5 papers:
KDIR-KMIS-2013-RezendeLJMRB #information management #workflow- Diagnosis and Prognosis of Knowledge Management based on k-Workflow, on Conversion and Knowledge Flow — The Case of the National Land Transport Agency in Brazil (LR, MAL, JdLPCJ, LAM, SAR, CAMB), pp. 413–418.
CASE-2012-ReeseWLDOOBE #modelling- Early warning system modeling for patient bispectral index prognosis in anesthesia and the operating room (JR, YW, LL, HD, EO, MSO, VLB, GE), pp. 297–302.
ICPR-2012-0001HS #feedback #similarity- Medical prognosis based on patient similarity and expert feedback (FW, JH, JS), pp. 1799–1802.
CASE-2009-LyTBPV #fault #perspective- Fault diagnosis and failure prognosis for engineering systems: A global perspective (CL, KT, CSB, RP, GJV), pp. 108–115.
CASE-2009-SankavaramPKPAKP #data-driven #modelling- Model-based and data-driven prognosis of automotive and electronic systems (CS, BRP, AK, KRP, MA, SK, MGP), pp. 96–101.