Stem uniprocessor$ (all stems)
12 papers:
ICEIS-v1-2015-GharbiGB #approach #configuration management #embedded #hybrid #realtime #scheduling #search-based- A Hybrid Genetic based Approach for Real-time Reconfigurable Scheduling of OS Tasks in Uniprocessor Embedded Systems (IG, HG, SB), pp. 385–390.
HPCA-2011-RobatmiliGBK #distributed- Exploiting criticality to reduce bottlenecks in distributed uniprocessors (BR, MSSG, DB, SWK), pp. 431–442.
SAC-2008-Andersson #bound #scheduling- The utilization bound of uniprocessor preemptive slack-monotonic scheduling is 50% (BA), pp. 281–283.
SAC-2008-MartinsB #on the #realtime- On the meaning of modes in uniprocessor real-time systems (PM, AB), pp. 324–325.
DATE-2007-QiuXSS #embedded #energy #multi #realtime- Energy minimization with soft real-time and DVS for uniprocessor and multiprocessor embedded systems (MQ, CX, ZS, EHMS), pp. 1641–1646.
SAC-2006-Chang #embedded #scalability #scheduling- Event-driven scheduling for dynamic workload scaling in uniprocessor embedded systems (LPC), pp. 1462–1466.
LCTES-2005-TanM #analysis- WCRT analysis for a uniprocessor with a unified prioritized cache (YT, VJMI), pp. 175–182.
SAC-2004-ChenKY #constraints #energy #scheduling- Profit-driven uniprocessor scheduling with energy and timing constraints (JJC, TWK, CLY), pp. 834–840.
PLILP-1994-Smith #multi #why- Why Multi-SLD Beats SLD (Even on a Uniprocessor) (DAS), pp. 40–56.
ASPLOS-1992-BershadRE #performance- Fast Mutual Exclusion for Uniprocessors (BNB, DDR, JRE), pp. 223–233.
IWMM-1992-Wilson #garbage collection- Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques (PRW), pp. 1–42.
ASPLOS-1987-RashidTYGBBBC #architecture #independence #memory management #multi- Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures (RFR, AT, MY, DBG, RVB, DLB, WJB, JC), pp. 31–39.