4 papers:
ASE-2012-KamalrudinGH #consistency #multi #named #requirements #tool support- MaramaAI: tool support for capturing and managing consistency of multi-lingual requirements (MK, JG, JGH), pp. 326–329.
RE-2010-KamalrudinHG #approach #automation #consistency #named #nondeterminism #requirements #visual notation- MaramaAI: Automated and Visual Approach for Inconsistency Checking of Requirements (MK, JGH, JCG), pp. 393–394.
ASE-2008-LiHG #code generation #interface #modelling #multi #named #process- MaramaEML: An Integrated Multi-View Business Process Modelling Environment with Tree-Overlays, Zoomable Interfaces and Code Generation (RLL, JGH, JCG), pp. 477–478.
ICSE-2008-GrundyHHL #eclipse #generative #multi #named- Marama: an eclipse meta-toolset for generating multi-view environments (JCG, JGH, JH, KNLL), pp. 819–822.