36 papers:
ICALP-v1-2015-CohenS- Zero-Fixing Extractors for Sub-Logarithmic Entropy (GC, IS), pp. 343–354.
CSL-2015-Mazza- Simple Parsimonious Types and Logarithmic Space (DM), pp. 24–40.
DRR-2014-NagyL #distance #similarity- Form similarity via Levenshtein distance between ortho-filtered logarithmic ruling-gap ratios (GN, DPL), pp. 902106–8.
RTA-TLCA-2014-AubertB #unification- Unification and Logarithmic Space (CA, MB), pp. 77–92.
DATE-2013-RustLP #architecture #complexity #using- Low complexity QR-decomposition architecture using the logarithmic number system (JR, FL, SP), pp. 97–102.
PODS-2013-ChenM #classification #complexity #query- The fine classification of conjunctive queries and parameterized logarithmic space complexity (HC, MM), pp. 309–320.
LATA-2012-Axelsen #automaton #finite #multi- Reversible Multi-head Finite Automata Characterize Reversible Logarithmic Space (HBA), pp. 95–105.
ICDAR-2011-HasegawaT #correlation- A Shape Descriptor Combining Logarithmic-Scale Histogram of Radon Transform and Phase-Only Correlation Function (MH, ST), pp. 182–186.
CSL-2011-GroheGHL #logic #recursion- L-Recursion and a new Logic for Logarithmic Space (MG, BG, AH, BL), pp. 277–291.
DLT-2010-GeffertP #automaton- Two-Way Unary Automata versus Logarithmic Space (VG, GP), pp. 197–208.
STOC-2007-PeikertR #worst-case- Lattices that admit logarithmic worst-case to average-case connection factors (CP, AR), pp. 478–487.
LICS-2007-Schopp #bound #logic- Stratified Bounded Affine Logic for Logarithmic Space (US), pp. 411–420.
DATE-2006-WangM #algorithm #analysis #multi- A logarithmic full-chip thermal analysis algorithm based on multi-layer Green’s function (BW, PM), pp. 39–44.
STOC-2006-AndrewsZ #problem- Logarithmic hardness of the directed congestion minimization problem (MA, LZ), pp. 517–526.
ESEC-FSE-2003-CangussuDM #approach #monitoring #process #statistics #testing #using- Monitoring the software test process using statistical process control: a logarithmic approach (JWC, RAD, APM), pp. 158–167.
STOC-2002-ElkinK #algorithm #approximate #combinator #problem- Combinatorial logarithmic approximation algorithm for directed telephone broadcast problem (ME, GK), pp. 438–447.
ICALP-2002-Dalmau #constraints #nondeterminism #problem- Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Non-deterministic Logarithmic Space (VD), pp. 414–425.
ICALP-2002-JakobyL #problem #symmetry- Paths Problems in Symmetric Logarithmic Space (AJ, ML), pp. 269–280.
STOC-1998-HolmLT #algorithm- Poly-Logarithmic Deterministic Fully-Dynamic Algorithms for Connectivity, Minimum Spanning Tree, 2-Edge, and Biconnectivity (JH, KdL, MT), pp. 79–89.
ICDAR-1997-EglinE #development #documentation #grid #segmentation #visual notation- Logarithmic Spiral Grid and Gaze Control for the Development of Strategies of Visual Segmentation on a Document (VE, HE), pp. 689–692.
ICALP-1996-FarachM #random- Optimal Logarithmic Time Randomized Suffix Tree Construction (MF, SM), pp. 550–561.
STOC-1995-AielloBV #statistics- Knowledge on the average-perfect, statistical and logarithmic (WA, MB, RV), pp. 469–478.
ICALP-1994-PlaxtonS #bound #network #sorting- A Super-Logarithmic Lower Bound for Hypercubic Sorting Networks (CGP, TS), pp. 618–629.
STOC-1992-Plaxton #network #sorting- A Hypercubic Sorting Network with Nearly Logarithmic Depth (CGP), pp. 405–416.
KR-1992-Nayak #order #reasoning #using- Order of Magnitude Reasoning using Logarithms (PPN), pp. 201–210.
STOC-1991-MenezesVO #finite- Reducing Elliptic Curve Logarithms to Logarithms in a Finite Field (AM, SAV, TO), pp. 80–89.
STOC-1990-CypherP #sorting- Deterministic Sorting in Nearly Logarithmic Time on the Hypercube and Related Computers (RC, CGP), pp. 193–203.
STOC-1988-KarchmerW- Monotone Circuits for Connectivity Require Super-logarithmic Depth (MK, AW), pp. 539–550.
ICALP-1987-LangeJK- The Logarithmic Alternation Hierarchy Collapses: AΣᴸ₂=AΠᴸ₂ (KJL, BJ, BK), pp. 531–541.
STOC-1986-Seidel- Constructing Higher-Dimensional Convex Hulls at Logarithmic Cost per Face (RS), pp. 404–413.
STOC-1984-AwerbuchIS #parallel- Finding Euler Circuits in Logarithmic Parallel Time (BA, AI, YS), pp. 249–257.
STOC-1984-Coppersmith- Evaluating Logarithms in GF(2^n) (DC), pp. 201–207.
STOC-1984-Willard #protocol- Log-Logarithmic Protocols for Resolving Ethernet and Semaphore Conflicts (Preliminary Report) (DEW), pp. 512–521.
ICSE-1984-MusaO #execution #metric #reliability- A Logarithmic Poisson Execution Time Model for Software Reliability Measurement (JDM, KO), pp. 230–238.
STOC-1983-ReifV #linear #network- A Logarithmic Time Sort for Linear Size Networks (JHR, LGV), pp. 10–16.
ICALP-1979-MonienS #nondeterminism #on the #turing machine- On Eliminating Nondeterminism From Turing Machines Which Use Less Than Logarithmic Worktape Space (BM, IHS), pp. 431–445.