17 papers:
AdaEurope-2012-PereverzevaTL #development- Formal Goal-Oriented Development of Resilient MAS in Event-B (IP, ET, LL), pp. 147–161.
ICEIS-v2-2012-FreireCGL #modelling #multi #named- NorMAS-ML — A Modeling Language to Model Normative Multi-agent Systems (ESSF, MIC, EJTG, YSL), pp. 113–119.
ICEIS-v2-2011-GoncalvesFCFOS #modelling #multi- MAS-ML Tool — A Modeling Environment for Multi-agent Systems (EJTG, KF, MIC, ARF, FRO, VTdS), pp. 192–197.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-GoncalvesCCS- Extending MAS-ML to Model Proactive and Reactive Sotware Agents (EJTG, MIC, GALdC, VTdS), pp. 75–84.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-SerranoL #ontology #standard #ubiquitous- Applying Fipa Standards Ontological Support to Intentional-MAS-Oriented Ubiquitous System (MS, CJPdL), pp. 114–121.
SAC-2010-GoncalvesCCGS #modelling #towards #using- Towards the modeling reactive and proactive agents by using MAS-ML (EJTG, MIC, GALdC, GFG, VTdS), pp. 936–937.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-CernuzziZ #design #named #tool support #using- Gaia4E: A Tool Supporting the Design of MAS using Gaia (LC, FZ), pp. 82–88.
SEKE-2009-LemkeR #framework #using- Using Knowledge Objects to Exchange Knowledge in a MAS Platform (APL, MBR), pp. 206–211.
SAC-2009-CentenoBHO #formal method #modelling- Organising MAS: a formal model based on organisational mechanisms (RC, HB, RH, SO), pp. 740–746.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-WauteletAK #framework #modelling- A Service-Oriented Framework for MAS Modeling (YW, YA, MK), pp. 120–128.
ECSA-2007-MolesiniGCB #on the- On the Interplay of Crosscutting and MAS-Specific Styles (AM, AG, CC, TVB), pp. 317–320.
SEKE-2005-BeydounGLH #metamodelling #multi #towards #validation- Towards Method Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems: A preliminary validation of a Generic MAS Metamodel (GB, CGP, GL, BHS), pp. 51–56.
SAC-2003-PenaCA #approach #protocol #top-down- A Top Down Approach for MAS Protocol Descriptions (JP, RC, JLA), pp. 45–49.
ICSE-2001-MakinenS #behaviour #interactive #modelling #named #uml- MAS — An Interactive Synthesizer to Support Behavioral Modeling in UML (EM, TS), pp. 15–24.
RTA-1997-Gobel #invariant- The Invariant Package of MAS (MG), pp. 327–330.
SAC-1994-KumarH #concept #fuzzy #logic #reduction #using- Reduction of communications in a MasPar computer using fuzzy logic concepts (AGK, JH), pp. 351–356.
PLILP-1991-Kredel #component #specification- The MAS Specification Component (HK), pp. 39–50.