45 papers:
DocEng-2015-ChoudhuryMG #automation #documentation- Automatic Extraction of Figures from Scholarly Documents (SRC, PM, CLG), pp. 47–50.
HCI-IT-2015-MutoM #analysis #development #interactive- Analysis of Eye Hand Interaction in Drawing Figure and Letter — For the Development of Handwrite-Training Device (YM, TM), pp. 107–117.
HIMI-IKD-2015-TanumaOM #feedback #recognition- Human Characteristics of Figure Recognition in Tactile Feedback (MT, MO, HM), pp. 458–465.
DRR-2014-FengLLLT #analysis #geometry- Structure analysis for plane geometry figures (TF, XL, LL, KL, ZT), p. ?–11.
LATA-2014-MasseTT #on the- On the Arithmetics of Discrete Figures (ABM, AMT, HT), pp. 198–209.
CHI-2014-AlzayatHN #metric #physics- Quantitative measurement of virtual vs. physical object embodiment through kinesthetic figural after effects (AA, MSH, MAN), pp. 2903–2912.
CSCW-2014-MatthiesenBP #development #how #quote- “Figure out how to code with the hands of others”: recognizing cultural blind spots in global software development (SM, PB, LMP), pp. 1107–1119.
ICPR-2014-LiuLFQGT #geometry #graph #retrieval- Plane Geometry Figure Retrieval Based on Bilayer Geometric Attributed Graph Matching (LL, XL, SF, JQ, LG, ZT), pp. 309–314.
ICDAR-2013-ChengSAT #classification #data fusion #image #using #visual notation- Graphical Figure Classification Using Data Fusion for Integrating Text and Image Features (BC, RJS, SA, GRT), pp. 693–697.
ICDAR-2013-ChoudhuryMKSPJG #documentation #metadata- Figure Metadata Extraction from Digital Documents (SRC, PM, AK, SS, DP, SJ, CLG), pp. 135–139.
ICDAR-2013-LiLLLFT #detection #geometry- Detection of Overlapped Quadrangles in Plane Geometric Figures (KL, XL, HL, LL, TF, ZT), pp. 260–264.
ICPR-2012-ElqurshE #video- Video figure ground labeling (AE, AME), pp. 2472–2475.
DRR-2011-LiuZ11a #detection #documentation #effectiveness- A simple and effective figure caption detection system for old-style documents (ZL, HZ), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-YouADRGT #automation #documentation #hybrid #identification #image #retrieval #towards- Automatic identification of ROI in figure images toward improving hybrid (text and image) biomedical document retrieval (DY, SA, DDF, MMR, VG, GRT), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-YouADGT #detection #using- Detecting Figure-Panel Labels in Medical Journal Articles Using MRF (DY, SA, DDF, VG, GRT), pp. 967–971.
HCI-ITE-2011-TakahashiK- Eye-Movement-Based Instantaneous Cognition Model for Non-verbal Smooth Closed Figures (YT, SK), pp. 314–322.
DRR-2010-FaureV #detection #metric- Detection of figure and caption pairs based on disorder measurements (CF, NV), pp. 1–10.
ICPR-2010-AlbarelliRCT #approach #game studies #robust- Robust Figure Extraction on Textured Background: A Game-Theoretic Approach (AA, ER, AC, AT), pp. 360–363.
DRR-2009-YouAADT #analysis #retrieval- Figure content analysis for improved biomedical article retrieval (DY, EA, SA, DDF, GRT), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-KhurshidFV #documentation #image #retrieval #word- Fusion of Word Spotting and Spatial Information for Figure Caption Retrieval in Historical Document Images (KK, CF, NV), pp. 266–270.
KDD-2009-AhmedXCM #biology #mining #modelling #topic- Structured correspondence topic models for mining captioned figures in biological literature (AA, EPX, WWC, RFM), pp. 39–48.
LATA-2008-MoczuradM #how #question #set- How Many Figure Sets Are Codes? (MM, WM), pp. 385–396.
SAC-2008-VictorCTC #recommendation #trust- Whom should I trust?: the impact of key figures on cold start recommendations (PV, CC, AT, MDC), pp. 2014–2018.
ICPR-v4-2006-ShenC #segmentation- Finding Text in Natural Scenes by Figure-Ground Segmentation (HS, JMC), pp. 113–118.
DATE-2005-BarrandonCH #design #pipes and filters- Systematic Figure of Merit Computation for the Design of Pipeline ADC (LB, SC, DH), pp. 277–278.
DATE-2005-NegreirosCS #evaluation #low cost #using- Noise Figure Evaluation Using Low Cost BIST (MN, LC, AAS), pp. 158–163.
VISSOFT-2005-DAmbrosLG #cvs #development #visualisation- Fractal Figures: Visualizing Development Effort for CVS Entities (MD, ML, HCG), pp. 46–51.
DAC-2004-DeoZBCGLRRS #question #what- What happened to ASIC?: Go (recon)figure? (ND, BZ, IB, JC, BG, PL, CBR, CR, RS), p. 185.
CIAA-2004-Tischler #automaton #finite #parametricity- Parametric Weighted Finite Automata for Figure Drawing (GT), pp. 259–268.
ICPR-v1-2004-ZhaoD- Iterative Figure-Ground Discrimination (LZ, LSD), pp. 67–70.
ICPR-v4-2004-Moreno-NoguerS #integration #multi #segmentation- Integration of Shape and a Multihypotheses Fisher Color Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Non-Stationary Environments (FMN, AS), pp. 771–774.
DATE-2003-VogelsG- Figure of Merit Based Selection of A/D Converters (MV, GGEG), pp. 11090–11091.
ICDAR-2003-KameyaMO #online #sequence #verification- Figure-Based Writer Verification by Matching between an Arbitrary Part of Registered Sequence and an Input Sequence Extracted from On-Line Handwritten Figures (HK, SM, RO), pp. 985–989.
SIGIR-2003-GaoWLC #approach #categorisation #learning- A maximal figure-of-merit learning approach to text categorization (SG, WW, CHL, TSC), pp. 174–181.
ICPR-v4-2002-TraverP #estimation #image #segmentation #using- Motion Estimation and Figure-Ground Segmentation Using Log-Polar Images (VJT, FP), pp. 166–169.
ICPR-v2-2000-HontaniD #approximate #generative #multi- Primitive Curve Generation Based on Multiscale Contour Figure Approximation (HH, KD), pp. 2887–2890.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiK #ambiguity #analysis #detection- Detection of Cognitive Binding During Ambiguous Figure Tasks by Wavelet Coherence Analysis of EEG Signals (THL, WRK), pp. 3098–3101.
ICPR-v4-2000-GuestFPD #aspect-oriented- Analyzing Constructional Aspects of Figure Completion for the Diagnosis of Visuospatial Neglect (RMG, MCF, JMP, ND), pp. 4316–4319.
WIA-1999-JurgensenS #automaton #encoding #finite #geometry- Finite Automata Encoding Geometric Figures (HJ, LS), pp. 101–108.
DAC-1998-IsmailFN- Figures of Merit to Characterize the Importance of On-Chip Inductance (YII, EGF, JLN), pp. 560–565.
ICPR-1998-HontaniD #analysis #component #detection #image #multi- Multi-scale image analysis for detection of characteristic component figure shapes and sizes (HH, KD), pp. 1470–1472.
ICPR-1996-AmaraBCWML #estimation #parametricity #recursion #segmentation- A recursive estimation of parameters of straight lines and circles: application to the segmentation of the Rey’s Complex Figure (MA, DdB, PC, PW, CM, YL), pp. 467–471.
ICPR-1996-Karasik #3d #commutative #on the #representation #set- On a planar representation of 3D figures commutative with respect to set and morphological operations (YBK), pp. 615–619.
HCI-SHI-1993-NakagawaKSF #interface- Pen-Based Interfaces for Drawing Figures with “Stationery Metaphors” (MN, SK, TS, NF), pp. 1046–1051.
DAC-1978-Fetter- A computer graphic human figure system applicable to kineseology (WF), p. 297.