23 papers:
SAC-2015-Puffitsch #analysis #bound #branch #predict- Persistence-based branch misprediction bounds for WCET analysis (WP), pp. 1898–1905.
LCTES-2015-ZhengW- WCET-Aware Dynamic D-cache Locking for A Single Task (WZ, HW), p. 10.
DATE-2014-DingLM- WCET-Centric dynamic instruction cache locking (HD, YL, TM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-NowotschPHPS #analysis #monitoring #multi #off the shelf- Monitoring and WCET analysis in COTS multi-core-SoC-based mixed-criticality systems (JN, MP, AH, WP, AS), pp. 1–5.
LCTES-2014-ZhengW #named- WCET: aware dynamic instruction cache locking (WZ, HW), pp. 53–62.
DATE-2013-GuanYL0 #analysis #approach #estimation- FIFO cache analysis for WCET estimation: a quantitative approach (NG, XY, ML, WY), pp. 296–301.
LCTES-2013-HuberPP #analysis #control flow #graph #using- Combined WCET analysis of bitcode and machine code using control-flow relation graphs (BH, DP, PPP), pp. 163–172.
DAC-2012-DingLM- WCET-centric partial instruction cache locking (HD, YL, TM), pp. 412–420.
DATE-2012-ShahRK #bound #scheduling #using- Bounding WCET of applications using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs (HS, AR, AK), pp. 665–670.
CGO-2012-PlazarKMF- WCET-aware static locking of instruction caches (SP, JCK, PM, HF), pp. 44–52.
LCTES-2012-HuangZX #architecture #clustering #embedded #realtime- WCET-aware re-scheduling register allocation for real-time embedded systems with clustered VLIW architecture (YH, MZ, CJX), pp. 31–40.
LCTES-2012-WanWX #memory management- WCET-aware data selection and allocation for scratchpad memory (QW, HW, JX), pp. 41–50.
DATE-2011-MontagA #precise #realtime- Precise WCET calculation in highly variant real-time systems (PM, SA), pp. 920–925.
LCTES-2010-SchlicklingP #analysis #automation #modelling- Semi-automatic derivation of timing models for WCET analysis (MS, MP), pp. 67–76.
DAC-2009-Falk #graph- WCET-aware register allocation based on graph coloring (HF), pp. 726–731.
DAC-2009-FalkK- Optimal static WCET-aware scratchpad allocation of program code (HF, JCK), pp. 732–737.
LCTES-2007-YanZ #analysis- WCET analysis of instruction caches with prefetching (JY, WZ), pp. 175–184.
LCTES-2006-SandbergEGL #analysis #performance #slicing- Faster WCET flow analysis by program slicing (CS, AE, JG, BL), pp. 103–112.
DAC-2005-GheorghitaSBC #automation #detection #estimation- Automatic scenario detection for improved WCET estimation (SVG, SS, TB, HC), pp. 101–104.
DATE-2005-BurguiereR #branch #modelling #predict- A Contribution to Branch Prediction Modeling in WCET Analysi (CB, CR), pp. 612–617.
CAV-2004-Metzner #analysis #model checking #why- Why Model Checking Can Improve WCET Analysis (AM), pp. 334–347.
VMCAI-2004-Wilhelm #why- Why AI + ILP Is Good for WCET, but MC Is Not, Nor ILP Alone (RW), pp. 309–322.
DATE-2003-LogothetisS #analysis #source code- Exact High Level WCET Analysis of Synchronous Programs by Symbolic State Space Exploration (GL, KS), pp. 10196–10203.