30 papers:
LATA-2015-GodinKP #automaton #on the- On Torsion-Free Semigroups Generated by Invertible Reversible Mealy Automata (TG, IK, MP), pp. 328–339.
LATA-2015-Panteleev #sequence- Preset Distinguishing Sequences and Diameter of Transformation Semigroups (PP), pp. 353–364.
CIAA-2014-BrzozowskiS #scalability- Large Aperiodic Semigroups (JAB, MS), pp. 124–135.
DLT-2012-0002HOT #context-free grammar #problem #word- Semigroups with a Context-Free Word Problem (MH, DFH, MDO, RMT), pp. 97–108.
DLT-2011-KuncO #automaton #finite #using- Describing Periodicity in Two-Way Deterministic Finite Automata Using Transformation Semigroups (MK, AO), pp. 324–336.
DLT-2011-PlyushchenkoS #on the- On Brzozowski’s Conjecture for the Free Burnside Semigroup Satisfying x2 = x3 (ANP, AMS), pp. 362–373.
AFL-J-2008-AfoninK10 #on the #regular expression- On the Structure of Finitely Generated Semigroups of Unary Regular Languages (SA, EK), pp. 689–704.
CIAA-2010-Egri-NagyN #finite #on the #word- On Straight Words and Minimal Permutators in Finite Transformation Semigroups (AEN, CLN), pp. 115–124.
FoSSaCS-2008-Parys #commutative #equation #finite- Systems of Equations Satisfied in All Commutative Finite Semigroups (PP), pp. 261–272.
AFL-2008-AfoninK #regular expression- Semigroups of regular languages over a one letter alphabet are rational (SA, EK), pp. 61–73.
LATA-2008-CainORT #automation- Automatic Presentations for Cancellative Semigroups (AJC, GPO, NR, RMT), pp. 149–159.
DLT-2004-Potapov #automaton #matrix #multi #problem #reachability- From Post Systems to the Reachability Problems for Matrix Semigroups and Multicounter Automata (IP), pp. 345–356.
DLT-2002-PetkovicCB #automaton- Characteristic Semigroups of Directable Automata (TP, MC, SB), pp. 417–427.
LICS-2001-GodoyN #constraints #deduction #monad #on the- On Ordering Constraints for Deduction with Built-In Abelian Semigroups, Monoids and Groups (GG, RN), pp. 38–47.
WLC-2000-MargolisS #polynomial- Power Semigroups and Polynomial Closure (SWM, BS), pp. 311–322.
WLC-2000-Matsuda- Characterization of Valuation Rings and Valuation Semigroups by Semistar-Operations (RM), pp. 339–351.
WLC-2000-ShumSG- Subdirect Product Structure of Left Clifford Semigroups (KPS, MKS, YQG), pp. 428–433.
DLT-1999-RuizG- Right and left strongly locally testable semigroups and languages (JR, PG), pp. 232–241.
ICALP-1995-HarjuKP #equation- Compactness of Systems of Equations in Semigroups (TH, JK, WP), pp. 444–454.
PODS-1990-Plambeck #optimisation #query #recursion- Semigroup Techniques in Recursive Query Optimization (TEP), pp. 145–153.
CADE-1990-Baader #term rewriting- Rewrite Systems for Varieties of Semigroups (FB), pp. 396–410.
ICALP-1987-Beaudry #commutative #testing- Testing Membership in Commutative Transformation Semigroups (MB), pp. 542–549.
ICALP-1986-Mascle #matrix- Torsion Matrix Semigroups and Recognizable Transductions (JPM), pp. 244–253.
ICALP-1986-Straubing- Semigroups and Languages of Dot-Depth 2 (HS), pp. 416–423.
STOC-1985-Huynh #commutative #complexity #equivalence #problem #symmetry- The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Commutative Semigroups and Symmetric Vector Addition Systems (DTH), pp. 405–412.
ICALP-1984-MargolisP- Languages and Inverse Semigroups (SWM, JÉP), pp. 337–346.
ICALP-1982-GoralcikovaGK #bound #morphism #pseudo- A Boundary of Isomorphism Completeness in the Lattice of Semigroup Pseudovarieties (AG, PG, VK), pp. 292–299.
STOC-1976-CardozaLM #commutative #exponential #petri net #problem- Exponential Space Complete Problems for Petri Nets and Commutative Semigroups: Preliminary Report (EC, RJL, ARM), pp. 50–54.
STOC-1973-Eilenberg #set- Classes of Semigroups and Classes of Sets (SE), pp. 266–267.
ICALP-1972-Zalcstein- Syntactic Semigroups of Some Classes of Star-Free Languages (YZ), pp. 135–144.