36 papers:
ESEC-FSE-2015-ArcuriFG #automation #generative #network #testing- Generating TCP/UDP network data for automated unit test generation (AA, GF, JPG), pp. 155–165.
HPDC-2013-CuiBLD #optimisation #performance- Virtual TCP offload: optimizing ethernet overlay performance on advanced interconnects (ZC, PGB, JRL, PAD), pp. 49–60.
SAC-2011-SreekumariC #multi #network- A new TCP mechanism for reducing retransmission timeouts over multi-hop wireless networks (PS, SHC), pp. 498–505.
SAC-2010-AnelliLHL #detection #towards- Transport congestion events detection (TCED): towards decorrelating congestion detection from TCP (PA, EL, FH, DMLP), pp. 663–669.
SAC-2010-MabuchiSHSK #data access #named- CapaCon: access control mechanism for inter-device communications through TCP connections (MM, YS, KH, AS, KK), pp. 706–712.
HIMI-II-2009-BaeLLCKB #estimation- An End-to-End Proactive TCP Based on Available Bandwidth Estimation with Congestion Level Index (SB, DL, CL, JC, JK, SB), pp. 124–130.
HIMI-II-2009-ParkLKC #network #performance- Freeze TCPv2: An Enhancement of Freeze TCP for Efficient Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks (MP, JL, JK, HC), pp. 448–457.
FM-2008-RidgeNS #approach #implementation #network #protocol- A Rigorous Approach to Networking: TCP, from Implementation to Protocol to Service (TR, MN, PS), pp. 294–309.
SAC-2008-SalesAP #network #on the #performance- On the performance of TCP, UDP and DCCP over 802.11 g networks (LMdS, HOdA, AP), pp. 2074–2078.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KimKC #human-computer- TCP NJ+ for Wireless HCI (JK, JK, HC), pp. 572–581.
SAC-2007-LinC #named- VA-TCP: a vertical handoff-aware TCP (YCL, HPC), pp. 237–238.
TestCom-FATES-2007-PlesowiczM #automation #communication #testing- Experimental Testing of TCP/IP/Ethernet Communication for Automatic Control (PP, MM), pp. 260–275.
DATE-2006-Shrikumar #protocol- 40Gbps de-layered silicon protocol engine for TCP record (HS), pp. 188–193.
POPL-2006-BishopFNSSW #implementation #logic #specification #testing- Engineering with logic: HOL specification and symbolic-evaluation testing for TCP implementations (SB, MF, MN, PS, MS, KW), pp. 55–66.
ASPLOS-2006-BinkertSR #interface #network- Integrated network interfaces for high-bandwidth TCP/IP (NLB, AGS, SKR), pp. 315–324.
OSDI-2006-KimR #interface #network #policy- Connection Handoff Policies for TCP Offload Network Interfaces (HyK, SR), pp. 293–306.
HPDC-2005-HackerNA #adaptation #parallel #scheduling- Adaptive data block scheduling for parallel TCP streams (TJH, BDN, BDA), pp. 265–275.
HPCA-2004-MakineniI #architecture- Architectural Characterization of TCP/IP Packet Processing on the Pentium M Microprocessor (SM, RRI), pp. 152–163.
STOC-2003-GilbertK #behaviour #on the- On the fractal behavior of TCP (ACG, HJK), pp. 297–306.
FME-2003-Vigna #security- A Topological Characterization of TCP/IP Security (GV), pp. 914–939.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PhillipsH #mobile #performance #simulation- Simulation Study of TCP Performance Over Mobile IPV4 and Mobile IPV6 (DP, JH), pp. 224–231.
HPCA-2003-HuMK #correlation #named- TCP: Tag Correlating Prefetchers (ZH, MM, SK), pp. 317–326.
HPDC-2002-WeigleF #automation #comparison #distributed- A Comparison of TCP Automatic Tuning Techniques for Distributed Computing (EW, WcF), p. 265–?.
OSDI-2002-VenkataramaniKD- TCP Nice: A Mechanism for Background Transfers (AV, RK, MD), pp. 329–343.
TestCom-2002-OgishiHKS #sequence #specification- A TCP Test System Specifying only Exceptional Packet Sequences (TO, TH, TK, KS), pp. 21–38.
STOC-2001-KarlinKR- Dynamic TCP acknowledgement and other stories about e/(e-1) (ARK, CK, DR), pp. 502–509.
HPDC-2001-WeigleF- A Case for TCP Vegas in High-Performance Computational Grids (EW, WcF), p. 158–?.
TestCom-2000-KatoOSMIS #testing- Interoperability Testing System of TCP/IP Based Systems in Operational Environment (TK, TO, HS, YM, AI, KS), p. 143–?.
TestCom-2000-RyuKKS #design #generative #testing #using- Interoperability Test Suite Generation for the TCP Data Part Using Experimental Design Techniques (JR, MK, SK, SS), pp. 127–142.
ASE-1999-BesseCL #automation #generative #protocol #testing- An Automatic and Optimized Test Generation Technique Applying to TCP/IP Protocol (CB, ARC, DL), pp. 73–80.
IWTCS-1999-GecseK #algorithm #automation- Automated Test of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms (RG, PK), pp. 149–166.
STOC-1998-DoolyGS #theory and practice- TCP Dynamic Acknowledgment Delay: Theory and Practice (Extended Abstract) (DRD, SAG, SDS), pp. 389–398.
SAC-1996-KhalilSO #network #protocol #simulation- A simulation study of the mechanisms to enhance TCP protocol in wide area computer networks (KMK, YSS, MSO), pp. 77–81.
HPDC-1996-DharanikotaM #architecture #named #network #quality- QUANTA: Quality of Service Architecture for Native TCP/IP over ATM Networks (SD, KM), pp. 585–594.
HPDC-1995-EwyEFM #case study #experience- TCP/ATM Experiences in the MAGIC Testbed (BJE, JBE, VF, GJM), pp. 87–93.
HPDC-1994-ChangFFGHNRSW #network- High-Performance TCP/IP and UDP/IP Networking in DEC OSF/1 for Alpha AXP (CHC, RF, JF, HG, WRH, APN, KKR, UNS, KMW), pp. 35–42.