17 papers:
HT-2015-KumarDCC #detection #social #social media- Detecting Changes in Suicide Content Manifested in Social Media Following Celebrity Suicides (MK, MD, GC, MDC), pp. 85–94.
CSCW-2015-ParkKLYJC #case study #facebook #network #social- Manifestation of Depression and Loneliness on Social Networks: A Case Study of Young Adults on Facebook (SP, IK, SWL, JY, BJ, MC), pp. 557–570.
POPL-2015-Greenberg #contract- Space-Efficient Manifest Contracts (MG), pp. 181–194.
POPL-2015-SekiyamaNI #contract #data type- Manifest Contracts for Datatypes (TS, YN, AI), pp. 195–207.
ICML-c2-2013-DasBBG #automation #modelling #topic- Subtle Topic Models and Discovering Subtly Manifested Software Concerns Automatically (MKD, SB, CB, KG), pp. 253–261.
HPDC-2013-ZhouTKB #automation #debugging #detection #named #scalability- WuKong: automatically detecting and localizing bugs that manifest at large system scales (BZ, JT, MK, SB), pp. 131–142.
ASPLOS-2011-GaoZCZQ #concurrent #debugging #named #towards #type system- 2ndStrike: toward manifesting hidden concurrency typestate bugs (QG, WZ, ZC, MZ, FQ), pp. 239–250.
POPL-2010-GreenbergPW #contract- Contracts made manifest (MG, BCP, SW), pp. 353–364.
RE-2010-AoyamaNS #requirements #towards- REBOK Manifest: Towards a Requirements Engineering Body of Knowledge (MA, TN, SS), pp. 383–384.
PPDP-2009-EastlundF #composition #induction- Making induction manifest in modular ACL2 (CE, MF), pp. 105–116.
HT-2004-AbdullahBD #adaptation- Augmenting SCORM manifests with adaptive links (NAA, CB, HCD), pp. 183–184.
ICEIS-v4-2003-DafoulasNT- Electronic Job Marketplaces: A Newly Established Manifestation of E-Business (GAD, ANN, MT), pp. 197–205.
SAC-2003-AtluriAGA #constraints #multi #security #self- Self-Manifestation of Composite Multimedia Objects to Satisfy Security Constraints (VA, NRA, AG, IA), pp. 927–934.
CHI-2000-NassL #speech- Does computer-generated speech manifest personality? an experimental test of similarity-attraction (CN, KML), pp. 329–336.
OOPSLA-1995-SmithMU #flexibility #self #user interface- The Self-4.0 User Interface: Manifesting a System-wide Vision of Concreteness, Uniformity and Flexibility (RBS, JM, DU), pp. 47–60.
DAC-1994-KalavadeeL #co-evolution #design #hardware- Manifestations of Heterogeneity in Hardware/Software Co-Design (AK, EAL), pp. 437–438.
POPL-1994-Leroy #compilation- Manifest Types, Modules, and Separate Compilation (XL), pp. 109–122.