Travelled to:
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
P.Wyeth L.E.Nacke M.Clark C.Watling J.Harman R.Brown S.Rinderle-Ma U.Kannengiesser
Talks about:
play (3) game (3) experi (2) differ (2) stakehold (1) familiar (1) virtual (1) process (1) leverag (1) environ (1)
Person: Daniel Johnson
DBLP: Johnson:Daniel
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CAiSE-2015-HarmanBJRK #elicitation #memory management #process
- Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation (JH, RB, DJ, SRM, UK), pp. 166–180.
- CHI-2015-JohnsonNW #all about #case study #experience #game studies #video
- All about that Base: Differing Player Experiences in Video Game Genres and the Unique Case of MOBA Games (DJ, LEN, PW), pp. 2265–2274.
- CHI-2015-JohnsonWCW #difference #experience #game studies #process
- Cooperative Game Play with Avatars and Agents: Differences in Brain Activity and the Experience of Play (DJ, PW, MC, CW), pp. 3721–3730.