4 papers:
SCAM-2015-FenskeSMS #detection #smell #variability- When code smells twice as much: Metric-based detection of variability-aware code smells (WF, SS, DM, GS), pp. 171–180.
ICML-2012-MannorMX #nondeterminism #robust- Lightning Does Not Strike Twice: Robust MDPs with Coupled Uncertainty (SM, OM, HX), p. 62.
ASPLOS-2012-HwangSS #comprehension #design #fault- Cosmic rays don’t strike twice: understanding the nature of DRAM errors and the implications for system design (AAH, IAS, BS), pp. 111–122.
STOC-2009-BatsonSS- Twice-ramanujan sparsifiers (JDB, DAS, NS), pp. 255–262.