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Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
3 × Canada
3 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
S.Ducasse O.Nierstrasz J.Ressia R.Robbes A.Infante J.Fabry L.Renggli M.T.Valente M.Denker D.Pollet J.Kubelka W.Binder P.Oliveira A.Serebrenik S.Maass T.Gîrba J.P.S.Alcocer T.V.Cutsem W.D.Meuter D.Cassou R.Wuyts J.Laval S.Denier J.L.C.Izquierdo V.Cosentino B.Rolandi J.Cabot L.Silva M.Ramos N.Anquetil J.Arnaud M.Suen
Talks about:
softwar (3) languag (3) specif (3) profil (3) domain (3) trait (3) blueprint (2) identifi (2) perform (2) control (2)

♂ Person: Alexandre Bergel

DBLP DBLP: Bergel:Alexandre

Facilitated 2 volumes:

SANER 2015PrCo
WCRE 2013PrCo

Contributed to:

ICSME 20152015
SANER 20152015
PLATEAU 20142014
VISSOFT 20142014
VISSOFT 20132013
ICSE 20122012
ECOOP 20112011
TOOLS Europe 20112011
TOOLS Europe 20112012
TOOLS Europe 20102010
ECOOP 20092009
TOOLS Europe 20092009
OOPSLA 20072007
OOPSLA 20052005
WCRE 20092009

Wrote 19 papers:

ICSME-2015-OliveiraVBS #developer #metric #validation
Validating metric thresholds with developers: An early result (PO, MTV, AB, AS), pp. 546–550.
SANER-2015-InfanteB #identification
Efficiently identifying object production sites (AI, AB), pp. 575–579.
SANER-2015-IzquierdoCRBC #git #named
GiLA: GitHub label analyzer (JLCI, VC, BR, AB, JC), pp. 479–483.
SANER-2015-SilvaRVBA #javascript #question
Does JavaScript software embrace classes? (LS, MR, MTV, AB, NA), pp. 73–82.
PLATEAU-2014-KubelkaBR #programming #smalltalk
Asking and Answering Questions during a Programming Change Task in Pharo Language (JK, AB, RR), pp. 1–11.
VISSOFT-2014-BergelMDG #dependence #domain-specific language #graph #visualisation
A Domain-Specific Language for Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph (AB, SM, SD, TG), pp. 45–49.
VISSOFT-2013-AlcocerBDD #comprehension #evolution #performance
Performance evolution blueprint: Understanding the impact of software evolution on performance (JPSA, AB, SD, MD), pp. 1–9.
VISSOFT-2013-FabryB #design
Design decisions in AspectMaps (JF, AB), pp. 1–4.
ICSE-2012-RessiaBN #debugging
Object-centric debugging (JR, AB, ON), pp. 485–495.
ECOOP-2011-Bergel #execution #smalltalk
Counting Messages as a Proxy for Average Execution Time in Pharo (AB), pp. 533–557.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BergelNRR #profiling
Domain-Specific Profiling (AB, ON, LR, JR), pp. 68–82.
TOOLS-EUROPE-J-2011-RessiaBNR12 #modelling
Modeling Domain-Specific Profilers (JR, AB, ON, LR), pp. 1–21.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-ArnaudDDPBS #execution
Read-Only Execution for Dynamic Languages (JBA, MD, SD, DP, AB, MS), pp. 117–136.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-BergelRB #metric #profiling #visualisation
Visualizing Dynamic Metrics with Profiling Blueprints (AB, RR, WB), pp. 291–309.
ECOOP-2009-CutsemBDM #using
Adding State and Visibility Control to Traits Using Lexical Nesting (TVC, AB, SD, WDM), pp. 220–243.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-DucassePBC #reuse #testing
Reusing and Composing Tests with Traits (SD, DP, AB, DC), pp. 252–271.
User-changeable visibility: resolving unanticipated name clashes in traits (SD, RW, AB, ON), pp. 171–190.
OOPSLA-2005-BergelDN #java #named
Classbox/J: controlling the scope of change in Java (AB, SD, ON), pp. 177–189.
WCRE-1999-LavalDDB99a #dependence #identification #matrix
Identifying Cycle Causes with Enriched Dependency Structural Matrix (JL, SD, SD, AB), pp. 113–122.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.