209 papers:
CASE-2015-ChenTLY #multi #optimisation #parametricity- Multi-objective parameter optimization of multi-pass CNC machining (XC, YT, CL, QY), pp. 45–50.
DAC-2015-HuangCZL #behaviour #named #realtime #scheduling- PASS: priority assignment of real-time tasks with dynamic suspending behavior under fixed-priority scheduling (WHH, JJC, HZ, CL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-TenaceCMP #logic #synthesis- One-pass logic synthesis for graphene-based Pass-XNOR logic circuits (VT, AC, EM, MP), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-YuanMYG #algorithm #graph- Updating Graph Indices with a One-Pass Algorithm (DY, PM, HY, CLG), pp. 1903–1916.
VLDB-2015-GatterbauerGKF- Linearized and Single-Pass Belief Propagation (WG, SG, DK, CF), pp. 581–592.
STOC-2015-BhattacharyaHNT #algorithm #maintenance- Space- and Time-Efficient Algorithm for Maintaining Dense Subgraphs on One-Pass Dynamic Streams (SB, MH, DN, CET), pp. 173–182.
LATA-2015-Salem #automaton #ltl #model checking #testing- Single-Pass Testing Automata for LTL Model Checking (AEBS), pp. 563–576.
CHI-2015-DandapatPMCG #named #process- ActivPass: Your Daily Activity is Your Password (SKD, SP, BM, RRC, NG), pp. 2325–2334.
CHI-2015-RooksbyRMC #process- Pass the Ball: Enforced Turn-Taking in Activity Tracking (JR, MR, AM, MC), pp. 2417–2426.
ICML-2015-HsiehYD #named #parallel #probability- PASSCoDe: Parallel ASynchronous Stochastic dual Co-ordinate Descent (CJH, HFY, ISD), pp. 2370–2379.
ICML-2015-ManoelKTZ #approximate #estimation #message passing- Swept Approximate Message Passing for Sparse Estimation (AM, FK, EWT, LZ), pp. 1123–1132.
ICML-2015-SunSK #message passing #modelling #visual notation- Message Passing for Collective Graphical Models (TS, DS, AK), pp. 853–861.
KDD-2015-FrenoSJA #modelling #ranking #recommendation- One-Pass Ranking Models for Low-Latency Product Recommendations (AF, MS, RJ, CA), pp. 1789–1798.
OOPSLA-2015-LopezMMNSVY #message passing #parallel #source code #verification- Protocol-based verification of message-passing parallel programs (HAL, ERBM, FM, NN, CS, VTV, NY), pp. 280–298.
OOPSLA-2015-UpadhyayaR #abstraction #concurrent #effectiveness #java #message passing #thread #virtual machine- Effectively mapping linguistic abstractions for message-passing concurrency to threads on the Java virtual machine (GU, HR), pp. 840–859.
HPCA-2015-LiuLJCT #comprehension #empirical- Understanding the virtualization “Tax” of scale-out pass-through GPUs in GaaS clouds: An empirical study (ML, TL, NJ, AC, VT), pp. 259–270.
DAC-2014-KeszoczeWHD #synthesis- Exact One-pass Synthesis of Digital Microfluidic Biochips (OK, RW, TYH, RD), p. 6.
DATE-2014-TenaceCMP #logic- Pass-XNOR logic: A new logic style for P-N junction based graphene circuits (VT, AC, EM, MP), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2014-GurajadaSMT #distributed #message passing #named #rdf- TriAD: a distributed shared-nothing RDF engine based on asynchronous message passing (SG, SS, IM, MT), pp. 289–300.
HIMI-AS-2014-GotzeBPB #quote- “A Careful Driver is One Who Looks in Both Directions When He Passes a Red Light” — Increased Demands in Urban Traffic (MG, FB, IPS, KB), pp. 229–240.
CIKM-2014-ZhaoCN #approach #data type #probability- Truth Discovery in Data Streams: A Single-Pass Probabilistic Approach (ZZ, JC, WN), pp. 1589–1598.
ICML-c2-2014-Yi0WJJ #algorithm #clustering- A Single-Pass Algorithm for Efficiently Recovering Sparse Cluster Centers of High-dimensional Data (JY, LZ, JW, RJ, AKJ), pp. 658–666.
PPDP-2014-Ilik #continuation #normalisation #proving #tutorial- Proofs in continuation-passing style: normalization of Gödel’s System T extended with sums and delimited control operators: Distilled Tutorial (DI), pp. 55–56.
PPoPP-2014-PetrovicRS #concurrent #hardware #message passing #performance #thread- Leveraging hardware message passing for efficient thread synchronization (DP, TR, AS), pp. 143–154.
VMCAI-2014-AminofJKR #model checking- Parameterized Model Checking of Token-Passing Systems (BA, SJ, AK, SR), pp. 262–281.
VMCAI-2014-JezequelE #algorithm #distributed #message passing #protocol #verification- Message-Passing Algorithms for the Verification of Distributed Protocols (LJ, JE), pp. 222–241.
SAS-2013-MajumdarMW #message passing #source code #verification- Static Provenance Verification for Message Passing Programs (RM, RM, ZW), pp. 366–387.
CIAA-2013-GrathwohlHNR #parsing #regular expression- Two-Pass Greedy Regular Expression Parsing (NBBG, FH, LN, UTR), pp. 60–71.
CHI-2013-YuillRR #collaboration #product line- Pass the iPad: collaborative creating and sharing in family groups (NY, YR, JR), pp. 941–950.
ICML-c2-2013-WangK13a #approach #message passing #problem- Subproblem-Tree Calibration: A Unified Approach to Max-Product Message Passing (HW, DK), pp. 190–198.
ICML-c3-2013-GaoJZZ #optimisation- One-Pass AUC Optimization (WG, RJ, SZ, ZHZ), pp. 906–914.
ICML-c3-2013-QiG #message passing- Message passing with l1 penalized KL minimization (YQ, YG), pp. 262–270.
RecSys-2013-AharonABLABLRS #named #online #persistent #recommendation #set- OFF-set: one-pass factorization of feature sets for online recommendation in persistent cold start settings (MA, NA, EB, RL, RA, TB, LL, RR, OS), pp. 375–378.
ICSE-2013-SukkerdBWZB #comprehension- Understanding regression failures through test-passing and test-failing code changes (RS, IB, JW, SZ, YB), pp. 1177–1180.
PPoPP-2013-FriedleyHBLM #distributed #manycore #memory management #performance #programming- Ownership passing: efficient distributed memory programming on multi-core systems (AF, TH, GB, AL, CCM), pp. 177–186.
CSL-2013-Kuusisto #automaton #distributed #logic #message passing- Modal Logic and Distributed Message Passing Automata (AK), pp. 452–468.
LICS-2013-HirschkoffMS #calculus- Name-Passing Calculi: From Fusions to Preorders and Types (DH, JMM, DS), pp. 378–387.
SAT-2013-Gableske #heuristic #message passing #on the #satisfiability- On the Interpolation between Product-Based Message Passing Heuristics for SAT (OG), pp. 293–308.
TACAS-2012-BouajjaniE #analysis #bound #message passing #source code- Bounded Phase Analysis of Message-Passing Programs (AB, ME), pp. 451–465.
GT-VMT-2012-GhamarianR #graph transformation- Graph Passing in Graph Transformation (AHG, AR).
CHI-2012-CasiezRV #interactive- 1 € filter: a simple speed-based low-pass filter for noisy input in interactive systems (GC, NR, DV), pp. 2527–2530.
CHI-2012-OdomBKHLS- Technology heirlooms?: considerations for passing down and inheriting digital materials (WO, RB, DSK, RHRH, SEL, AS), pp. 337–346.
ICPR-2012-KhalifaBGE #image #novel- A novel CAD system for analyzing cardiac first-pass MR images (FK, GMB, GLG, AEB), pp. 77–80.
PPDP-2012-Thielecke #continuation #functional #parsing #recursion #semantics- Functional semantics of parsing actions, and left recursion elimination as continuation passing (HT), pp. 91–102.
SAC-2012-FlorezD #interactive #process #video- Discovering activity interactions in a single pass over a video stream (OUF, CED), pp. 819–826.
FSE-2012-BeyerHKW #model checking #verification- Conditional model checking: a technique to pass information between verifiers (DB, TAH, MEK, PW), p. 57.
ISMM-2012-LyberisPNSGS #memory management #message passing- The myrmics memory allocator: hierarchical, message-passing allocation for global address spaces (SL, PP, DSN, MS, TG, BRdS), pp. 15–24.
SAT-2012-Gupta #algorithm #proving #reduction- Improved Single Pass Algorithms for Resolution Proof Reduction — (Poster Presentation) (AG), pp. 469–470.
VMCAI-2012-MorseVMM #c #message passing #modelling #source code- Modeling Asynchronous Message Passing for C Programs (EM, NV, EM, JM), pp. 332–347.
SIGMOD-2011-LiMDMS #framework #pipes and filters #scalability #using- A platform for scalable one-pass analytics using MapReduce (BL, EM, YD, AM, PJS), pp. 985–996.
SIGMOD-2011-OrdonezP #algorithm #data mining #mining- One-pass data mining algorithms in a DBMS with UDFs (CO, SKP), pp. 1217–1220.
VLDB-2012-LiDWF11 #named #similarity- PASS-JOIN: A Partition-based Method for Similarity Joins (GL, DD, JW, JF), pp. 253–264.
ESOP-2011-BonoMP #message passing #type system- Typing Copyless Message Passing (VB, CM, LP), pp. 57–76.
CHI-2011-LuceroHJ #collaboration #mobile #named- Pass-them-around: collaborative use of mobile phones for photo sharing (AL, JH, TJ), pp. 1787–1796.
CSCW-2011-MistryNM11a #named #using- SPARSH: passing data using the body as a medium (PM, SN, PM), pp. 689–692.
ICML-2011-KnowlesGG #algorithm #message passing- Message Passing Algorithms for the Dirichlet Diffusion Tree (DAK, JVG, ZG), pp. 721–728.
PADL-2011-Brown #combinator #haskell #message passing- Combinators for Message-Passing in Haskell (NCCB), pp. 19–33.
PADL-2011-ChristakisS #detection #fault #message passing #static analysis #using- Detection of Asynchronous Message Passing Errors Using Static Analysis (MC, KFS), pp. 5–18.
POPL-2011-AlurC #algorithm #source code #streaming #transducer #verification- Streaming transducers for algorithmic verification of single-pass list-processing programs (RA, PC), pp. 599–610.
POPL-2011-Pottier- A typed store-passing translation for general references (FP), pp. 147–158.
PPoPP-2011-NegaraKA #message passing #performance- Inferring ownership transfer for efficient message passing (SN, RKK, GAA), pp. 81–90.
VMCAI-2011-SiegelG #analysis #formal method #message passing- Formal Analysis of Message Passing — (Invited Talk) (SFS, GG), pp. 2–18.
DAC-2010-HaquePJP #approach #embedded #named #performance #policy #simulation- SCUD: a fast single-pass L1 cache simulation approach for embedded processors with round-robin replacement policy (MSH, JP, AJ, SP), pp. 356–361.
DATE-2010-TotaCRRZ #architecture #hybrid #message passing #multi #named- MEDEA: a hybrid shared-memory/message-passing multiprocessor NoC-based architecture (ST, MRC, MRR, LR, MZ), pp. 45–50.
TACAS-2010-HahnHWZ #abstraction #infinity #modelling #named #probability #refinement- PASS: Abstraction Refinement for Infinite Probabilistic Models (EMH, HH, BW, LZ), pp. 353–357.
STOC-2010-Montanari #algorithm #message passing- Message passing algorithms: a success looking for theoreticians (AM), pp. 37–38.
CHI-2010-OdomHSKB #comprehension #interactive #rest- Passing on & putting to rest: understanding bereavement in the context of interactive technologies (WO, RHRH, AS, DSK, RB), pp. 1831–1840.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-Kristensen #abstraction #collaboration #message passing #using- Abstraction from Collaboration between Agents using Asynchronous Message-passing (BBK), pp. 86–92.
CIKM-2010-RaghavanI #probability #retrieval #theory and practice- Probabilistic first pass retrieval for search advertising: from theory to practice (HR, RI), pp. 1019–1028.
ICPR-2010-PanMSHN #adaptation #estimation #using #video- A Dual Pass Video Stabilization System Using Iterative Motion Estimation and Adaptive Motion Smoothing (PP, AM, JS, YH, SN), pp. 2298–2301.
VLDB-2009-SarmaLNX #algorithm #multi #random #streaming- Randomized Multi-pass Streaming Skyline Algorithms (ADS, AL, DN, J(X), pp. 85–96.
STOC-2009-AroraDS #algorithm #message passing- Message passing algorithms and improved LP decoding (SA, CD, DS), pp. 3–12.
EDOC-2009-WielandGSL #towards #web #web service #workflow- Towards Reference Passing in Web Service and Workflow-Based Applications (MW, KG, DS, FL), pp. 109–118.
SIGIR-2009-McCreadieMO #on the #pipes and filters- On single-pass indexing with MapReduce (RM, CM, IO), pp. 742–743.
SAC-2009-KrocSS #heuristic #message passing #satisfiability- Message-passing and local heuristics as decimation strategies for satisfiability (LK, AS, BS), pp. 1408–1414.
CGO-2009-Bronevetsky #data flow #message passing #parallel- Communication-Sensitive Static Dataflow for Parallel Message Passing Applications (GB), pp. 1–12.
DATE-2008-EdwardsVT #compilation #concurrent #memory management #message passing #multi #programming #thread- Programming Shared Memory Multiprocessors with Deterministic Message-Passing Concurrency: Compiling SHIM to Pthreads (SAE, NV, OT), pp. 1498–1503.
DATE-2008-PomeranzR08a #fault #taxonomy- A Same/Different Fault Dictionary: An Extended Pass/Fail Fault Dictionary with Improved Diagnostic Resolution (IP, SMR), pp. 1474–1479.
DATE-2008-SahaSPBW #framework #implementation #message passing #parallel- An Optimized Message Passing Framework for Parallel Implementation of Signal Processing Applications (SS, JS, SP, SSB, WW), pp. 1220–1225.
ICALP-A-2008-GuhaM #bound #multi- Tight Lower Bounds for Multi-pass Stream Computation Via Pass Elimination (SG, AM), pp. 760–772.
FM-2008-MateescuT #concurrent #model checking- A Model Checking Language for Concurrent Value-Passing Systems (RM, DT), pp. 148–164.
SEFM-2008-BhatejaM #message passing #testing- Tagging Make Local Testing of Message-Passing Systems Feasible (PB, MM), pp. 171–180.
ICML-2008-RavikumarAW #convergence #linear #message passing #source code- Message-passing for graph-structured linear programs: proximal projections, convergence and rounding schemes (PDR, AA, MJW), pp. 800–807.
SAC-2008-CeriottiMP #case study #message passing- Data sharing vs. message passing: synergy or incompatibility?: an implementation-driven case study (MC, ALM, GPP), pp. 100–107.
LCTES-2008-BachirTC- Post-pass periodic register allocation to minimise loop unrolling degree (MB, SAAT, AC), pp. 141–150.
ICALP-2007-GuhaM #bound #estimation #multi #streaming- Lower Bounds for Quantile Estimation in Random-Order and Multi-pass Streaming (SG, AM), pp. 704–715.
LATA-2007-BolligK #automaton #logic #message passing- Muller Message-Passing Automata and Logics (BB, DK), pp. 163–174.
ICML-2007-KimC #algorithm #geometry #message passing- Neighbor search with global geometry: a minimax message passing algorithm (KHK, SC), pp. 401–408.
POPL-2007-ReppyX #message passing- Specialization of CML message-passing primitives (JHR, YX), pp. 315–326.
SAC-2007-YuY #continuation #distributed #workflow- Continuation-passing enactment of distributed recoverable workflows (WY, JY), pp. 475–481.
TLCA-2007-SantoMP #calculus #continuation #normalisation- Continuation-Passing Style and Strong Normalisation for Intuitionistic Sequent Calculi (JES, RM, LP), pp. 133–147.
TACAS-2006-ChakiCKRT #c #concurrent #message passing #recursion #source code #verification- Verifying Concurrent Message-Passing C Programs with Recursive Calls (SC, EMC, NK, TWR, TT), pp. 334–349.
KDD-2006-CarvalhoC #feature model #learning #online #performance- Single-pass online learning: performance, voting schemes and online feature selection (VRC, WWC), pp. 548–553.
HPDC-2006-NiH #adaptation #implementation #interface #message passing #network #peer-to-peer- An Implementation of the Message Passing Interface over an Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Network (LN, AH), pp. 371–372.
LICS-2006-FioreS #calculus #congruence #process #semantics- A Congruence Rule Format for Name-Passing Process Calculi from Mathematical Structural Operational Semantics (MPF, SS), pp. 49–58.
DATE-2005-FrancescoAM #architecture #distributed #flexibility #hardware #memory management #message passing- Flexible Hardware/Software Support for Message Passing on a Distributed Shared Memory Architecture (FP, AP, PM), pp. 736–741.
VLDB-2005-KarrasM #metric- One-Pass Wavelet Synopses for Maximum-Error Metrics (PK, NM), pp. 421–432.
ITiCSE-2005-Fossum #interpreter- Classes as first class objects in an environment-passing interpreter (TVF), pp. 261–265.
SEKE-2005-SouzaVSSGLH #message passing #named #parallel #source code #testing- ValiPar: A Testing Tool for Message-Passing Parallel Programs (SdRSdS, SRV, PSLdS, AdSS, TBG, AdML, ACH), pp. 386–391.
SAC-2005-Rosso #analysis #framework #message passing #paradigm #performance #scalability- Performance analysis framework for large software-intensive systems with a message passing paradigm (CDR), pp. 885–889.
TLCA-2005-Sinot #call-by #interactive- Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value as Token-Passing Interaction Nets (FRS), pp. 386–400.
ESOP-2004-Thielecke #call-by #continuation #morphism #polymorphism- Answer Type Polymorphism in Call-by-Name Continuation Passing (HT), pp. 279–293.
FLOPS-2004-Hasegawa #call-by #continuation #linear #semantics- Semantics of Linear Continuation-Passing in Call-by-Name (MH), pp. 229–243.
IFL-2004-Cristobal-SalasCRG #message passing #program transformation #source code- Exploiting Single-Assignment Properties to Optimize Message-Passing Programs by Code Transformations (ACS, AC, ERA, JLG), pp. 1–16.
KDD-2004-YangLHG #mining #named #performance #query #xml- 2PXMiner: an efficient two pass mining of frequent XML query patterns (LHY, MLL, WH, XG), pp. 731–736.
SAC-2004-OlteanuFB #data type #performance #query #xml- An efficient single-pass query evaluator for XML data streams (DO, TF, FB), pp. 627–631.
CSL-2004-EmersonK #message passing #model checking- Parameterized Model Checking of Ring-Based Message Passing Systems (EAE, VK), pp. 325–339.
DATE-2003-KandemirKZ #energy #evaluation #implementation #on-demand- Implementation and Evaluation of an On-Demand Parameter-Passing Strategy for Reducing Energy (MTK, IK, WZ), pp. 11058–11063.
POPL-2003-Thielecke #continuation- From control effects to typed continuation passing (HT), pp. 139–149.
CC-2003-Danvy #monad #normalisation- A New One-Pass Transformation into Monadic Normal Form (OD), pp. 77–89.
VMCAI-2003-MeenakshiR #message passing #reasoning- Reasoning about Layered Message Passing Systems (BM, RR), pp. 268–282.
VLDB-2002-LeeWMS #algorithm #multi- A One-Pass Aggregation Algorithm with the Optimal Buffer Size in Multidimensional OLAP (YKL, KYW, YSM, IYS), pp. 790–801.
ITiCSE-2002-ShahK #parametricity #programming language- A tutoring system for parameter passing in programming languages (HS, ANK), pp. 170–174.
FoSSaCS-2002-DanvyN #continuation #first-order- A First-Order One-Pass CPS Transformation (OD, LRN), pp. 98–113.
FoSSaCS-2002-FerrariMP #algebra #calculus- Minimizing Transition Systems for Name Passing Calculi: A Co-algebraic Formulation (GLF, UM, MP), pp. 129–158.
SCAM-2002-RillingLG #message passing #slicing #source code- Predicate-Based Dynamic Slicing of Message Passing Programs (JR, HFL, DG), p. 133–?.
PLDI-2002-LiaoWWSHL #adaptation- Post-Pass Binary Adaptation for Software-Based Speculative Precomputation (SWL, PHW, HW, JPS, GH, DML), pp. 117–128.
ICPR-v3-2002-WangBR #classification #recognition #word- Combining HMM-Based Two-Pass Classifiers for Off-Line Word Recognition (WW, AB, GR), pp. 151–154.
POPL-2002-ChakiRR #message passing #model checking #modelling #source code- Types as models: model checking message-passing programs (SC, SKR, JR), pp. 45–57.
SAC-2002-Jurjens #message passing #semantics #uml- A UML statecharts semantics with message-passing (JJ), pp. 1009–1013.
ISMM-2002-JohanssonSW #architecture #concurrent #message passing #using- Heap architectures for concurrent languages using message passing (EJ, KFS, JW), pp. 195–206.
CADE-2002-WeidenbachBHKTT- S PASS Version 2.0 (CW, UB, TH, EK, CT, DT), pp. 275–279.
CAV-2002-RajamaniR #consistency #message passing #modelling- Conformance Checking for Models of Asynchronous Message Passing Software (SKR, JR), pp. 166–179.
CSL-2002-Ogata #continuation #proving- A Proof Theoretical Account of Continuation Passing Style (IO), pp. 490–505.
DATE-2001-CichonB #data type #network- Annotated data types for addressed token passing networks (GC, WB), p. 801.
ICDAR-2001-WangBKR #modelling #multi #recognition- Multi-Branch and Two-Pass HMM Modeling Approaches for Off-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition (WW, AB, AK, GR), pp. 231–235.
VLDB-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #query #summary- Surfing Wavelets on Streams: One-Pass Summaries for Approximate Aggregate Queries (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 79–88.
ITiCSE-2001-JoyceY #parametricity #research #student- The PASS project: group research into parameters affecting student success (DJ, AY), p. 177.
PADL-2001-Ramakrishnan #calculus #logic programming #model checking #using #μ-calculus- A Model Checker for Value-Passing μ-Calculus Using Logic Programming (CRR), pp. 1–13.
LICS-2001-FioreT #semantics- Semantics of Name and Value Passing (MPF, DT), pp. 93–104.
DATE-2000-SchollB #generative #logic #multi #on the- On the Generation of Multiplexer Circuits for Pass Transistor Logic (CS, BB), pp. 372–378.
FoSSaCS-2000-Merro #calculus #locality- Locality and Polyadicity in Asynchronous Name-Passing Calculi (MM), pp. 238–251.
ICALP-2000-MeenakshiR #finite #message passing #reasoning- Reasoning about Message Passing in Finite State Environments (BM, RR), pp. 487–498.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-LuiGAO #component #framework #semantics #streaming- Component Based Application Framework for Systems Utilising the Streaming Data Passing Semantic (AKL, MWG, TAA, MJO), pp. 328–339.
LICS-2000-CattaniS #modelling #process- Models for Name-Passing Processes: Interleaving and Causal (GLC, PS), pp. 322–333.
DAC-1999-CamposanoKFSL #design #embedded- HW and SW in Embedded System Design: Loveboat, Shipwreck, or Ships Passing in the Night (RC, KK, JF, ALSV, JL), pp. 76–77.
TACAS-1999-LiC #bisimulation #congruence #process- Computing Strong/Weak Bisimulation Equivalences and Observation Congruence for Value-Passing Processes (ZL, HC), pp. 300–314.
IFM-1999-Hennessy #calculus #message passing #process #proving- Proof Systems for Message-Passing Process Calculi (MH), p. 26.
SAC-1999-Haynes99a #adaptation #message passing- Distributing Collective Adaptation via Message Passing (TH), pp. 501–505.
HPCA-1999-KuoCK #message passing #named- MP-LOCKs: Replacing H/W Synchronization Primitives with Message Passing (CCK, JBC, RK), pp. 284–288.
HPDC-1999-SchnaidtHFKJ #adaptation #independence #message passing #monitoring #performance- Passive, Domain-Independent, End-to-End Message Passing Performance Monitoring to Support Adaptive Applications in MSHN (MCS, DAH, JF, TK, DSJ), pp. 337–338.
DATE-1998-Putzke-RomingRN #flexibility #message passing- A Flexible Message Passing Mechanism for Objective VHDL (WPR, MR, WN), pp. 242–249.
SIGMOD-1998-RajagopalanML #approximate #memory management- Approximate Medians and other Quantiles in One Pass and with Limited Memory (GSM, SR, BGL), pp. 426–435.
VLDB-1998-Mihalisin #analysis #interactive- A Single Pass Computing Engine for Interactive Analysis of VLDBs (TM), p. 707.
ICALP-1998-MerroS #calculus #on the- On Asynchrony in Name-Passing Calculi (MM, DS), pp. 856–867.
IFL-1998-SerrarensP #concurrent #message passing- Explicit Message Passing for Concurrent Clean (PRS, MJP), pp. 229–245.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-Hsiung98a #message passing #object-oriented #parallel #synthesis- Parallel Object-Oriented Synthesis Environment Based On Message-Passing (PAH), p. 251–?.
SAC-1998-EconomakosPT #attribute grammar #multi #synthesis- Incorporating multi-pass attribute grammars for the high-level synthesis of ASICs (GE, GKP, PT), pp. 45–49.
HPDC-1998-ZhangSL #message passing #source code #using- Dynamically Instrumenting Message-Passing Programs Using Virtual Clocks (KZ, CS, KCL), pp. 340–341.
LICS-1998-BorealeS #bisimulation #calculus- Bisimulation in Name-Passing Calculi without Matching (MB, DS), pp. 165–175.
VLDB-1997-AlsabtiRS #algorithm- A One-Pass Algorithm for Accurately Estimating Quantiles for Disk-Resident Data (KA, SR, VS), pp. 346–355.
DLT-1997-WatanabeT #attribute grammar #evaluation #using- An Attribute Evaluation of One-Pass Attribute Grammars Using Value Estimate (YW, TT), pp. 155–165.
FME-1997-BroyGK #message passing #realtime- Reconciling Real-Time with Asynchronous Message Passing (MB, RG, CK), pp. 182–200.
CSL-1997-HartonasH #concurrent #functional #higher-order- Full Abstractness for a Functional/Concurrent Language with Higher-Order Value-Passing (Extended Abstract) (CH, MH), pp. 239–254.
LICS-1997-Rathke #fixpoint #induction #process- Unique Fixpoint Induction for Value-Passing Processes (Extended Abstract) (JR), pp. 140–148.
IFL-1996-RuncimanR #matter #profiling- Two-Pass Heap Profiling: A Matter of Life and Death (CR, NR), pp. 222–232.
CC-1996-ProebstingW #parsing- One-Pass, Optimal Tree Parsing — With Or Without Trees (TAP, BRW), pp. 294–308.
HPDC-1996-ParkHKHY #communication #message passing #network #parallel #thread- NYNET Communication System (NCS): A Multithreaded Message Passing Tool over ATM Network (SYP, SH, YK, JSH, RY), pp. 460–469.
HPDC-1996-RobinsonRFH #implementation #interface #message passing #migration- A Task Migration Implementation of the Message-Passing Interface (JR, SHR, BKF, BH), pp. 61–68.
ICDAR-v2-1995-SylwesterS #algorithm #segmentation- A trainable, single-pass algorithm for column segmentation (DS, SCS), pp. 615–618.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WangHR #recognition #segmentation- A shape band-pass filter for character recognition and texture segmentation (DW, VHC, JR), pp. 681–684.
ICALP-1995-Sangiorgi #calculus- Internal Mobility and Agent-Passing Calculi (DS), pp. 672–683.
SEKE-1995-LinL #message passing #model checking #protocol #verification- Formal Verification of a Message-Passing Protocol with Model Checking (AL, FL), pp. 296–302.
HPDC-1995-YadavRH #message passing #parallel #thread- A Multithreaded Message Passing Environment for ATM LAN/WAN (RY, RR, SH), pp. 238–245.
IWMM-1995-ArmstrongV #garbage collection #realtime- One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection (JLA, RV), pp. 313–322.
PLDI-1994-SabryF #analysis #continuation #data flow #question- Is Continuation-Passing Useful for Data Flow Analysis? (AS, MF), pp. 1–12.
ECOOP-1994-VitekH #message passing #performance- Taming Message Passing: Efficient Method Look-Up for Dynamically Typed Languages (JV, RNH), pp. 432–449.
POPL-1994-CleavelandY #framework #process- An Operational Framework for Value-Passing Processes (RC, DY), pp. 326–338.
POPL-1994-HatcliffD #continuation- A Generic Account of Continuation-Passing Styles (JH, OD), pp. 458–471.
POPL-1994-Paakki #execution #functional #logic programming #multi #source code- Multi-Pass Execution of Functional Logic Programs (JP), pp. 361–374.
SAC-1994-Bennet #distributed #message passing #parallel #runtime #source code- Distributed message routing and run-time support for message-passing parallel programs derived from ordinary programs (TB), pp. 510–514.
SAC-1994-BosschereT #continuation #performance #prolog- High performance continuation passing style Prolog-to-C mapping (KDB, PT), pp. 383–387.
ASPLOS-1994-ChandraLR #message passing #question #source code- Where is Time Spent in Message-Passing and Shared-Memory Programs? (SC, JRL, AR), pp. 61–73.
ASPLOS-1994-HeinleinGDG #integration #memory management #message passing #multi- Integration of Message Passing and Shared Memory in the Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor (JH, KG, SD, AG), pp. 38–50.
ICLP-1994-Zhou #on the #prolog #stack- On the Scheme of Passing Arguments in Stack Frames for Prolog (NFZ), pp. 159–174.
ILPS-1994-Lindgren #continuation #prolog- A Continuation-Passing Style for Prolog (TL), pp. 603–617.
TOOLS-USA-1993-ChangT #message passing- The Object Support via FIFO-Links on Message-Passing Systems (WTC, CCT), pp. 231–238.
POPL-1993-LawallD #continuation- Separating Stages in the Continuation-Passing Style Transformation (JLL, OD), pp. 124–136.
HPDC-1993-HaririPYPF #distributed #interface #message passing #parallel- A Message Passing Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing (SH, JP, FKY, MP, GF), pp. 84–91.
PPoPP-1993-KranzJAKL #experience #message passing- Integrating Message-Passing and Shared-Memory: Early Experience (DAK, KLJ, AA, JK, BHL), pp. 54–63.
CAV-1993-HennessyL #logic #message passing #process- A Modal Logic for Message passing Processes (Extended Abstract) (MH, XL), pp. 359–370.
ILPS-1993-Tarau #continuation #performance #source code- An Efficient Specialization of the WAM for Continuation Passing Binary Programs (PT), p. 652.
ILPS-1993-Zhou #compilation #on the #parametricity #prolog- On the Direct Parameter Passing Mechanism for Prolog Compilers (NFZ), p. 655.
DAC-1992-BoseA #concurrent #fault #logic #memory management #message passing #multi #simulation- Concurrent Fault Simulation of Logic Gates and Memory Blocks on Message Passing Multicomputers (SB, PA), pp. 332–335.
LFP-1992-SabryF #continuation #reasoning #source code- Reasoning About Programs in Continuation-Passing Style (AS, MF), pp. 288–298.
ECOOP-1992-GuerraouiCLR #message passing #protocol- Nesting Actions through Asynchronous Message Passing: the ACS Protocol (RG, RC, AL, PR), pp. 170–184.
PLILP-1992-Tarau #continuation #named #prolog- BinProlog: a Continuation Passing Style Prolog Engine (PT), pp. 479–480.
IWMM-1992-Tarau #continuation #memory management #prolog- Ecological Memory Management in a Continuation Passing Prolog Engine (PT), pp. 344–356.
OOPSLA-1991-Ghelli #message passing #static typing #type system- A Static Type System for Message Passing (GG), pp. 129–145.
POPL-1991-CrankF #λ-calculus- Parameter-Passing and the λ Calculus (EC, MF), pp. 233–244.
DAC-1990-UpadhyayaT #case study- BIST PLAs, Pass or Fail — A Case Study (SJU, JAT), pp. 724–727.
ICALP-1990-HennessyI #communication #formal method #process- A Theory of Communicating Processes with Value-Passing (MH, AI), pp. 209–219.
WAGA-1990-KleinK #compilation #parallel- Parallel One-Pass Compilation (EK, KK), pp. 76–90.
POPL-1989-AppelJ #continuation- Continuation-Passing, Closure-Passing Style (AWA, TJ), pp. 293–302.
PLDI-1988-JainT #analysis #approach #data flow #multi #performance- An Efficient Approach to Data Flow Analysis in a Multi Pass Global Optimizer (SJ, CLT), pp. 154–163.
SIGMOD-1986-Gelder #evaluation #framework #logic #message passing #query- A Message Passing Framework for Logical Query Evaluation (AVG), pp. 155–165.
LFP-1986-DybvigFH #metaprogramming- Expansion-Passing Style: Beyond Conventional Macros (RKD, DPF, CTH), pp. 143–150.
SCC-1984-Koskimies #analysis #semantics #specification- A specification language for one-pass semantic analysis (KK), pp. 179–189.
DAC-1983-BarzilaiHSTW #logic #simulation #using- Simulating pass transistor circuits using logic simulation machines (ZB, LMH, GMS, DTT, LSW), pp. 157–163.
SCC-1982-Baker #ada- A Single-Pass Syntax-Directed Front End for Ada (TPB), pp. 318–326.
STOC-1981-Leivant #complexity #independence #parametricity #polymorphism #programming language #theorem- The Complexity of Parameter Passing in Polymorphic Procedures (or: Programming Language Theorems Independent of Very Strong Theories) (DL), pp. 38–45.
ICALP-1981-EngelfrietF- Passes, Sweeps and Visits (JE, GF), pp. 193–207.
PS-1981-EhrigKTWW #algebra #parametricity #specification- Parameter Passing in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 322–369.
ICALP-1980-EngelfrietF #attribute grammar #multi- Formal Properties of One-Visit and Multi-Pass Attribute Grammars (JE, GF), pp. 182–194.
ICALP-1980-RaihaU #multi #on the- On the Optimal Assignment of Attributes to Passes in Multi-Pass Attribute Evaluators (KJR, EU), pp. 500–511.
SCC-1979-HansenSC #compilation #multi #pascal- Construction of a transportable, multi-pass compiler for extended Pascal (GJH, GAS, JDC), pp. 117–126.
SCC-1979-Raiha #attribute grammar #multi- Dynamic allocation of space for attribute instances in multi-pass evaluators of attribute grammars (KJR), pp. 26–38.
DAC-1978-Fisher #approach #multi- A multi-pass, multi-algorithm approach to PCB routing (RSF), pp. 82–91.
STOC-1977-HennessyA #nondeterminism- Parameter-Passing Mechanisms and Nondeterminism (MH, EAA), pp. 306–311.