Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.César ∅ J.Jansen R.L.Guimarães L.Hardman A.J.Jansen J.v.Ossenbruggen L.Rutledge M.d.G.C.Pimentel G.v.Rossum F.Kuijk S.Cruz-Lara D.d.C.Pedrosa E.V.Munson S.D.J.Barbosa K.S.Mullender V.Zsombori M.Frantzis M.F.Ursu I.Kegel R.Craigie I.Vaishnavi R.Kernchen S.Meissner C.Hesselman M.Boussard A.Spedalieri B.Gao
Talks about:
multimedia (11) document (7) time (5) hypermedia (4) video (4) interact (3) person (3) enrich (3) annot (3) adapt (3)
Person: Dick C. A. Bulterman
DBLP: Bulterman:Dick_C=_A=
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- DocEng-2013-JansenCB #distributed #documentation #multi #social
- Multimedia document synchronization in a distributed social context (JJ, PC, DCAB), pp. 273–276.
- SAC-2013-PedrosaGPBC #interactive
- Interactive coffee table for exploration of personal photos and videos (DdCP, RLG, MdGCP, DCAB, PC), pp. 967–974.
- DocEng-2012-JansenCGB #personalisation #video
- Just-in-time personalized video presentations (JJ, PC, RLG, DCAB), pp. 59–68.
- DocEng-2011-BultermanGCMP #documentation #html #multi
- Multimedia document processing in an HTML5 world (DCAB, RLG, PC, EVM, MdGCP), pp. 273–274.
- HT-2011-ZsomboriFGUCKCB #automation #generative #video
- Automatic generation of video narratives from shared UGC (VZ, MF, RLG, MFU, PC, IK, RC, DCAB), pp. 325–334.
- DocEng-2010-GuimaraesCB #personalisation #web
- Creating and sharing personalized time-based annotations of videos on the web (RLG, PC, DCAB), pp. 27–36.
- DocEng-2010-JansenCB #documentation #editing #multi
- A model for editing operations on active temporal multimedia documents (JJ, PC, DCAB), pp. 87–96.
- DocEng-2009-KuijkGCB #declarative #documentation #multi #visual notation
- Adding dynamic visual manipulations to declarative multimedia documents (FK, RLG, PC, DCAB), pp. 149–152.
- DocEng-2008-CesarBJPB #adaptation #multi
- Multimedia content transformation: fragmentation, enrichment, and adaptation (PC, DCAB, JJ, MdGCP, SDJB), pp. 1–2.
- DocEng-2008-CesarVKMHBSBG #adaptation #documentation #multi #ubiquitous
- Multimedia adaptation in ubiquitous environments: benefits of structured multimedia documents (PC, IV, RK, SM, CH, MB, AS, DCAB, BG), pp. 275–284.
- DocEng-2008-JansenB #adaptation #web
- Enabling adaptive time-based web applications with SMIL state (JJ, DCAB), pp. 18–27.
- DocEng-2007-BultermanJCC #multi #performance
- An efficient, streamable text format for multimedia captions and subtitles (DCAB, AJJ, PC, SCL), pp. 101–110.
- DocEng-2006-CesarBJ #documentation #multi
- Benefits of structured multimedia documents in IDTV: the end-user enrichment system (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 176–178.
- DocEng-2006-CesarBJ06a #multi
- The ambulant annotator: empowering viewer-side enrichment of multimedia content (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 186–187.
- DocEng-2005-Bulterman #documentation #nondeterminism
- Engineering information in documents: leaving room for uncertainty (DCAB), p. 94.
- HT-2004-Bulterman #evaluation #interactive #testing
- A linking and interaction evaluation test set for SMIL (DCAB), pp. 46–47.
- DocEng-2003-Bulterman #interactive #multi #using
- Using SMIL to encode interactive, peer-level multimedia annotations (DCAB), pp. 32–41.
- HT-1999-HardmanOMRB #composition #hypermedia
- Do you have the Time? Composition and Linking in Time-Based Hypermedia (LH, JvO, KSM, LR, DCAB), pp. 189–196.
- HT-1999-RutledgeHOB #hypermedia
- Mix’n’match: Exchangeable Modules of Hypermedia Style (LR, LH, JvO, DCAB), pp. 179–188.
- HT-1993-HardmanBR #hypermedia
- Links in Hypermedia: The Requirement for Context (LH, DCAB, GvR), pp. 183–191.
- DAC-1987-Bulterman #architecture #automation #design #named
- CASE: An Integrated Design Environment for Algorithm-Driven Architectures (DCAB), pp. 596–599.
- DL-1998-RutledgeOHB #hypermedia #standard #tool support
- Practical Application of Existing Hypermedia Standards and Tools (LR, JvO, LH, DCAB), pp. 191–199.