14 papers:
HCI-IT-2015-PoirierB #named- UniWatch — Some Approaches Derived from UniGlyph to Allow Text Input on Tiny Devices Such as Connected Watches (FP, MB), pp. 554–562.
SAC-2015-ChaCBCYBC #framework #online #topic- A universal topic framework (UniZ) and its application in online search (YC, KhC, HB, YC, TWY, BB, JC), pp. 1078–1085.
HPDC-2015-AkiyamaT #concurrent #scalability #thread- Uni-Address Threads: Scalable Thread Management for RDMA-Based Work Stealing (SA, KT), pp. 15–26.
CIKM-2013-ZhaoLHCH #network #recommendation #social- Community-based user recommendation in uni-directional social networks (GZ, MLL, WH, WC, HH), pp. 189–198.
HCI-ITE-2011-JayaramanB #interface #using- Uni-model Human System Interface Using sEMG (SJ, VB), pp. 446–453.
SAC-2008-ShihCCWCHHY #middleware- Middleware of Taiwan UniGrid (PCS, HMC, YCC, CMW, RSC, CHH, KCH, CTY), pp. 489–493.
MoDELS-2007-VanhooffABJB #framework #named- UniTI: A Unified Transformation Infrastructure (BV, DA, SVB, WJ, YB), pp. 31–45.
MoDELS-2007-VanhooffABJB #framework #named- UniTI: A Unified Transformation Infrastructure (BV, DA, SVB, WJ, YB), pp. 31–45.
DATE-2006-RaghavanLJCV #architecture #distributed #multi #thread- Distributed loop controller architecture for multi-threading in uni-threaded VLIW processors (PR, AL, MJ, FC, DV), pp. 339–344.
FME-2002-BourdonovKKP #architecture #testing- UniTesK Test Suite Architecture (IBB, AK, VVK, AKP), pp. 77–88.
FM-v2-1999-Krieg-BrucknerPOB #development #formal method- The UniForM Workbench, a Universal Development Environment for Formal Methods (BKB, JP, ERO, AB), pp. 1186–1205.
FM-1998-Karlsen #framework #higher-order #integration #tool support- The UniForM WorkBench — A Higher Order Tool Integration Framework (EWK), pp. 266–280.
FM-1998-Krieg-Bruckner #formal method- UniForM Perspectives for Formal Methods (BKB), pp. 251–265.
SIGMOD-1994-Kim #database #object-oriented #relational- UniSQL/X Unified Relational and Object-Oriented Database System (WK), p. 481.