Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Belgium
1 × Greece
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Austria
2 × Denmark
2 × Finland
2 × France
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ V.Vignudelli N.Kobayashi D.Hirschkoff I.Lanese J.A.Pérez A.Schmitt Y.Deng A.Valente F.Levi C.Röckl M.Merro M.Boreale B.C.Pierce M.Pistore R.Milner M.Bernardo U.D.Lago M.Alberti J.Madiot O.Dardha E.Giachino E.Sumii É.Lozes M.P.Fiore E.Moggi
Talks about:
calculus (9) calculi (7) higher (7) order (7) process (6) mobil (6) type (6) bisimul (5) pass (5) ambient (4)
Person: Davide Sangiorgi
DBLP: Sangiorgi:Davide
Contributed to:
Wrote 31 papers:
- POPL-2015-Sangiorgi #equation
- Equations, Contractions, and Unique Solutions (DS), pp. 421–432.
- LICS-CSL-2014-BernardoSV #higher-order #interactive #on the #power of
- On the discriminating power of passivation and higher-order interaction (MB, DS, VV), p. 10.
- POPL-2014-LagoSA #functional #higher-order #induction #on the #probability #source code
- On coinductive equivalences for higher-order probabilistic functional programs (UDL, DS, MA), pp. 297–308.
- LICS-2013-HirschkoffMS #calculus
- Name-Passing Calculi: From Fusions to Preorders and Types (DH, JMM, DS), pp. 378–387.
- PPDP-2012-DardhaGS #revisited
- Session types revisited (OD, EG, DS), pp. 139–150.
- ICALP-v2-2010-LanesePSS #calculus #communication #higher-order #on the #process
- On the Expressiveness of Polyadic and Synchronous Communication in Higher-Order Process Calculi (IL, JAP, DS, AS), pp. 442–453.
- CAV-2008-KobayashiS #hybrid #mobile #process #type system
- A Hybrid Type System for Lock-Freedom of Mobile Processes (NK, DS), pp. 80–93.
- LICS-2008-LanesePSS #calculus #decidability #higher-order #on the #process
- On the Expressiveness and Decidability of Higher-Order Process Calculi (IL, JAP, DS, AS), pp. 145–155.
- LICS-2007-SangiorgiKS #bisimulation #higher-order
- Environmental Bisimulations for Higher-Order Languages (DS, NK, ES), pp. 293–302.
- ICALP-2004-DengS #algebra #mobile #process #towards
- Towards an Algebraic Theory of Typed Mobile Processes (YD, DS), pp. 445–456.
- LICS-2004-Sangiorgi #bisimulation #named
- Bisimulation: From The Origins to Today (DS), pp. 298–302.
- SEFM-2003-Sangiorgi #mobile #process #using
- Taming Mobile Processes Using Types (DS), p. 64–?.
- LICS-2002-HirschkoffLS #decidability #logic
- Separability, Expressiveness, and Decidability in the Ambient Logic (DH, ÉL, DS), pp. 423–432.
- ICALP-2001-SangiorgiV #automaton #distributed
- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Safe Ambients (DS, AV), pp. 408–420.
- POPL-2001-Sangiorgi #logic
- Extensionality and Intensionality of the Ambient Logics (DS), pp. 4–13.
- POPL-2000-LeviS
- Controlling Interference in Ambients (FL, DS), pp. 352–364.
- FoSSaCS-1999-RocklS #algol #concurrent #process #semantics #π-calculus
- A π-calculus Process Semantics of Concurrent Idealised ALGOL (CR, DS), pp. 306–321.
- FoSSaCS-1999-Sangiorgi #concurrent #reasoning #using
- Reasoning About Concurrent Systems Using Types (DS), pp. 31–40.
- ICALP-1998-MerroS #calculus #on the
- On Asynchrony in Name-Passing Calculi (MM, DS), pp. 856–867.
- LICS-1998-BorealeS #bisimulation #calculus
- Bisimulation in Name-Passing Calculi without Matching (MB, DS), pp. 165–175.
- ICALP-1997-Sangiorgi
- The Name Discipline of Uniform Receptiveness (DS), pp. 303–313.
- POPL-1997-PierceS #behaviour #equivalence #polymorphism #π-calculus
- Behavioral Equivalence in the Polymorphic π-calculus (BCP, DS), pp. 242–255.
- CAV-1996-PistoreS #algorithm #refinement #π-calculus
- A Partition Refinement Algorithm for the π-Calculus (MP, DS), pp. 38–49.
- LICS-1996-FioreMS #π-calculus
- A Fully-Abstract Model for the π-Calculus (MPF, EM, DS), pp. 43–54.
- ICALP-1995-Sangiorgi #calculus
- Internal Mobility and Agent-Passing Calculi (DS), pp. 672–683.
- ICALP-1992-MilnerS #bisimulation
- Barbed Bisimulation (RM, DS), pp. 685–695.
- LICS-1992-Sangiorgi #concurrent #lazy evaluation #λ-calculus
- The Lazy λ Calculus in a Concurrency Scenario (DS), pp. 102–109.
- TAPSOFT-1993-Sangiorgi #higher-order #π-calculus
- From pi-Calculus to Higher-Order pi-Calculus - and Back (DS), pp. 151–166.
- TAPSOFT-1995-Sangiorgi #calculus #named #symmetry
- Pi-I: A Symmetric Calculus Based on Internal Mobility (DS), pp. 172–186.
- TAPSOFT-J-1995-Sangiorgi96a #calculus #π-calculus
- pi-Calculus, Internal Mobility, and Agent-Passing Calculi (DS), pp. 235–274.
- POPL-2016-SangiorgiV #bisimulation #higher-order #probability
- Environmental bisimulations for probabilistic higher-order languages (DS, VV), pp. 595–607.