Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Japan
1 × Norway
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
2 × Italy
3 × United Kingdom
4 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Garlan J.Cámara J.Aldrich M.Abi-Antoun N.H.Nahas S.Cheng P.Steenkiste H.Yan O.Celiku J.P.Sousa V.Dwivedi M.W.Bigrigg K.M.Carley S.Malek J.Gennari I.Ruchkin G.A.Moreno A.Pandey P.Casanova R.Abreu J.M.Barnes V.Poladian A.Brodsky E.Yuan P.V.Elizondo J.M.Fernandes R.Kazman A.Huang R.Roshandel N.Medvidović D.Zhang N.Hu T.Tseng B.Spitznagel A.Sadeghi H.Bagheri
Talks about:
architectur (21) system (8) self (6) softwar (5) model (5) base (5) approach (3) support (3) analysi (3) evolut (3)
Person: Bradley R. Schmerl
DBLP: Schmerl:Bradley_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 25 papers:
- CBSE-2015-RuchkinSG #abstraction #architecture #hybrid #source code
- Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs (IR, BRS, DG), pp. 65–74.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-MorenoCGS #adaptation #approach #model checking #nondeterminism #probability #self
- Proactive self-adaptation under uncertainty: a probabilistic model checking approach (GAM, JC, DG, BRS), pp. 1–12.
- SAC-2015-CamaraGS0 #adaptation #architecture #game studies #model checking #probability #self
- Optimal planning for architecture-based self-adaptation via model checking of stochastic games (JC, DG, BRS, AP), pp. 428–435.
- QoSA-2013-YuanMSGG #architecture #self
- Architecture-based self-protecting software systems (EY, SM, BRS, DG, JG), pp. 33–42.
- ECSA-2011-CasanovaSGA #architecture #fault #runtime
- Architecture-Based Run-Time Fault Diagnosis (PC, BRS, DG, RA), pp. 261–277.
- ECSA-2011-DwivediEFGS #approach #architecture
- An Architectural Approach to End User Orchestrations (VD, PVE, JMF, DG, BRS), pp. 370–378.
- ICSE-2011-SchmerlGDBC #analysis #case study #design #framework #named #platform
- SORASCS: a case study in soa-based platform design for socio-cultural analysis (BRS, DG, VD, MWB, KMC), pp. 643–652.
- ICSE-2009-GarlanS #architecture #evolution #named
- Ævol: A tool for defining and planning architecture evolution (DG, BRS), pp. 591–594.
- SEKE-2009-GarlanCSBC #analysis #architecture #using
- Using Service-oriented Architectures for Socio-Cultural Analysis (DG, KMC, BRS, MWB, OC), pp. 370–375.
- WICSA-ECSA-2009-GarlanBSC #architecture #evolution #tool support
- Evolution styles: Foundations and tool support for software architecture evolution (DG, JMB, BRS, OC), pp. 131–140.
- WICSA-2008-SousaSPB #design #monitoring #named
- uDesign: End-User Design Applied to Monitoring and Control Applications for Smart Spaces (JPS, BRS, VP, AB), pp. 71–80.
- ASE-2006-Abi-AntounANSG #architecture #difference
- Differencing and Merging of Architectural Views (MAA, JA, NHN, BRS, DG), pp. 47–58.
- SEKE-2006-GarlanS #architecture
- An Architecture for Personal Cognitive Assistance (DG, BRS), pp. 91–97.
- ESEC-FSE-2005-SchmerlGY #architecture
- Dynamically discovering architectures with DiscoTect (BRS, DG, HY), pp. 103–106.
- ICSE-2005-Abi-AntounAGSNT #architecture #implementation #modelling
- Modeling and implementing software architecture with acme and archJava (MAA, JA, DG, BRS, NHN, TT), pp. 676–677.
- WICSA-2005-Abi-AntounAGSN #architecture #automation #concept #implementation #incremental
- Semi-Automated Incremental Synchronization between Conceptual and Implementation Level Architectures (MAA, JA, DG, BRS, NHN), pp. 265–268.
- ICSE-2004-SchmerlG #architecture #development #named
- AcmeStudio: Supporting Style-Centered Architecture Development (BRS, DG), pp. 704–705.
- ICSE-2004-YanGSAK #architecture #named
- DiscoTect: A System for Discovering Architectures from Running Systems (HY, DG, BRS, JA, RK), pp. 470–479.
- WICSA-2004-ChengHGSS #architecture #coordination #multi #self
- An Architecture for Coordinating Multiple Self-Management Systems (SWC, ACH, DG, BRS, PS), pp. 243–254.
- WICSA-2004-RoshandelSMGZ #architecture #comprehension #modelling #trade-off
- Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches (RR, BRS, NM, DG, DZ), pp. 47–56.
- HPDC-2002-ChengGSSH #adaptation #architecture #grid
- Software Architecture-Based Adaptation for Grid Computing (SWC, DG, BRS, PS, NH), pp. 389–398.
- SEKE-2002-SchmerlG #architecture #design #self
- Exploiting architectural design knowledge to support self-repairing systems (BRS, DG), pp. 241–248.
- WICSA-2002-ChengGSSSS #architecture #self #using
- Using Architectural Style as a Basis for System Self-repair (SWC, DG, BRS, JPS, BS, PS), pp. 45–59.
- ECSA-2016-SchmerlGSBMCG #analysis #android #architecture #modelling #security
- Architecture Modeling and Analysis of Security in Android Systems (BRS, JG, AS, HB, SM, JC, DG), pp. 274–290.
- ECSA-2017-CamaraGS #product line #synthesis #trade-off #verification
- Synthesis and Quantitative Verification of Tradeoff Spaces for Families of Software Systems (JC, DG, BRS), pp. 3–21.