8 papers:
CHI-2015-DobbelsteinHR #named- Belt: An Unobtrusive Touch Input Device for Head-worn Displays (DD, PH, ER), pp. 2135–2138.
CHI-2015-KosmallaDK #automation #metric #named #recognition #using- ClimbSense: Automatic Climbing Route Recognition using Wrist-worn Inertia Measurement Units (FK, FD, AK), pp. 2033–2042.
SAC-2015-AlyI #named #process #realtime #recognition- ubiMonitor: intelligent fusion of body-worn sensors for real-time human activity recognition (HA, MAI), pp. 563–568.
CHI-2014-EnsFI #effectiveness #interface- The personal cockpit: a spatial interface for effective task switching on head-worn displays (BME, RF, PPI), pp. 3171–3180.
CHI-2014-SerranoEI- Exploring the use of hand-to-face input for interacting with head-worn displays (MS, BME, PPI), pp. 3181–3190.
CHI-2013-PohlHHVP #interactive #string- An interactive belt-worn badge with a retractable string-based input mechanism (NP, SH, JH, NV, TP), pp. 1465–1468.
CHI-2012-KratzMS #gesture- Making gestural input from arm-worn inertial sensors more practical (LK, DM, TSS), pp. 1747–1750.
HCI-NIMT-2009-AmftASST #gesture- Gesture-Controlled User Input to Complete Questionnaires on Wrist-Worn Watches (OA, RA, AS, DPS, GT), pp. 131–140.