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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Singapore
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
11 × USA
2 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
M.N.Price B.N.Schilit C.C.Marshall P.Qvarfordt J.Pickens M.H.Chignell T.Dunnigan S.Carter E.Agapie A.Diriye M.Efron J.T.Biehl M.Back M.Cooper M.R.Morris S.Tretter S.M.Branham L.Denoue J.Adcock F.M.S.III J.S.Boreczky A.Girgensohn S.Uchihashi N.Charoenkitkarn J.Tam T.Turner B.v.Melle C.Shah
Talks about:
queri (7) hypertext (5) search (5) retriev (4) inform (4) read (4) link (4) collabor (3) design (3) digit (3)

Person: Gene Golovchinsky

DBLP DBLP: Golovchinsky:Gene

Contributed to:

SIGIR 20142014
CHI 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
ECIR 20122012
SIGIR 20112011
CHI 20102010
CIKM 20102010
CHI 20092009
Hypertext 20092009
CIKM 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
Hypertext 20042004
ECDL 20032003
HT 20022002
CHI 20002000
HT 20002000
SIGIR 19991999
CHI 19981998
HT 19981998
CHI 19971997
HT 19971997
HT 19931993
INTERCHI 19931993
DL 19981998
DL 19991999
JCDL 20012001
JCDL 20082008

Wrote 28 papers:

SIGIR-2014-QvarfordtTGD #named
SearchPanel: framing complex search needs (PQ, ST, GG, TD), pp. 495–504.
CHI-2013-AgapieGQ #people #query
Leading people to longer queries (EA, GG, PQ), pp. 3019–3022.
SIGIR-2013-QvarfordtGDA #query
Looking ahead: query preview in exploratory search (PQ, GG, TD, EA), pp. 243–252.
ECIR-2012-DiriyeG #collaboration #named
Querium: A Session-Based Collaborative Search System (AD, GG), pp. 583–584.
SIGIR-2011-EfronG #estimation #ranking
Estimation methods for ranking recent information (ME, GG), pp. 495–504.
CHI-2010-BranhamGCB #reuse
Let’s go from the whiteboard: supporting transitions in work through whiteboard capture and reuse (SMB, GG, SC, JTB), pp. 75–84.
CHI-2010-TurnerQBGB #communication
Exploring the workplace communication ecology (TT, PQ, JTB, GG, MB), pp. 841–850.
CIKM-2010-PickensCG #feedback
Reverted indexing for feedback and expansion (JP, MC, GG), pp. 1049–1058.
CHI-2009-GolovchinskyQMCD #design #named #usability
DICE: designing conference rooms for usability (GG, PQ, BvM, SC, TD), pp. 1015–1024.
HT-2009-DenoueACG #named #performance #web
WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications (LD, JA, SC, GG), pp. 365–366.
CIKM-2008-PickensG #ad hoc #modelling #retrieval
Ranked feature fusion models for ad hoc retrieval (JP, GG), pp. 893–900.
SIGIR-2008-PickensGSQB #algorithm #collaboration
Algorithmic mediation for collaborative exploratory search (JP, GG, CS, PQ, MB), pp. 315–322.
HT-2004-MarshallG #hypermedia #requirements
Saving private hypertext: requirements and pragmatic dimensions for preservation (CCM, GG), pp. 130–138.
ECDL-2003-ShipmanPMG #documentation #identification
Identifying Useful Passages in Documents Based on Annotation Patterns (FMSI, MNP, CCM, GG), pp. 101–112.
HT-2002-Golovchinsky #hypermedia
Going back in Hypertext (GG), pp. 82–83.
CHI-2000-BoreczkyGGU #interactive #video
An interactive comic book presentation for exploring video (JSB, AG, GG, SU), pp. 185–192.
HT-2000-GolovchinskyM #hypermedia #interactive #revisited
Hypertext interaction revisited (GG, CCM), pp. 171–179.
SIGIR-1999-GolovchinskyPS #query #retrieval
From Reading to Retrieval: Freeform Ink Annotations as Queries (GG, MNP, BNS), pp. 19–25.
Beyond Paper: Supporting Active Reading with Free Form Digital Ink Annotations (BNS, GG, MNP), pp. 249–256.
HT-1998-PriceGS #hypermedia
Linking by Inking: Trailblazing in a Paper-Like Hypertext (MNP, GG, BNS), pp. 30–39.
CHI-1997-Golovchinsky #difference #query #question
Queries? Links? Is there a Difference? (GG), pp. 407–414.
HT-1997-Golovchinsky #hypermedia #information retrieval #integration #query #what
What the Query Told the Link: The Integration of Hypertext and Information Retrieval (GG), pp. 67–74.
HT-1993-CharoenkitkarnTCG #design #query
Browsing Through Querying: Designing for Electronic Books (NC, JT, MHC, GG), pp. 206–216.
INTERCHI-1993-GolovchinskyC #named #navigation #visual notation
Queries-R-Links: graphical markup for test navigation (GG, MHC), pp. 454–460.
DL-1998-SchilitPG #library
Digital Library Information Appliances (BNS, MNP, GG), pp. 217–226.
DL-1999-MarshallPGS #library
Introducing a Digital Library Reading Appliance into a Reading Group (CCM, MNP, GG, BNS), pp. 77–84.
JCDL-2001-MarshallPGS #design #research
Designing e-books for legal research (CCM, MNP, GG, BNS), pp. 41–48.
JCDL-2008-PickensGM #collaboration #information retrieval
Collaborative information retrieval (JP, GG, MRM), p. 440.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.