19 papers:
LOPSTR-2014-AlvesDF #data access #metamodelling #semantics- Access Control and Obligations in the Category-Based Metamodel: A Rewrite-Based Semantics (SA, AD, MF), pp. 148–163.
PEPM-2012-HirzelG #metaprogramming #using- Streams that compose using macros that oblige (MH, BG), pp. 141–150.
KMIS-2012-ThonssenL #approach #contract #semantics- Semantically Enriched Obligation Management — An Approach for Improving the Handling of Obligations Represented in Contracts (BT, JL), pp. 40–48.
ICST-2012-ElrakaibyMT #analysis #mutation testing #policy #testing #using- Testing Obligation Policy Enforcement Using Mutation Analysis (YE, TM, YLT), pp. 673–680.
ICLP-2008-GelfondL #policy- Authorization and Obligation Policies in Dynamic Systems (MG, JL), pp. 22–36.
IJCAR-2008-BartheGP #java #proving #virtual machine- Preservation of Proof Obligations from Java to the Java Virtual Machine (GB, BG, MP), pp. 83–99.
ASE-2007-KiyavitskayaZBACMM #process #towards- Extracting rights and obligations from regulations: toward a tool-supported process (NK, NZ, TDB, AIA, JRC, LM, JM), pp. 429–432.
SEFM-2007-FraserB #configuration management #proving #tool support- Configurable Proof Obligations in the Frog Toolkit (SF, RB), pp. 361–370.
RE-2006-BreauxVA #requirements #towards- Towards Regulatory Compliance: Extracting Rights and Obligations to Align Requirements with Regulations (TDB, MWV, AIA), pp. 46–55.
RE-2005-BreauxA #semantics- Analyzing Goal Semantics for Rights, Permissions, and Obligations (TDB, AIA), pp. 177–188.
RE-2004-KatzR #aspect-oriented #proving #requirements- From Aspectual Requirements to Proof Obligations for Aspect-Oriented Systems (SK, AR), pp. 48–57.
VLDB-2002-BettiniJWW #policy #security- Provisions and Obligations in Policy Management and Security Applications (CB, SJ, XSW, DW), pp. 502–513.
LOPSTR-1999-DucasseR #consistency #formal method #proving- Proof Obligations of the B Formal Method: Local Proofs Ensure Global Consistency (MD, LR), pp. 10–29.
FME-1997-AichernigL #generative #proving- A Proof Obligation Generator for VDM-SL (BKA, PGL), pp. 338–357.
ESEC-1995-Coen-PorisiniKM #framework #proving- A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Inter-level Proof Obligations (ACP, RAK, DM), pp. 90–108.
KBSE-1993-Feather #bound #implementation- An Implementation of Bounded Obligations (MSF), p. 18.
ESEC-1993-Coen-PorisiniM #framework #proving- A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Intra-Level Proof Obligations (ACP, DM), pp. 483–500.
VDME-1987-Jones87a #proving- VDM Proof Obligations and their Justification (CBJ), pp. 260–286.
ICSE-1985-MinskyL- Ensuring Integrity by Adding Obligations to Privileges (NHM, AL), pp. 92–102.