Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Gutwin K.Reinecke K.Z.Gajos A.R.Andrade R.D.Teviotdale D.L.Knowles C.Stewart S.W.T.Sutcliffe Z.Ivkovic A.Pavlovych I.Stavness
Talks about:
improv (4) colour (4) differenti (2) recolor (2) model (2) color (2) interpret (1) recolour (1) individu (1) subject (1)
Person: David R. Flatla
DBLP: Flatla:David_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CHI-2015-FlatlaATKS #identification #named #people
- ColourID: Improving Colour Identification for People with Impaired Colour Vision (DRF, ARA, RDT, DLK, CS), pp. 3543–3552.
- CHI-2013-FlatlaRGG13a #automation #named
- SPRWeb: preserving subjective responses to website colour schemes through automatic recolouring (DRF, KR, CG, KZG), pp. 2069–2078.
- CHI-2013-SutcliffeIFPSG #using
- Improving digital handoff using the space above the table (SWTS, ZI, DRF, AP, IS, CG), pp. 735–744.
- CHI-2012-FlatlaG #difference #modelling #named #tool support
- SSMRecolor: improving recoloring tools with situation-specific models of color differentiation (DRF, CG), pp. 2297–2306.
- CHI-2010-FlatlaG #difference #modelling #visualisation
- Individual models of color differentiation to improve interpretability of information visualization (DRF, CG), pp. 2563–2572.