Travelled to:
2 × France
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
S.Ganapathy R.Canal A.González R.Galivanche R.Kapur P.Pouyan E.Amat F.Moll D.Alexandrescu E.Costenaro
Talks about:
reconfigur (1) multivari (1) implement (1) framework (1) techniqu (1) proactiv (1) variabl (1) regress (1) circuit (1) analysi (1)
Person: Antonio Rubio
DBLP: Rubio:Antonio
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2014-GanapathyCACGR #analysis #framework #memory management #named #robust
- INFORMER: An integrated framework for early-stage memory robustness analysis (SG, RC, DA, EC, AG, AR), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2013-PouyanAMR #adaptation #configuration management #design #implementation
- Design and implementation of an adaptive proactive reconfiguration technique for SRAM caches (PP, EA, FM, AR), pp. 1303–1306.
- DATE-2010-GanapathyCGR #estimation #modelling #multi #variability
- Circuit propagation delay estimation through multivariate regression-based modeling under spatio-temporal variability (SG, RC, AG, AR), pp. 417–422.
- DATE-2007-GalivancheKR #testing
- Testing in the year 2020 (RG, RK, AR), pp. 960–965.