26 papers:
CHI-2012-MulloniSDBS- 360° panoramic overviews for location-based services (AM, HS, AD, PB, DS), pp. 2565–2568.
CASE-2011-JamesBHACC #mining #mobile #using- Tele-operation of a mobile mining robot using a panoramic display: an exploration of operators sense of presence (CAJ, TPB, KH, LA, CC, AC), pp. 279–284.
ICPR-2010-DOrazioLM #generative #multi #synthesis #video- Panoramic Video Generation by Multi View Data Synthesis (TD, ML, NM), pp. 4105–4108.
SAC-2008-NunesC08a #artificial reality #challenge #health #perspective- The virtual reality challenges in the health care area: a panoramic view (FLSN, RMEMdC), pp. 1312–1316.
CASE-2007-YoonHMSR #algorithm #image #navigation #performance #using- Efficient Navigation Algorithm Using 1D Panoramic Images (SY, WH, SKM, YS, KSR), pp. 536–541.
HCI-MIE-2007-Goncalves #how #multi- How Panoramic Photography Changed Multimedia Presentations in Tourism (NG), pp. 862–871.
HCI-MIE-2007-SulaimanNSY #effectiveness #experience #image- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Digital Storytelling with Panoramic Images to Facilitate Experience Sharing (ZS, NLMN, NS, SPY), pp. 981–989.
ICPR-v1-2006-BurTOSH #navigation- Robot Navigation by Panoramic Vision and Attention Guided Fetaures (AB, AT, NO, RS, HH), pp. 695–698.
ICPR-v3-2006-AsanoTTTANTHM #using- Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding tooth roots on dental panoramic radiographs using mathematical morphology (AA, TT, AT, CMA, TN, KT, TH, MM), pp. 988–991.
SEKE-2006-MazzoleniVFMB #image #towards #using- Towards a contextualized access to the cultural heritage world using 360 Panoramic Images (PM, SV, SF, PM, EB), pp. 416–419.
ICPR-v4-2004-DehaisDMC #artificial reality #perspective #realtime #sequence #using #video- Augmented Reality through Real-Time Tracking of Video Sequences Using a Panoramic View (CD, MD, GM, VC), pp. 995–998.
ICPR-v4-2002-FialaB #re-engineering #using- Panoramic Stereo Reconstruction Using Non-SVP Optics (MF, AB), p. 27–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-WangTSHNY #image- Registering Panoramic Range Data and Omni-directional Color Image Based on Edge Histograms (CW, HT, YS, HH, YN, KY), pp. 355–358.
ICPR-v1-2000-BaldwinB #3d #estimation #using- 3D Estimation using Panoramic Stereo (JB, AB), pp. 1097–1100.
ICPR-v1-2000-KimKLK #image #reliability- Stitching Reliability for Estimating Camera Focal Length in Panoramic Image Mosaicing (HSK, HCK, WKL, CHK), pp. 1596–1599.
ICPR-v1-2000-LaoWLO- Creating Virtual Walkthrough Environment from Vertical Panoramic Mosaic (TkL, KhW, KsL, SHO), pp. 1575–1578.
ICPR-v1-2000-NicolescuM #named #video- GlobeAll: Panoramic Video for an Intelligent Room (MN, GGM), pp. 1823–1826.
ICPR-v3-2000-OrWLL #modelling #segmentation #using #video- Panoramic Video Segmentation Using Color Mixture Models (SHO, KhW, KsL, TkL), pp. 3391–3394.
ICPR-v3-2000-StiefelhagenYW #perspective- Simultaneous Tracking of Head Poses in a Panoramic View (RS, JY, AW), pp. 3726–3733.
ICPR-v4-2000-JoganL #locality #recognition #robust #using- Robust Localization Using Panoramic View-Based Recognition (MJ, AL), pp. 4136–4139.
ICPR-v4-2000-KopilovicVS #analysis #detection #lens- Application of Panoramic Annular Lens for Motion Analysis Tasks: Surveillance and Smoke Detection (IK, BV, TS), pp. 4714–4717.
ICPR-v4-2000-ShimamuraTYY #image #modelling #using- Construction and Presentation of a Virtual Environment Using Panoramic Stereo Images of a Real Scene and Computer Graphics Models (JS, HT, NY, KY), pp. 4463–4467.
ICPR-v4-2000-TakahashiKIS #image #using- Expanding Possible View Points of Virtual Environment Using Panoramic Images (TT, HK, KI, MS), pp. 4468–4472.
ICPR-1998-BenosmanD- Panoramic stereo vision sensor (RB, JD), pp. 767–769.
ICPR-1998-KawanishiYITY #generative #image #using- Generation of high-resolution stereo panoramic images by omnidirectional imaging sensor using hexagonal pyramidal mirrors (TK, KY, HI, HT, NY), pp. 485–489.
ICPR-1996-SouthwellBFR- Panoramic stereo (DS, AB, MF, JR), pp. 378–382.