10 papers:
SAT-2015-CorziliusKJSA #c++ #named #open source #parallel #smt- SMT-RAT: An Open Source C++ Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel SMT Solving (FC, GK, SJ, SS, EÁ), pp. 360–368.
HCI-AS-2013-Sampanthar #question- The Motivational GPS: Would a Rat Press a Lever to Get a Badge? (KS), pp. 292–298.
VLDB-2012-ThirumuruganathanDDADY #collaboration #interactive #named #visualisation- MapRat: Meaningful Explanation, Interactive Exploration and Geo-Visualization of Collaborative Ratings (ST, MD, SD, SAY, GD, CY), pp. 1986–1989.
ICPC-2012-HottaHIK #named #refactoring- CRat: A refactoring support tool for Form Template Method (KH, YH, HI, SK), pp. 250–252.
SAT-2012-CorziliusLJA #named- SMT-RAT: An SMT-Compliant Nonlinear Real Arithmetic Toolbox — (Tool Presentation) (FC, UL, SJ, EÁ), pp. 442–448.
KDD-2011-McCloskeyKIKB #behaviour #data mining #mining #using- From market baskets to mole rats: using data mining techniques to analyze RFID data describing laboratory animal behavior (DPM, MEK, SPI, IK, SBM), pp. 301–306.
CASE-2010-IshiiONTOTM #analysis #image #using- Cardiac motion analysis of a rat model for myocardial infarction using high-frame-rate stereo images (II, TO, YN, TT, KO, AT, HM), pp. 780–785.
CASE-2008-NieIYTOM #analysis #behaviour #performance #video- High-speed video analysis of laboratory rats behaviors in forced swim test (YN, II, KY, TT, KO, HM), pp. 206–211.
CAV-2007-BloemCPRT #analysis #formal method #named #requirements- RAT: A Tool for the Formal Analysis of Requirements (RB, RC, IP, MR, AT), pp. 263–267.
SAC-2003-LeeLTY #identification- Identify Amino Acid Candidates Critical for Function of Rat Imidase by Cross-reference Voting in Imidase SuperFamily (CL, YtL, CYT, YSY), pp. 127–134.