4 papers:
CHI-2014-Unander-ScharinUH #interactive #scalability- The vocal chorder: empowering opera singers with a large interactive instrument (CUS, ÅUS, KH), pp. 1001–1010.
SIGIR-2006-ShenCST #automation #database #identification #music #performance #scalability #towards- Towards efficient automated singer identification in large music databases (JS, BC, JS, KLT), pp. 59–66.
ICPR-v2-2004-MaddageXW #identification #modelling- Singer Identification Based on Vocal and Instrumental Models (NCM, CX, YW), pp. 375–378.
CIKM-2002-LiuH #classification #identification #music- A singer identification technique for content-based classification of MP3 music objects (CCL, CSH), pp. 438–445.