, AD, SG, JK, AS, LC, FC), pp. 1444–1449.
DATE-2007-WangCW #optimisation #scheduling #testing #using- SoC testing using LFSR reseeding, and scan-slice-based TAM optimization and test scheduling (ZW, KC, SW), pp. 201–206.
DATE-2006-WangBC #performance #using- Efficient unknown blocking using LFSR reseeding (SW, KJB, STC), pp. 1051–1052.
DAC-2005-VolkerinkM #architecture #using- Response compaction with any number of unknowns using a new LFSR architecture (EHV, SM), pp. 117–122.
DAC-2004-SunKV #taxonomy #testing- Combining dictionary coding and LFSR reseeding for test data compression (XS, LLK, BV), pp. 944–947.