30 papers:
CHI-2015-MacLeodOGCS #towards- Rare World: Towards Technology for Rare Diseases (HM, KO, DG, KC, KAS), pp. 1145–1154.
VLDB-2015-BegumK14 #bound- Rare Time Series Motif Discovery from Unbounded Streams (NB, EJK), pp. 149–160.
STOC-2014-GoldreichW #algorithm #on the- On derandomizing algorithms that err extremely rarely (OG, AW), pp. 109–118.
CIKM-2014-PimplikarGBP #learning- Learning to Propagate Rare Labels (RP, DG, DB, GRP), pp. 201–210.
ICML-c2-2014-0001NKA #estimation #probability- GEV-Canonical Regression for Accurate Binary Class Probability Estimation when One Class is Rare (AA, HN, SK, SA), pp. 1989–1997.
KDD-2014-DundarYR #identification #towards- Batch discovery of recurring rare classes toward identifying anomalous samples (MD, HZY, BR), pp. 223–232.
SAC-2014-HuWZ #documentation #internet #topic- The discovery of user related rare sequential patterns of topics in the internet document stream (ZH, HW, JZ), pp. 137–138.
CAV-2013-JegourelLS #model checking #statistics- Importance Splitting for Statistical Model Checking Rare Properties (CJ, AL, SS), pp. 576–591.
ISSTA-2013-ChocklerEY #concurrent #fault- Finding rare numerical stability errors in concurrent computations (HC, KE, EY), pp. 12–22.
KDD-2011-KotaA #multi- Temporal multi-hierarchy smoothing for estimating rates of rare events (NK, DA), pp. 1361–1369.
SIGIR-2011-JainOV #query #web- Synthesizing high utility suggestions for rare web search queries (AJ, UO, EV), pp. 805–814.
ICML-2010-SyedR #dataset #identification- Unsupervised Risk Stratification in Clinical Datasets: Identifying Patients at Risk of Rare Outcomes (ZS, IR), pp. 1023–1030.
ICPR-2010-HeG #classification- Rare Class Classification by Support Vector Machine (HH, AG), pp. 548–551.
KDD-2010-AgarwalAKK #modelling #multi #scalability- Estimating rates of rare events with multiple hierarchies through scalable log-linear models (DA, RA, RK, NK), pp. 213–222.
SIGIR-2010-DaveV #learning- Learning the click-through rate for rare/new ads from similar ads (KSD, VV), pp. 897–898.
KDIR-2009-KiranR #approach- An Improved Frequent Pattern-growth Approach to Discover Rare Association Rules (RUK, PKR), pp. 43–52.
ICML-2008-FrankMP #learning- Reinforcement learning in the presence of rare events (JF, SM, DP), pp. 336–343.
DATE-2007-SingheeR #monte carlo #novel #performance #simulation #statistics- Statistical blockade: a novel method for very fast Monte Carlo simulation of rare circuit events, and its application (AS, RAR), pp. 1379–1384.
KDD-2007-AgarwalBCDJS #multi- Estimating rates of rare events at multiple resolutions (DA, AZB, DC, DD, VJ, MS), pp. 16–25.
KDD-2007-WuWCX #analysis #composition- Local decomposition for rare class analysis (JW, HX, PW, JC), pp. 814–823.
SIGIR-2007-BroderFGJJZ #classification #query #robust #using #web- Robust classification of rare queries using web knowledge (AZB, MF, EG, AJ, VJ, TZ), pp. 231–238.
SIGIR-2007-DowneyDH #query #web- Heads and tails: studies of web search with common and rare queries (DD, STD, EH), pp. 847–848.
DAC-2006-KanjJN #analysis #design- Mixture importance sampling and its application to the analysis of SRAM designs in the presence of rare failure events (RK, RVJ, SRN), pp. 69–72.
KDD-2005-Petrushin #mining #multi #self #using #video- Mining rare and frequent events in multi-camera surveillance video using self-organizing maps (VAP), pp. 794–800.
KDD-2005-PhanNHH #learning- Improving discriminative sequential learning with rare--but--important associations (XHP, MLN, TBH, SH), pp. 304–313.
ICPR-v4-2004-ChanHSP #detection #semantics #using #video- Detecting Rare Events in Video Using Semantic Primitives with HMM (MTC, AH, JS, MP), pp. 150–154.
KDD-2002-JoshiAK #predict #question- Predicting rare classes: can boosting make any weak learner strong? (MVJ, RCA, VK), pp. 297–306.
AdaEurope-2000-BarrazaPCC #development #predict- An Application of the Chains-of-Rare-Events Model to Software Development Failure Prediction (NRB, JDP, BCF, FC), pp. 185–195.
KDD-1998-WeissH #learning #predict #sequence- Learning to Predict Rare Events in Event Sequences (GMW, HH), pp. 359–363.
ICML-1995-Weiss #learning- Learning with Rare Cases and Small Disjuncts (GMW), pp. 558–565.