17 papers:
TACAS-2015-RegerCR #monitoring #named #runtime- MarQ: Monitoring at Runtime with QEA (GR, HCC, DER), pp. 596–610.
SOSP-2013-CoburnBSGS #transaction- From ARIES to MARS: transaction support for next-generation, solid-state drives (JC, TB, MS, RG, SS), pp. 197–212.
CSEET-2011-KruchtenK #agile #game studies #release planning- Mission to Mars: An agile release planning game (PK, JK), p. 552.
DAC-2008-PuriJBGLM #synthesis- Custom is from Venus and synthesis from Mars (RP, WHJ, SB, TG, JL, RKM), p. 992.
DocEng-2007-Hardy #xml- The Mars project: PDF in XML (MRBH), pp. 161–170.
KDD-2007-CastanoWCST #analysis- On-board analysis of uncalibrated data for a spacecraft at mars (RC, KW, SAC, TMS, BT), pp. 922–930.
DAC-2006-Miskov-ZivanovM #fault #modelling #named #reduction- MARS-C: modeling and reduction of soft errors in combinational circuits (NMZ, DM), pp. 767–772.
CSCW-2004-TollingerMVT #collaboration #information management- Collaborative knowledge management supporting mars mission scientists (IT, MM, AHV, PT), pp. 29–38.
VLDB-2003-DeutschT #named #xml- MARS: A System for Publishing XML from Mixed and Redundant Storage (AD, VT), pp. 201–212.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Graham #case study #generative #requirements- Requirements Engineering: Use Cases Are from Mars, Generative Languages are from Venus (IMG), p. 4.
SAC-1999-SampleBH #coordination #named #runtime- Mars: Runtime Support for Coordinated Applications (NS, CB, MH), pp. 166–174.
KDD-1998-OliverRGBBW- Analysing Rock Samples for the Mars Lander (JJO, TR, PG, WLB, RAB, SRW), pp. 299–303.
AdaEurope-1997-Pichon #ada #integration- CCO-Mars’96 Integration HOOD, Ada and XInAda in a full Ada Operational Software Project (PP), pp. 196–208.
DAC-1987-AgrawalDEFJK #architecture #design #hardware- Architecture and Design of the MARS Hardware Accelerator (PA, WJD, AKE, WCF, HVJ, ASK), pp. 101–107.
SIGIR-1984-NiedermairTB #analysis #named #retrieval- MARS: A Retrieval Tool on the Basis of Morphological Analysis (GTN, GT, IB), pp. 369–381.
DAC-1981-TanakaMTYOTKT #array #design #layout- An integrated computer aided design system for gate array masterslices: Part 2 the layout design system MARS-M3 (CT, SM, HT, TY, KO, MT, RK, MT), pp. 812–819.
DAC-1974-Woodyard #design- Computer aided ship design at MarAd (AHW), pp. 279–283.