Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Russia
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Lustig O.Kupferman D.Angluin T.Antonopoulos C.Eisner J.Havlicek A.McIsaac D.V.Campenhout R.Armoni N.Jin R.Alur M.Raghothaman I.Beer S.Ben-David A.Gringauze Y.Rodeh
Talks about:
tempor (3) polynomi (2) queri (2) logic (2) membership (1) distribut (1) unambigu (1) synthesi (1) protocol (1) properti (1)
Person: Dana Fisman
DBLP: Fisman:Dana
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CAV-2013-ArmoniFJ #approach
- SVA and PSL Local Variables — A Practical Approach (RA, DF, NJ), pp. 197–212.
- TACAS-2010-FismanKL #synthesis
- Rational Synthesis (DF, OK, YL), pp. 190–204.
- TACAS-2008-FismanKL #distributed #fault tolerance #on the #protocol #verification
- On Verifying Fault Tolerance of Distributed Protocols (DF, OK, YL), pp. 315–331.
- CAV-2003-EisnerFHLMC #logic #reasoning
- Reasoning with Temporal Logic on Truncated Paths (CE, DF, JH, YL, AM, DVC), pp. 27–39.
- ICALP-2003-EisnerFHMC
- The Definition of a Temporal Clock Operator (CE, DF, JH, AM, DVC), pp. 857–870.
- CAV-2001-BeerBEFGR #logic
- The Temporal Logic Sugar (IB, SBD, CE, DF, AG, YR), pp. 363–367.
- ESOP-2016-AlurFR #data type #programming
- Regular Programming for Quantitative Properties of Data Streams (RA, DF, MR), pp. 15–40.
- CSL-2017-AngluinAF #learning #polynomial #query
- Query Learning of Derived Omega-Tree Languages in Polynomial Time (DA, TA, DF), p. 21.
- CSL-2020-AngluinAF #ambiguity #automaton #predict #query
- Strongly Unambiguous Büchi Automata Are Polynomially Predictable With Membership Queries (DA, TA, DF), p. 17.