15 papers:
CIKM-2014-ZhangHSWHH #evaluation- Generalized Bias-Variance Evaluation of TREC Participated Systems (PZ, LH, DS, JW, YH, BH), pp. 1911–1914.
SIGIR-2014-CulpepperMSS #named #topic- TREC: topic engineering exercise (JSC, SM, MS, FS), pp. 1147–1150.
SIGIR-2011-ChatzichristofisZA11a- The TREC files: the (ground) truth is out there (SAC, KZ, AA), pp. 1289–1290.
CIKM-2008-Sakai #bias #metric #robust- Comparing metrics across TREC and NTCIR: the robustness to system bias (TS), pp. 581–590.
SIGIR-2008-Al-MaskariSC- Relevance judgments between TREC and Non-TREC assessors (AAM, MS, PDC), pp. 683–684.
SIGIR-2008-Sakai #bias #metric #robust- Comparing metrics across TREC and NTCIR: : the robustness to pool depth bias (TS), pp. 691–692.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HubertM #evaluation #feedback- Relevance Feedback as an Indicator to Select the Best Search Engine — Evaluation on TREC Data (GH, JM), pp. 184–189.
SIGIR-2007-MizzaroR #analysis #evaluation #information retrieval #network- Hits hits TREC: exploring IR evaluation results with network analysis (SM, SR), pp. 479–486.
SIGIR-2003-Downie #evaluation #information retrieval #music- The TREC-like evaluation of music IR systems (JSD), pp. 453–454.
SIGIR-2003-HuBZ #analysis #fault #topic- Error analysis of difficult TREC topics (XH, SB, CZ), pp. 407–408.
SIGIR-2003-SoboroffR- Building a filtering test collection for TREC 2002 (IS, SER), pp. 243–250.
SIGIR-2002-Sormunen #documentation #question- Liberal relevance criteria of TREC -: counting on negligible documents? (ES), pp. 324–330.
CIKM-2001-Vorhees- Question Answering in TREC (EMV), pp. 535–537.
CIKM-2000-LarkeyCC #topic- Collection Selection and Results Merging with Topically Organized U.S. Patents and TREC Data (LSL, MEC, JPC), pp. 282–289.
SIGIR-1998-LagergrenO #empirical #information retrieval #interactive #matrix- Comparing Interactive Information Retrieval systems Across Sites: The TREC-6 Interactive Track Matrix Experiment (EL, PO), pp. 164–172.