23 papers:
HCI-IT-2015-WalkerSJ #interactive #performance- Interactive Sonification Markup Language (ISML) for Efficient Motion-Sound Mappings (JWW, MTS, MJ), pp. 385–394.
CSCW-2012-WhittakerKE #effectiveness #memory management- Markup as you talk: establishing effective memory cues while still contributing to a meeting (VK, PE, SW), pp. 349–358.
CIKM-2012-GyllstromEVM #css #javascript #web- The downside of markup: examining the harmful effects of CSS and javascript on indexing today’s web (KG, CE, APdV, MFM), pp. 1990–1994.
PLDI-2010-XiW- A context-free markup language for semi-structured text (QX, DW), pp. 221–232.
DocEng-2009-PeroniV #order- Annotations with EARMARK for arbitrary, overlapping and out-of order markup (SP, FV), pp. 171–180.
DocEng-2009-RijsselbergenKVMW- Movie script markup language (DVR, BVDK, MV, EM, RVdW), pp. 161–170.
SAC-2008-TeleckenML #specification #visual notation- Applying markup language resources in the specification of visual alphabets and visual sentences (TLT, EVM, JVdL), pp. 222–227.
ILC-2007-RepenningI #lisp- X-expressions in XMLisp: S-expressions and extensible markup language unite (AR, AI), p. 23.
EDOC-2007-MilanovicKGGWDH #integration #process #using- Business Process Integration by Using General Rule Markup Language (MM, NK, DG, AG, GW, VD, MH), pp. 353–364.
SAC-2007-VogelerGB #documentation #tool support #xml- New specialist tools for medieval document XML markup (GV, SG, BB), pp. 594–599.
DocEng-2005-ThomasB #documentation #using #xml- Enhancing composite digital documents using XML-based standoff markup (PLT, DFB), pp. 177–186.
ICPR-v1-2004-ListF #named #xml- CVML — An XML-based Computer Vision Markup Language (TL, RBF), pp. 789–792.
DocEng-2003-BayerlLGWN #analysis #documentation #semantics- Methods for the semantic analysis of document markup (PSB, HL, DG, AW, DN), pp. 161–170.
IWPC-2003-Cordy #agile #semiparsing #source code #using #xml- Generalized Selective XML Markup of Source Code Using Agile Parsing (JRC), pp. 144–153.
DocEng-2002-RenearDS #semantics #towards #xml- Towards a semantics for XML markup (AR, DD, CMSM), pp. 119–126.
HT-2002-StottsS #automation #video- Semi-automated Hyperlink markup for archived video (PDS, JMS), pp. 105–106.
CSCW-2002-DavisSL #standard- Generalizing operational transformation to the standard general markup language (AHD, CS, JL), pp. 58–67.
SEKE-2001-SierraFFN- Operationalizing Application Descriptions in DTC: Building Applications with Generalized Markup Technologies (JLS, AFV, BFM, AN), pp. 379–386.
SIGIR-2001-ChakrabartiJT #topic #using- Enhanced Topic Distillation Using Text, Markup Tags, and Hyperlinks (SC, MJ, VT), pp. 208–216.
SAC-2001-VuongSD #distributed #policy #security #using #xml- Managing security policies in a distributed environment using eXtensible markup language (XML) (NNV, GS, YD), pp. 405–411.
SAC-1998-DAntonaC #approach #documentation #named- ANATEMA: a neural approach to extended markup of SGML documents (OMD, MWLC), pp. 297–302.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SimonPJ #automation #documentation #generative #image- (Chem)DeT/sub E/X automatic generation of a markup language description of (chemical) documents from bitmap images (AS, JCP, APJ), pp. 458–461.
INTERCHI-1993-GolovchinskyC #named #navigation #visual notation- Queries-R-Links: graphical markup for test navigation (GG, MHC), pp. 454–460.