24 papers:
SAC-2013-YeLZ #correlation #named- GCplace: geo-cloud based correlation aware data replica placement (ZY, SL, XZ), pp. 371–376.
SIGIR-2012-FreireMTOC #query #scheduling- Scheduling queries across replicas (AF, CM, NT, IO, FC), pp. 1139–1140.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LiX- A Method of Adjusting the Number of Replica Dynamically in HDFS (BL, KX), pp. 529–533.
SAC-2008-Armendariz-InigoMMM #database #named #protocol #replication- SIPRe: a partial database replication protocol with SI replicas (JEAI, AMG, JRGdM, FDME), pp. 2181–2185.
SAC-2008-CarvalhoLGS #identification #programming #search-based #using- Replica identification using genetic programming (MGdC, AHFL, MAG, ASdS), pp. 1801–1806.
SEKE-2007-SaccolEGZ #xml- Managing XML Versions and Replicas in a P2P Context (DdBS, NE, RdMG, CZ), p. 680–?.
SAC-2007-SawaiSKHN #ad hoc #consistency #network- Quorum-based consistency management among replicas in ad hoc networks with data update (YS, MS, AK, TH, SN), pp. 955–956.
SAC-2006-YangYCW #grid #implementation #performance- Implementation of a dynamic adjustment mechanism with efficient replica selection in data grid environments (CTY, IHY, CHC, SYW), pp. 797–804.
HPDC-2006-RamakrishnanR #grid #multi- Multidimensional Replica Selection in the Data Grid (SR, PJR), pp. 373–374.
SAC-2005-RahmanBA #approach #grid- Replica selection in grid environment: a data-mining approach (RMR, KB, RA), pp. 695–700.
KDD-2004-KolczCA #detection #robust- Improved robustness of signature-based near-replica detection via lexicon randomization (AK, AC, JA), pp. 605–610.
SAC-2004-BuchholzB #adaptation #network- Replica placement in adaptive content distribution networks (SB, TB), pp. 1705–1710.
HPDC-2004-ChervenakPBKS #performance #scalability- Performance and Scalability of a Replica Location Service (ALC, NP, SB, CK, RS), pp. 182–191.
CIKM-2003-HuangCP #mobile- Exploring group mobility for replica data allocation in a mobile environment (JLH, MSC, WCP), pp. 161–168.
SOSP-2003-ManiatisRRBGM- Preserving peer replicas by rate-limited sampled voting (PM, DSHR, MR, MB, TJG, YM), pp. 44–59.
SAC-2002-StockingerH- HTTP redirection for replica catalogue lookups in data grids (HS, AH), pp. 882–889.
HPDC-2002-RipeanuF #adaptation #distributed- A Decentralized, Adaptive Replica Location Mechanism (MR, ITF), p. 24–?.
CIKM-2001-YeeODN #database #maintenance #mobile #scalability- Scaling Replica Maintenance In Intermittently Synchronized Mobile Databases (WGY, EO, MJD, SBN), pp. 450–457.
HPDC-2001-DullmannHJSSSS #consistency #grid #modelling- Models for Replica Synchronisation and Consistency in a Data Grid (DD, WH, FJJM, BS, HS, KS, AS), pp. 67–75.
HPDC-2001-LeeW #grid- Dynamic Replica Management in the Service Grid (BDL, JBW), pp. 433–434.
VLDB-1999-PacittMS #algorithm #consistency #database #lazy evaluation #maintenance #performance- Fast Algorithms for Maintaining Replica Consistency in Lazy Master Replicated Databases (EP, PM, ES), pp. 126–137.
SIGIR-1999-LuM #information retrieval- Partial Replica Selection Based on Relevance for Information Retrieval (ZL, KSM), pp. 97–104.
VLDB-1996-Hammond #consistency #set #using- Using Referential Integrity To Easily Define Consistent Subset Replicas (BH), p. 591.
SIGMOD-1991-PuL #approach #distributed- Replica Control in Distributed Systems: An Asynchronous Approach (CP, AL), pp. 377–386.