Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Hungary
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Switzerland
2 × Austria
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Canada
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Leon G.Shu B.Sun G.K.Baah M.J.Harrold L.A.Clarke W.Dickinson E.J.Weyuker C.Yang L.Pierce ∅ W.Masri Z.Bai R.Chang J.Yang L.J.White T.A.D.Henderson F.Cao B.Robinson S.Ray J.Steven P.Chandra B.Fleck D.J.Richardson S.J.Zeil S.Raghavan R.Rohana V.Augustine Y.Yuan L.Xu X.Xiao H.Zhu P.Francis M.Minch J.Sun B.Wang
Talks about:
softwar (6) program (5) fault (5) test (5) base (5) analysi (4) failur (4) depend (4) local (4) reliabl (3)
Person: Andy Podgurski
DBLP: Podgurski:Andy
Contributed to:
Wrote 23 papers:
- ICST-2015-BaiSP #fault #named #using
- NUMFL: Localizing Faults in Numerical Software Using a Value-Based Causal Model (ZB, GS, AP), pp. 1–10.
- ICST-2013-ShuSHP #analysis #dependence #framework #named #platform
- JavaPDG: A New Platform for Program Dependence Analysis (GS, BS, TADH, AP), pp. 408–415.
- ICST-2013-ShuSPC #fault #locality #named
- MFL: Method-Level Fault Localization with Causal Inference (GS, BS, AP, FC), pp. 124–133.
- ICSE-2012-SunSPR #mining #static analysis
- Extending static analysis by mining project-specific rules (BS, GS, AP, BR), pp. 1054–1063.
- ICST-2012-SunSPR #cost analysis #learning #named #reliability
- CARIAL: Cost-Aware Software Reliability Improvement with Active Learning (BS, GS, AP, SR), pp. 360–369.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-BaahPH #dependence #effectiveness #fault #locality
- Mitigating the confounding effects of program dependences for effective fault localization (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 146–156.
- ISSTA-2010-BaahPH #fault #locality #statistics
- Causal inference for statistical fault localization (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 73–84.
- ISSTA-2008-BaahPH #dependence #fault #graph #probability
- The probabilistic program dependence graph and its application to fault diagnosis (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 189–200.
- ISSTA-2007-ChangPY #approach #what
- Finding what’s not there: a new approach to revealing neglected conditions in software (RYC, AP, JY), pp. 163–173.
- ICSE-2005-LeonMP #data flow #empirical #evaluation #testing
- An empirical evaluation of test case filtering techniques based on exercising complex information flows (DL, WM, AP), pp. 412–421.
- ICSM-2004-RaghavanRLPA #difference #named #scalability #semantics
- Dex: A Semantic-Graph Differencing Tool for Studying Changes in Large Code Bases (SR, RR, DL, AP, VA), pp. 188–197.
- ICSE-2003-PodgurskiLFMMSW #automation
- Automated Support for Classifying Software Failure Reports (AP, DL, PF, WM, MM, JS, BW), pp. 465–477.
- ESEC-FSE-2001-DickinsonLP
- Pursuing failure: the distribution of program failures in a profile space (WD, DL, AP), pp. 246–255.
- ICSE-2001-DickinsonLP #analysis #clustering #execution
- Finding Failures by Cluster Analysis of Execution Profiles (WD, DL, AP), pp. 339–348.
- ICSE-2000-LeonPW #multi #testing #visualisation
- Multivariate visualization in observation-based testing (DL, AP, LJW), pp. 116–125.
- ISSTA-2000-StevenCFP #named #testing
- jRapture: A Capture/Replay tool for observation-based testing (JS, PC, BF, AP), pp. 158–167.
- ICSE-1997-PodgurskiW #maintenance #reliability
- Re-estimation of Software Reliability After Maintenance (AP, EJW), pp. 79–85.
- FSE-1993-PodgurskiY #analysis #clustering #testing
- Partition testing, stratified sampling, and cluster analysis (AP, CY), pp. 169–181.
- ICSE-1992-PodgurskiP #automation #behaviour #component #retrieval #reuse
- Behavior Sampling: A Technique for Automated Retrieval of Reusable Components (AP, LP), pp. 349–360.
- TAV-1991-Podgurski #algorithm #reliability
- Reliability, Sampling, and Algorithmic Randomness (AP), pp. 11–20.
- TAV-1989-PodgurskiC #debugging #dependence #maintenance #testing
- The Implications of Program Dependencies for Software Testing, Debugging, and Maintenance (AP, LAC), pp. 168–178.
- ICSE-1985-ClarkePRZ #comparison #data flow
- A Comparison of Data Flow Path Selection Criteria (LAC, AP, DJR, SJZ), pp. 244–251.
- ESEC-FSE-2017-YuanXXPZ #android #execution #graph #named
- RunDroid: recovering execution call graphs for Android applications (YY, LX, XX, AP, HZ), pp. 949–953.