11 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-CaglayanTBHMC #fault #industrial #metric #predict #replication- Merits of Organizational Metrics in Defect Prediction: An Industrial Replication (BC, BT, ABB, MH, AM, EC), pp. 89–98.
ASE-2011-LiuZCXM- Finding the merits and drawbacks of software resources from comments (CL, YZ, SC, BX, HM), pp. 432–435.
SIGMOD-2010-KanneM- Histograms reloaded: the merits of bucket diversity (CCK, GM), pp. 663–674.
CAV-2010-Caniart #model checking #named- Merit: An Interpolating Model-Checker (NC), pp. 162–166.
SAT-2010-PankratovB #on the #problem #satisfiability- On the Relative Merits of Simple Local Search Methods for the MAX-SAT Problem (DP, AB), pp. 223–236.
ASE-2009-LemonRMPDCPPLP #agile #development #simulation- Applications of Simulation and AI Search: Assessing the Relative Merits of Agile vs Traditional Software Development (BL, AR, TM, JP, JD, RC, TP, FP, HL, DP), pp. 580–584.
DATE-2005-BarrandonCH #design #pipes and filters- Systematic Figure of Merit Computation for the Design of Pipeline ADC (LB, SC, DH), pp. 277–278.
DATE-2003-VogelsG- Figure of Merit Based Selection of A/D Converters (MV, GGEG), pp. 11090–11091.
SIGIR-2003-GaoWLC #approach #categorisation #learning- A maximal figure-of-merit learning approach to text categorization (SG, WW, CHL, TSC), pp. 174–181.
KDD-1999-AggarwalGY #categorisation #clustering #on the- On the Merits of Building Categorization Systems by Supervised Clustering (CCA, SCG, PSY), pp. 352–356.
DAC-1998-IsmailFN- Figures of Merit to Characterize the Importance of On-Chip Inductance (YII, EGF, JLN), pp. 560–565.