Travelled to:
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
C.Izu R.Poss M.I.Uddin R.Beivide J.Fu Q.Yang C.Zhang
Talks about:
multithread (1) microthread (1) bidimension (1) architectur (1) processor (1) schedul (1) postman (1) network (1) static (1) propag (1)
Person: Chris R. Jesshope
DBLP: Jesshope:Chris_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2014-Fu0PJZ #data flow #detection #fault #parallel #thread
- A fault detection mechanism in a Data-flow scheduled Multithreaded processor (JF, QY, RP, CRJ, CZ), pp. 1–4.
- PDP-2014-UddinPJ #architecture #manycore #simulation #thread
- Analytical-Based High-Level Simulation of the Microthreaded Many-Core Architectures (MIU, RP, CRJ), pp. 344–351.
- PDP-1994-IzuBJ
- Mad-postman : A Look-ahead Message Propagation Method For Static Bidimensional Meshes (CI, RB, CRJ), pp. 117–124.
- PDP-1993-JesshopeI #network
- The MP1 network chip (CRJ, CI), pp. 338–348.