Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ S.Prabhala S.Ganapathy
Talks about:
ethnographi (3) differ (2) ultrabook (1) industri (1) window (1) touchi (1) happen (1) experi (1) design (1) thing (1)
Person: Daria Loi
DBLP: Loi:Daria
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DUXU-WM-2013-Loi #user interface
- UltrabooksTM and Windows 8: A touchy UX Story (DL), pp. 57–66.
- DUXU-v1-2011-Loi #design #experience #industrial #user interface
- Changing the TV Industry through User Experience Design (DL), pp. 465–474.
- DUXU-v1-2011-PrabhalaLG #people #question #what #word
- Ethnography, Ethnography or Ethnography? What Happens When the Same Word Means Different Things to Different People? (SP, DL, SG), pp. 102–110.