Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
J.O.Borchers S.Voelker K.Subramanian S.T.Völkel K.Todi M.Pye J.Hurtmanns A.Mertens M.Kronenbuerger C.M.Schlick
Talks about:
method (2) input (2) evalu (2) touchscreen (1) understand (1) statsplor (1) indirect (1) statist (1) desktop (1) analysi (1)
Person: Chat Wacharamanotham
DBLP: Wacharamanotham:Chat
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CHI-2015-Wacharamanotham #analysis #named #statistics
- Statsplorer: Guiding Novices in Statistical Analysis (CW, KS, STV, JOB), pp. 2693–2702.
- CHI-2014-WacharamanothamTPB #comprehension
- Understanding finger input above desktop devices (CW, KT, MP, JOB), pp. 1083–1092.
- CHI-2013-VoelkerWB #evaluation
- An evaluation of state switching methods for indirect touch systems (SV, CW, JOB), pp. 745–754.
- CHI-2011-WacharamanothamHMKSB
- Evaluating swabbing: a touchscreen input method for elderly users with tremor (CW, JH, AM, MK, CMS, JOB), pp. 623–626.