Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Estonia
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Japan
1 × Korea
1 × Norway
1 × Russia
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Canada
2 × Denmark
2 × Portugal
3 × Ireland
3 × Italy
4 × United Kingdom
5 × France
5 × Spain
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Puebla M.Gómez-Zamalloa S.Genaim P.Arenas G.Román-Díez M.V.Hermenegildo G.Vidal J.M.Rojas J.P.Gallagher J.Correas J.C.Fernández S.Antoy A.Flores-Montoya D.Zanardini M.Isabel E.B.Johnsen P.J.Stuckey R.Bubel R.Hähnle P.Gordillo R.Gutiérrez A.N.Masud M.Hanus E.Martin-Martin P.Y.H.Wong L.Hubert P.Arenas-Sánchez P.López-García A.Rubio M.J.G.d.l.Banda I.Cabanas S.Gutierrez D.V.Ramírez-Deantes M.Alpuente M.Falaschi P.J.Iranzo M.G.d.l.Banda R.Schlatte S.L.T.Tarifa
Talks about:
analysi (19) test (12) partial (10) concurr (10) generat (9) clp (9) resourc (8) languag (8) object (8) evalu (8)
Person: Elvira Albert
DBLP: Albert:Elvira
Facilitated 6 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 55 papers:
- FM-2015-AlbertACGGMPR #analysis #concurrent #distributed #source code
- Resource Analysis: From Sequential to Concurrent and Distributed Programs (EA, PA, JC, SG, MGZ, EMM, GP, GRD), pp. 3–17.
- SAS-2015-AlbertCJR #cost analysis #distributed #parallel
- Parallel Cost Analysis of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, EBJ, GRD), pp. 275–292.
- SAS-2015-AlbertGG #analysis #interprocedural #source code
- May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis for Asynchronous Programs with Inter-Procedural Synchronization (EA, SG, PG), pp. 72–89.
- TACAS-2015-AlbertFR #analysis #cumulative
- Non-cumulative Resource Analysis (EA, JCF, GRD), pp. 85–100.
- SAS-2014-AlbertFR #cost analysis #distributed
- Peak Cost Analysis of Distributed Systems (EA, JCF, GRD), pp. 18–33.
- SFM-2014-AlbertAGR #concept #concurrent #execution #generative #symbolic computation #testing
- Test Case Generation by Symbolic Execution: Basic Concepts, a CLP-Based Instance, and Actor-Based Concurrency (EA, PA, MGZ, JMR), pp. 263–309.
- TACAS-2014-AlbertAFGGMPR #concurrent #named
- SACO: Static Analyzer for Concurrent Objects (EA, PA, AFM, SG, MGZ, EMM, GP, GRD), pp. 562–567.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-AlbertAGW #concurrent #generative #named #testing
- aPET: a test case generation tool for concurrent objects (EA, PA, MGZ, PYHW), pp. 595–598.
- ICLP-J-2013-AlbertBGRS #generative #testing
- A CLP heap solver for test case generation (EA, MJGdlB, MGZ, JMR, PJS), pp. 721–735.
- IFM-2013-AlbertCPR #abstraction #distributed #quantifier
- Quantified Abstractions of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, GP, GRD), pp. 285–300.
- LOPSTR-2013-AlbertGG #analysis #approach
- A Transformational Approach to Resource Analysis with Typed-Norms (EA, SG, RG), pp. 38–53.
- FASE-2012-AlbertBGHR #source code
- Verified Resource Guarantees for Heap Manipulating Programs (EA, RB, SG, RH, GRD), pp. 130–145.
- FSE-2012-AlbertFG #concurrent #named
- MayPar: a may-happen-in-parallel analyzer for concurrent objects (EA, AFM, SG), p. 14.
- ICLP-2012-AlbertAG #concurrent #testing #towards
- Towards Testing Concurrent Objects in CLP (EA, PA, MGZ), pp. 98–108.
- PADL-2012-AlbertAG #concurrent #execution #symbolic computation
- Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Objects in CLP (EA, PA, MGZ), pp. 123–137.
- PEPM-2012-AlbertAGGP #named #termination
- COSTABS: a cost and termination analyzer for ABS (EA, PA, SG, MGZ, GP), pp. 151–154.
- PEPM-2012-AlbertCPR #analysis #incremental #resource management
- Incremental resource usage analysis (EA, JC, GP, GRD), pp. 25–34.
- FM-2011-AlbertGGJST #behaviour #bound #concurrent #simulation #worst-case
- Simulating Concurrent Behaviors with Worst-Case Cost Bounds (EA, SG, MGZ, EBJ, RS, SLTT), pp. 353–368.
- LCTES-2011-AlbertAGZ #analysis #parallel
- Task-level analysis for a language with async/finish parallelism (EA, PA, SG, DZ), pp. 21–30.
- LOPSTR-2011-AlbertGR #generative #testing
- Resource-Driven CLP-Based Test Case Generation (EA, MGZ, JMR), pp. 25–41.
- PEPM-2011-AlbertBGHPR #using
- Verified resource guarantees using COSTA and KeY (EA, RB, SG, RH, GP, GRD), pp. 73–76.
- VMCAI-2011-AlbertGM #cost analysis #precise
- More Precise Yet Widely Applicable Cost Analysis (EA, SG, ANM), pp. 38–53.
- WCRE-2011-AlbertCFGG #automation #generative #java #named #testing
- jPET: An Automatic Test-Case Generator for Java (EA, IC, AFM, MGZ, SG), pp. 441–442.
- ICLP-J-2010-Gomez-ZamalloaAP #generative #imperative #object-oriented #testing
- Test case generation for object-oriented imperative languages in CLP (MGZ, EA, GP), pp. 659–674.
- ISMM-2010-AlbertGG #garbage collection #memory management #parametricity #requirements
- Parametric inference of memory requirements for garbage collected languages (EA, SG, MGZ), pp. 121–130.
- LOPSTR-2010-AlbertGRP #composition #generative #imperative #testing
- Compositional CLP-Based Test Data Generation for Imperative Languages (EA, MGZ, JMR, GP), pp. 99–116.
- PEPM-2010-AlbertGP #bytecode #generative #java #named #partial evaluation #testing
- PET: a partial evaluation-based test case generation tool for Java bytecode (EA, MGZ, GP), pp. 25–28.
- SAS-2010-AlbertAGPD #analysis #approach
- From Object Fields to Local Variables: A Practical Approach to Field-Sensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP, DVRD), pp. 100–116.
- FM-2009-AlbertAGP #analysis
- Field-Sensitive Value Analysis by Field-Insensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP), pp. 370–386.
- ISMM-2009-AlbertGG #analysis #garbage collection
- Live heap space analysis for languages with garbage collection (EA, SG, MGZ), pp. 129–138.
- LOPSTR-2008-AlbertGP #bytecode #generative #partial evaluation #testing
- Test Data Generation of Bytecode by CLP Partial Evaluation (EA, MGZ, GP), pp. 4–23.
- SAC-2008-AlbertAGPZ #bytecode #cost analysis #java
- Removing useless variables in cost analysis of Java bytecode (EA, PA, SG, GP, DZ), pp. 368–375.
- SAS-2008-AlbertAGP #automation #bound #cost analysis
- Automatic Inference of Upper Bounds for Recurrence Relations in Cost Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP), pp. 221–237.
- SCAM-2008-Gomez-ZamalloaAP #composition #decompiler #low level #partial evaluation
- Modular Decompilation of Low-Level Code by Partial Evaluation (MGZ, EA, GP), pp. 239–248.
- ESOP-2007-AlbertAGPZ #bytecode #cost analysis #java
- Cost Analysis of Java Bytecode (EA, PA, SG, GP, DZ), pp. 157–172.
- ISMM-2007-AlbertGG #analysis #bytecode #java
- Heap space analysis for java bytecode (EA, SG, MGZ), pp. 105–116.
- LOPSTR-2007-AlbertGGP #online #partial evaluation #type system
- Type-Based Homeomorphic Embedding and Its Applications to Online Partial Evaluation (EA, JPG, MGZ, GP), pp. 23–42.
- PADL-2007-AlbertGHP #analysis #bytecode #java #logic programming #source code #using #verification
- Verification of Java Bytecode Using Analysis and Transformation of Logic Programs (EA, MGZ, LH, GP), pp. 124–139.
- ICLP-2006-AlbertAPH
- Reduced Certificates for Abstraction-Carrying Code (EA, PAS, GP, MVH), pp. 163–178.
- SAS-2006-PueblaAH #abstract interpretation
- Abstract Interpretation with Specialized Definitions (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 107–126.
- ICLP-2005-PueblaAH #analysis #framework #logic programming #source code
- A Generic Framework for the Analysis and Specialization of Logic Programs (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 407–409.
- LOPSTR-2005-AlbertPG #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code
- Non-leftmost Unfolding in Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs with Impure Predicates (EA, GP, JPG), pp. 115–132.
- LOPSTR-2005-GallagherPA #abstract domain #type system
- Converting One Type-Based Abstract Domain to Another (JPG, GP, EA), pp. 147–162.
- PPDP-2005-HermenegildoALP #abstraction
- Abstraction carrying code and resource-awareness (MVH, EA, PLG, GP), pp. 1–11.
- ICLP-2004-AlbertPH #abstract interpretation #certification #mobile
- Abstract Interpretation-Based Mobile Code Certification (EA, GP, MVH), pp. 446–447.
- LOPSTR-2004-PueblaAH #performance #prolog
- Efficient Local Unfolding with Ancestor Stacks for Full Prolog (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 149–165.
- FLOPS-2001-AlbertHV #declarative #multi
- A Practical Partial Evaluator for a Multi-Paradigm Declarative Language (EA, MH, GV), pp. 326–342.
- LOPSTR-2001-AlbertV #declarative #multi #profiling
- Symbolic Profiling for Multi-paradigm Declarative Languages (EA, GV), pp. 148–167.
- LOPSTR-2000-AlbertAV #effectiveness #partial evaluation
- Measuring the Effectiveness of Partial Evaluation (EA, SA, GV).
- LOPSTR-J-2000-AlbertAV #effectiveness #functional #logic #partial evaluation
- Measuring the Effectiveness of Partial Evaluation in Functional Logic Languages (EA, SA, GV), pp. 103–124.
- SAS-1998-AlbertAFJV #functional #logic programming
- Improving Control in Functional Logic Program Specialization (EA, MA, MF, PJI, GV), pp. 262–277.
- CC-2016-AlbertGI #concurrent #named #testing
- SYCO: a systematic testing tool for concurrent objects (EA, MGZ, MI), pp. 269–270.
- CAV-2017-AlbertABGS #partial order #reduction
- Context-Sensitive Dynamic Partial Order Reduction (EA, PA, MGdlB, MGZ, PJS), pp. 526–543.
- CAV-2018-AlbertGIR #partial order #reduction
- Constrained Dynamic Partial Order Reduction (EA, MGZ, MI, AR), pp. 392–410.
- PPDP-2016-AlbertAG #concurrent #imperative #testing #using
- Testing of concurrent and imperative software using CLP (EA, PA, MGZ), pp. 1–8.