7 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-HuangZYDLND0Z #big data #predict- Telco Churn Prediction with Big Data (YH, FZ, MY, KD, YL, BN, WD, QY, JZ), pp. 607–618.
VLDB-2015-HuYYDCYGZ #big data #difference #framework #privacy- Differential Privacy in Telco Big Data Platform (XH, MY, JY, YD, LC, QY, HG, JZ), pp. 1692–1703.
VLDB-2013-AbbasogluGF #clustering- Aggregate Profile Clustering for Telco Analytics (MAA, BG, HF), pp. 1234–1237.
VLDB-2013-AntonelliCCLT- Exploiting the Diversity, Mass and Speed of Territorial Data by TELCO Operator for Better User Services (FA, AC, CC, RL, GT), pp. 1164–1165.
DUXU-WM-2013-AlpkayaS #experience #user interface- User Experience Transformation in Telco Companies: Turkcell Case (SA, CS), pp. 84–93.
HCD-2009-MarcengoGR #design #effectiveness #research- Personas Layering: A Cost Effective Model for Service Design in Medium-Long Term Telco Research Projects (AM, EG, AR), pp. 256–265.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VuongN #framework #network- Network centric computing platform — the contribution of telcos to networking companies (TAV, JN), pp. 472–476.