Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Ireland
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Finland
2 × Portugal
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
O.Owe R.Schlatte F.S.d.Boer J.Dovland M.Steffen I.C.Yu D.Clarke S.L.T.Tarifa E.Albert S.Genaim P.Y.H.Wong M.Kyas B.Holen A.Waaler E.W.Axelsen K.Fernandez-Reyes T.Wrigstad J.Correas G.Román-Díez S.d.Gouw F.Kazemeyni I.Balasingham A.Griesmayer B.K.Aichernig W.Zhang D.B.Aredo J.Lin M.Lee J.Doménech N.Bezirgiannis K.I.Pun Dave Clarke 0001 L.Henrio M.Gómez-Zamalloa N.Diakov R.Hähnle I.Schaefer J.Schäfer S.Brandauer E.Castegren K.I.Pun A.M.Yang
Talks about:
object (6) distribut (5) model (5) behavior (4) concurr (4) asynchron (3) parallel (3) system (3) case (3) increment (2)
Person: Einar Broch Johnsen
DBLP: Johnsen:Einar_Broch
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- SAS-2015-AlbertCJR #cost analysis #distributed #parallel
- Parallel Cost Analysis of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, EBJ, GRD), pp. 275–292.
- SFM-2015-BrandauerCCFJPT #parallel
- Parallel Objects for Multicores: A Glimpse at the Parallel Language Encore (SB, EC, DC, KFR, EBJ, KIP, SLTT, TW, AMY), pp. 1–56.
- SAC-2013-GouwBJW #case study #industrial #java #runtime #source code
- Run-time checking of data- and protocol-oriented properties of Java programs: an industrial case study (SdG, FSdB, EBJ, PYHW), pp. 1573–1578.
- IFM-2012-KazemeyniJOB #analysis #modelling #network #probability
- MULE-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: Probabilistic Modeling and Quantitative Analysis (FK, EBJ, OO, IB), pp. 143–157.
- FM-2011-AlbertGGJST #behaviour #bound #concurrent #simulation #worst-case
- Simulating Concurrent Behaviors with Worst-Case Cost Bounds (EA, SG, MGZ, EBJ, RS, SLTT), pp. 353–368.
- SFM-2011-ClarkeDHJSSSW #behaviour #modelling #variability
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability with the HATS Abstract Behavioral Modeling Language (DC, ND, RH, EBJ, IS, JS, RS, PYHW), pp. 417–457.
- FM-2009-JohnsenKY #composition #concurrent #distributed #evolution
- Dynamic Classes: Modular Asynchronous Evolution of Distributed Concurrent Objects (EBJ, MK, ICY), pp. 596–611.
- IFM-2009-DovlandJOS #incremental #inheritance #multi #reasoning
- Incremental Reasoning for Multiple Inheritance (JD, EBJ, OO, MS), pp. 215–230.
- IFM-J-2009-DovlandJOS11 #behaviour #incremental #inheritance #lazy evaluation #multi #reasoning #type system
- Incremental reasoning with lazy behavioral subtyping for multiple inheritance (JD, EBJ, OO, MS), pp. 915–941.
- TAP-2009-GriesmayerAJS #distributed #execution #symbolic computation #testing
- Dynamic Symbolic Execution for Testing Distributed Objects (AG, BKA, EBJ, RS), pp. 105–120.
- FM-2008-DovlandJOS #behaviour #lazy evaluation #type system
- Lazy Behavioral Subtyping (JD, EBJ, OO, MS), pp. 52–67.
- WRLA-2008-HolenJW09 #calculus #first-order #maude #proving
- Proof Search for the First-Order Connection Calculus in Maude (BH, EBJ, AW), pp. 173–188.
- ESOP-2007-BoerCJ
- A Complete Guide to the Future (FSdB, DC, EBJ), pp. 316–330.
- SEFM-2004-JohnsenO #communication #concurrent #distributed
- An Asynchronous Communication Model for Distributed Concurrent Objects (EBJ, OO), pp. 188–197.
- WRLA-2004-JohnsenOA05 #concurrent #runtime
- A Run-Time Environment for Concurrent Objects With Asynchronous Method Calls (EBJ, OO, EWA), pp. 375–392.
- IFM-2002-JohnsenZOA #development #distributed #visual notation
- Combining Graphical and Formal Development of Open Distributed Systems (EBJ, WZ, OO, DBA), pp. 319–338.
- FASE-2016-LinYJL #clustering #framework #modelling #named
- ABS-YARN: A Formal Framework for Modeling Hadoop YARN Clusters (JCL, ICY, EBJ, MCL), pp. 49–65.
- FASE-2017-DomenechGJS #agile #development #named #prototype #research #tool support #user interface
- EasyInterface: A Toolkit for Rapid Development of GUIs for Research Prototype Tools (JD, SG, EBJ, RS), pp. 379–383.
- FASE-2019-BezirgiannisBJP #case study #implementation #manycore #memory management
- Implementing SOS with Active Objects: A Case Study of a Multicore Memory System (NB, FSdB, EBJ, KIP, SLTT), pp. 332–350.
- ECOOP-2019-Fernandez-Reyes #named
- Godot: All the Benefits of Implicit and Explicit Futures (KFR, DC0, LH, EBJ, TW), p. 28.