18 papers:
ICALP-v1-2013-CheriyanGGS #on the #symmetry- On Integrality Ratios for Asymmetric TSP in the Sherali-Adams Hierarchy (JC, ZG, KG, SS), pp. 340–351.
STOC-2012-AnKS #algorithm- Improving christofides’ algorithm for the s-t path TSP (HCA, RK, DBS), pp. 875–886.
ICALP-v1-2012-MegowSVW #online #power of- The Power of Recourse for Online MST and TSP (NM, MS, JV, AW), pp. 689–700.
ICALP-v1-2010-GuptaNR10a #adaptation #algorithm #approximate #problem- Approximation Algorithms for Optimal Decision Trees and Adaptive TSP Problems (AG, VN, RR), pp. 690–701.
STOC-2006-Klein #graph #set- A subset spanner for Planar graphs, : with application to subset TSP (PNK), pp. 749–756.
CSEET-2005-KonskyR #case study #re-engineering- A Case Study: GQM and TSP in a Software Engineering Capstone Project (BRvK, MCR), pp. 215–222.
STOC-2005-JiaLNRS #approximate #set- Universal approximations for TSP, Steiner tree, and set cover (LJ, GL, GN, RR, RS), pp. 386–395.
ICALP-2005-ElbassioniFMS #algorithm #approximate- Approximation Algorithms for Euclidean Group TSP (KME, AVF, NHM, RS), pp. 1115–1126.
STOC-2004-BansalBCM #algorithm #approximate- Approximation algorithms for deadline-TSP and vehicle routing with time-windows (NB, AB, SC, AM), pp. 166–174.
ICML-2004-ClimerZ #approach #clustering- Take a walk and cluster genes: a TSP-based approach to optimal rearrangement clustering (SC, WZ).
ICALP-2003-Blaser #algorithm #approximate #difference #symmetry- An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric TSP with Strengthened Triangle Inequality (MB), pp. 157–163.
ICALP-2001-EngebretsenK #approximate #bound #metric- Approximation Hardness of TSP with Bounded Metrics (LE, MK), pp. 201–212.
ICALP-2000-Grigni #approximate #graph- Approximate TSP in Graphs with Forbidden Minors (MG), pp. 869–877.
ICALP-1999-HammarN #approximate- Approximation Results for Kinetic Variants of TSP (MH, BJN), pp. 392–401.
SAC-1999-Julstrom #heuristic #permutation- Coding TSP Tours as Permutations via an Insertion Heuristic (BAJ), pp. 297–301.
ICLP-1999-FocacciML #constraints- Soving TSP with Time Windows with Constraints (FF, MM, AL), pp. 515–529.
SAC-1998-Julstrom #algorithm- Comparing decoding algorithms in a weight-coded GA for TSP (BAJ), pp. 313–317.
STOC-1997-Trevisan #geometry- When Hamming Meets Euclid: The Approximability of Geometric TSP and MST (Extended Abstract) (LT), pp. 21–29.