12 papers:
DATE-2015-BillointSRVBFRC #2d #3d #design #using- A comprehensive study of monolithic 3D cell on cell design using commercial 2D tool (OB, HS, IR, MV, PB, CFB, OR, GC, FD, AF, JM, OF, OT, JFC, ST, FC), pp. 1192–1196.
DATE-2015-GaillardonTSTOS #power management- A ultra-low-power FPGA based on monolithically integrated RRAMs (PEG, XT, JS, MT, SRO, DS, YL, GDM), pp. 1203–1208.
DATE-2015-ShulakerWSWWM #3d #concept #integration- Monolithic 3D integration: a path from concept to reality (MMS, TFW, MMS, HW, HSPW, SM), pp. 1197–1202.
DAC-2014-PanthSDL #3d #performance- Power-Performance Study of Block-Level Monolithic 3D-ICs Considering Inter-Tier Performance Variations (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SamalPSSDL #3d #modelling #optimisation #performance- Fast and Accurate Thermal Modeling and Optimization for Monolithic 3D ICs (SKS, SP, KS, MS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-TurkyilmazCRBC #3d #integration #using- 3D FPGA using high-density interconnect Monolithic Integration (OT, GC, OR, PB, FC), pp. 1–4.
SLE-J-2012-KrishnanW #analysis #attribute grammar #composition #higher-order #termination- Monolithic and modular termination analyses for higher-order attribute grammars (LK, EVW), pp. 511–526.
DAC-2013-LeeLL #3d- Power benefit study for ultra-high density transistor-level monolithic 3D ICs (YJL, DBL, SKL), p. 10.
DATE-2010-StrukovM #hybrid- Monolithically stackable hybrid FPGA (DBS, AM), pp. 661–666.
CBSE-2006-BastideSO #adaptation #component #refactoring- Adaptation of Monolithic Software Components by Their Transformation into Composite Configurations Based on Refactoring (GB, AS, MO), pp. 368–375.
DATE-2006-KaneMS #pipes and filters #verification- Monolithic verification of deep pipelines with collapsed flushing (RK, PM, SKS), pp. 1234–1239.
EDTC-1997-SvajdaSM #monitoring- A monolithic off-chip IDDQ monitor (MS, BS, HARM), p. 629.