19 papers:
WICSA-2015-EliassonHPL #architecture- Architecting in the Automotive Domain: Descriptive vs Prescriptive Architecture (UE, RH, PP, JL), pp. 115–118.
ICGT-2015-WeberDP #formal method #graph transformation #monitoring #using- Using Graph Transformations for Formalizing Prescriptions and Monitoring Adherence (JHW, SD, MP), pp. 205–220.
GPCE-2015-FlorenceFFTKWNY #named #programming language- POP-PL: a patient-oriented prescription programming language (SPF, BF, MF, WHT, TK, DPW, CN, PRY, RBF, SMB), pp. 131–140.
SIGMOD-2014-ChalamallaIOP- Descriptive and prescriptive data cleaning (AC, IFI, MO, PP), pp. 445–456.
PADL-2014-SivaramakrishnanZJ #named- RCML: A Prescription for Safely Relaxing Synchrony (KCS, LZ, SJ), pp. 1–16.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HerronV #analysis #bibliography- Are Prescription Labels Usable? A Review and Analysis (MH, KPLV), pp. 252–260.
SIGIR-2013-Ruiz-RicoTGR #multi- A multilingual and multiplatform application for medicinal plants prescription from medical symptoms (FRR, DT, JLVG, MCRS), pp. 1121–1122.
CSCW-2012-BaumerKFAGPRNOG #design #health #mobile #persuasion #social- Prescriptive persuasion and open-ended social awareness: expanding the design space of mobile health (EPSB, SJK, JEF, PA, ALG, JPP, DR, JN, CMO, GKG), pp. 475–484.
SEKE-2012-KrollSPHGSAF #adaptation #development #empirical- Follow-the-Sun Software Development: A Controlled Experiment to Evaluate the Benefits of Adaptive and Prescriptive Approaches (JK, ARS, RP, ERH, RAG, AS, JLNA, PHLF), pp. 551–556.
HT-2011-IturriozDA #behaviour- Reactive tags: associating behaviour to prescriptive tags (JI, OD, IA), pp. 191–200.
FASE-2010-EsmaeilsabzaliD #modelling #semantics- Prescriptive Semantics for Big-Step Modelling Languages (SE, NAD), pp. 158–172.
OCSC-2009-IsaNM09a #architecture #case study #online- Cultural Prescription vs. User Perception of Information Architecture for Culture Centred Website: A Case Study on Muslim Online User (WARWMI, NLMN, SM), pp. 535–544.
SEKE-2009-AlvesPCL #approach #development #lifecycle #lightweight #outsourcing- From Strategy to Solution: A Lightweight Semi-prescriptive Approach for Software Development Lifecycle with Outsourcing Support (NA, SP, AC, ELJ), pp. 672–675.
ITiCSE-2006-OKellyG #approach #education #learning #problem #programming- RoboCode & problem-based learning: a non-prescriptive approach to teaching programming (JO, JPG), pp. 217–221.
SAC-2003-HassellH #modelling #workflow- Modeling the Workflow of Prescription Writing (LH, JHH), pp. 235–239.
ICEIS-2002-Audy #analysis #information management- Analysis of the Relation between the Prescriptive and Descriptive Approaches of the Information System Planning (JLNA), pp. 553–561.
PPDP-2001-TurbakW- Cycle Therapy: A Prescription for Fold and Unfold on Regular Trees (FAT, JBW), pp. 137–149.
PEPM-1997-NielsonN #framework #multi #λ-calculus- Prescriptive Frameworks for Multi-Level λ-Calculi (FN, HRN), pp. 193–202.
ICSE-1988-Benjamin #metric #named #performance- PILOT: A Prescription for Program Performance Measurement (JLB), pp. 388–395.