11 papers:
DHM-2014-FacoettiVCR #low cost #modelling- A Low Cost Haptic Mouse for Prosthetic Socket Modeling (GF, AV, GC, CR), pp. 508–515.
SAC-2012-DavoliG #api #multi #named #stack- msocket: multiple stack support for the berkeley socket API (RD, MG), pp. 588–593.
HPDC-2012-BaeXDL #adaptation #energy #multi #performance- Dynamic adaptive virtual core mapping to improve power, energy, and performance in multi-socket multicores (CB, LX, PAD, JRL), pp. 247–258.
SAC-2009-EirakuSPKK #network #performance #virtual machine- Fast networking with socket-outsourcing in hosted virtual machine environments (HE, YS, CP, YK, KK), pp. 310–317.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-TobarraCPC #protocol #verification- Formal Verification of the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (MLT, DC, JJP, FC), pp. 246–252.
SAC-2008-KimuraG #api #named- TIPS: wrapping the sockets API for seamless IP mobility (BYLK, HCG), pp. 1940–1945.
ITiCSE-2007-BrownM #source code #student #visualisation- Visualizing berkeley socket calls in students’ programs (CB, CM), pp. 101–105.
HPDC-2003-BalajiWKCPS #data-driven #performance- Impact of High Performance Sockets on Data Intensive Applications (PB, JW, TMK, ÜVÇ, DKP, JHS), pp. 24–33.
ESOP-2002-WansbroughNSS #semantics #thread- Timing UDP: Mechanized Semantics for Sockets, Threads, and Failures (KW, MN, PS, AS), pp. 278–294.
ITiCSE-1999-YangB #education #interface #java #programming #using- Using Java and the socket interface in teaching client/server programming (AY, YB), p. 206.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-KlugS #corba #distributed #programming- Distributed Programming in C++, from Sockets to CORBA (MK, MS), p. 543.